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  • Erratum: Narcolepsy is strongly associated with the T-cell receptor alpha locus.

    Published in:
    • Hallmayer, Joachim;
    • Faraco, Juliette;
    • Lin, Ling;
    • Hesselson, Stephanie;
    • Winkelmann, Juliane;
    • Kawashima, Minae;
    • Mayer, Geert;
    • Plazzi, Giuseppe;
    • Nevsimalova, Sona;
    • Bourgin, Patrice;
    • Hong, Sheng Seung-Chul;
    • Honda, Yutaka;
    • Honda, Makoto;
    • Högl, Birgit;
    • Longstreth, William T;
    • Montplaisir, Jacques;
    • Kemlink, David;
    • Einen, Mali;
    • Chen, Justin;
    • Musone, Stacy L
    Publication type:
    Correction notice
  • Narcolepsy is strongly associated with the T-cell receptor alpha locus.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2009, v. 41, n. 6, p. 708, doi. 10.1038/ng.372
    • Hallmayer, Joachim;
    • Faraco, Juliette;
    • Ling Lin;
    • Hesselson, Stephanie;
    • Winkelmann, Juliane;
    • Kawashima, Minae;
    • Mayer, Geert;
    • Plazzi, Giuseppe;
    • Nevsimalova, Sona;
    • Bourgin, Patrice;
    • Sheng Seung-Chul Hong;
    • Honda, Yutaka;
    • Honda, Makoto;
    • Högl, Birgit;
    • Longstreth, William T.;
    • Montplaisir, Jacques;
    • Kemlink, David;
    • Einen, Mali;
    • Chen, Justin;
    • Musone, Stacy L.
    Publication type: