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  • High-resolution aerosol data from the top 3.8 kyr of the East Greenland Ice coring Project (EGRIP) ice core.

    Published in:
    Earth System Science Data, 2023, v. 15, n. 11, p. 5079, doi. 10.5194/essd-15-5079-2023
    • Erhardt, Tobias;
    • Jensen, Camilla Marie;
    • Adolphi, Florian;
    • Kjær, Helle Astrid;
    • Dallmayr, Remi;
    • Twarloh, Birthe;
    • Behrens, Melanie;
    • Hirabayashi, Motohiro;
    • Fukuda, Kaori;
    • Ogata, Jun;
    • Burgay, François;
    • Scoto, Federico;
    • Crotti, Ilaria;
    • Spagnesi, Azzurra;
    • Maffezzoli, Niccoló;
    • Segato, Delia;
    • Paleari, Chiara;
    • Mekhaldi, Florian;
    • Muscheler, Raimund;
    • Darfeuil, Sophie
    Publication type:
  • 200-year ice core bromine reconstruction at Dome C (Antarctica): observational and modelling results.

    Published in:
    Cryosphere, 2023, v. 17, n. 1, p. 391, doi. 10.5194/tc-17-391-2023
    • Burgay, François;
    • Fernández, Rafael Pedro;
    • Segato, Delia;
    • Turetta, Clara;
    • Blaszczak-Boxe, Christopher S.;
    • Rhodes, Rachael H.;
    • Scarchilli, Claudio;
    • Ciardini, Virginia;
    • Barbante, Carlo;
    • Saiz-Lopez, Alfonso;
    • Spolaor, Andrea
    Publication type:
  • An annually resolved chronology for the Mount Brown South ice cores, East Antarctica.

    Published in:
    Climate of the Past Discussions, 2023, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/cp-2023-52
    • Vance, Tessa R.;
    • Abram, Nerilie J.;
    • Criscitiello, Alison S.;
    • Crockart, Camilla K.;
    • DeCampo, Aylin;
    • Favier, Vincent;
    • Gkinis, Vasileios;
    • Harlan, Margaret;
    • Jackson, Sarah L.;
    • Kjær, Helle A.;
    • Long, Chelsea A.;
    • Nation, Meredith;
    • Plummer, Chris T.;
    • Segato, Delia;
    • Spolaor, Andrea;
    • Vallelonga, Paul T.
    Publication type:
  • 5 kyr of fire history in the High North Atlantic Region: natural variability and ancient human forcing.

    Published in:
    • Segato, Delia;
    • Hidalgo, Maria Del Carmen Villoslada;
    • Edwards, Ross;
    • Barbaro, Elena;
    • Vallelonga, Paul;
    • Kjær, Helle Astrid;
    • Simonsen, Marius;
    • Vinther, Bo;
    • Maffezzoli, Niccolò;
    • Zangrando, Roberta;
    • Turetta, Clara;
    • Battistel, Dario;
    • Vésteinsson, Orri;
    • Barbante, Carlo;
    • Spolaor, Andrea
    Publication type:
  • 200-years ice core bromine reconstruction at Dome C (Antarctica): observational and modelling results.

    Published in:
    Cryosphere Discussions, 2022, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/tc-2022-139
    • Burgay, François;
    • Fernandez, Rafael P.;
    • Segato, Delia;
    • Turetta, Clara;
    • Blaszczak-Boxe, Christopher S.;
    • Rhodes, Rachael. H.;
    • Scarchilli, Claudio;
    • Ciardini, Virginia;
    • Barbante, Carlo;
    • Saiz-Lopez, Alfonso;
    • Spolaor, Andrea
    Publication type:
  • Arctic mercury flux increased through the Last Glacial Termination with a warming climate.

    Published in:
    Nature Geoscience, 2023, v. 16, n. 5, p. 439, doi. 10.1038/s41561-023-01172-9
    • Segato, Delia;
    • Saiz-Lopez, Alfonso;
    • Mahajan, Anoop Sharad;
    • Wang, Feiyue;
    • Corella, Juan Pablo;
    • Cuevas, Carlos Alberto;
    • Erhardt, Tobias;
    • Jensen, Camilla Marie;
    • Zeppenfeld, Chantal;
    • Kjær, Helle Astrid;
    • Turetta, Clara;
    • Cairns, Warren Raymond Lee;
    • Barbante, Carlo;
    • Spolaor, Andrea
    Publication type:
  • High resolution aerosol data from the top 3.8 ka of the EGRIP ice core.

    Published in:
    Earth System Science Data Discussions, 2023, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/essd-2023-176
    • Erhardt, Tobias;
    • Jensen, Camilla M.;
    • Adolphi, Florian;
    • Kjær, Helle Astrid;
    • Dallmayr, Remi;
    • Twarloh, Birthe;
    • Behrens, Melanie;
    • Motohiro Hirabayashi;
    • Kaori Fukuda;
    • Jun Ogata;
    • Burgay, François;
    • Scoto, Federico;
    • Crotti, Ilaria;
    • Spagnesi, Azzurra;
    • Maffezzoli, Niccoló;
    • Segato, Delia;
    • Paleari, Chiara;
    • Mekhaldi, Florian;
    • Muscheler, Raimund;
    • Darfeuil, Sophie
    Publication type:
  • An annually resolved chronology for the Mount Brown South ice cores, East Antarctica.

    Published in:
    Climate of the Past, 2024, v. 20, n. 4, p. 969, doi. 10.5194/cp-20-969-2024
    • Vance, Tessa R.;
    • Abram, Nerilie J.;
    • Criscitiello, Alison S.;
    • Crockart, Camilla K.;
    • DeCampo, Aylin;
    • Favier, Vincent;
    • Gkinis, Vasileios;
    • Harlan, Margaret;
    • Jackson, Sarah L.;
    • Kjær, Helle A.;
    • Long, Chelsea A.;
    • Nation, Meredith K.;
    • Plummer, Christopher T.;
    • Segato, Delia;
    • Spolaor, Andrea;
    • Vallelonga, Paul T.
    Publication type:
  • Five thousand years of fire history in the high North Atlantic region: natural variability and ancient human forcing.

    Published in:
    Climate of the Past, 2021, v. 17, n. 4, p. 1533, doi. 10.5194/cp-17-1533-2021
    • Segato, Delia;
    • Villoslada Hidalgo, Maria Del Carmen;
    • Edwards, Ross;
    • Barbaro, Elena;
    • Vallelonga, Paul;
    • Kjær, Helle Astrid;
    • Simonsen, Marius;
    • Vinther, Bo;
    • Maffezzoli, Niccolò;
    • Zangrando, Roberta;
    • Turetta, Clara;
    • Battistel, Dario;
    • Vésteinsson, Orri;
    • Barbante, Carlo;
    • Spolaor, Andrea
    Publication type: