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  • Lensless imaging of magnetic nanostructures by X-ray spectro-holography.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2004, v. 432, n. 7019, p. 885, doi. 10.1038/nature03139
    • Eisebitt, S.;
    • Lüning, J.;
    • Schlotter, W. F.;
    • Lörgen, M.;
    • Hellwig, O.;
    • Eberhardt, W.;
    • Stöhr, J.
    Publication type:
  • Publisher Correction: Beyond a phenomenological description of magnetostriction.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2018, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-018-03389-4
    • Reid, A. H.;
    • Shen, X.;
    • Maldonado, P.;
    • Chase, T.;
    • Jal, E.;
    • Granitzka, P. W.;
    • Carva, K.;
    • Li, R. K.;
    • Li, J.;
    • Wu, L.;
    • Vecchione, T.;
    • Liu, T.;
    • Chen, Z.;
    • Higley, D. J.;
    • Hartmann, N.;
    • Coffee, R.;
    • Wu, J.;
    • Dakowski, G. L.;
    • Schlotter, W. F.;
    • Ohldag, H.
    Publication type:
  • Beyond a phenomenological description of magnetostriction.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2018, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-017-02730-7
    • Reid, A. H.;
    • Shen, X.;
    • Maldonado, P.;
    • Chase, T.;
    • Jal, E.;
    • Granitzka, P. W.;
    • Carva, K.;
    • Li, R. K.;
    • Li, J.;
    • Wu, L.;
    • Vecchione, T.;
    • Liu, T.;
    • Chen, Z.;
    • Higley, D. J.;
    • Hartmann, N.;
    • Coffee, R.;
    • Wu, J.;
    • Dakovski, G. L.;
    • Schlotter, W. F.;
    • Ohldag, H.
    Publication type:
  • Magnetostrictive Phenomena in Magnetorheological Elastomers.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Modern Physics B: Condensed Matter Physics; Statistical Physics; Applied Physics, 2002, v. 16, n. 17/18, p. 2412, doi. 10.1142/S021797920201244X
    • Ginder, J. M.;
    • Clark, S. M.;
    • Schlotter, W. F.;
    • Nichols, M. E.
    Publication type:
  • The Dynamics of Magnetorheological Elastomers Studied by Synchrotron Radiation Speckle Analysis.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Modern Physics B: Condensed Matter Physics; Statistical Physics; Applied Physics, 2002, v. 16, n. 17/18, p. 2426, doi. 10.1142/S0217979202012463
    • Schlotter, W. F.;
    • Cionca, C.;
    • Paruchuri, S. S.;
    • Cunningham, J. B.;
    • Dufresne, E.;
    • Dierker, S. B.;
    • Arms, D.;
    • Clarke, R.;
    • Ginder, J. M.;
    • Nichols, M. E.
    Publication type:
  • Spin-current-mediated rapid magnon localisation and coalescence after ultrafast optical pumping of ferrimagnetic alloys.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2019, v. 10, n. 1, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1038/s41467-019-09577-0
    • Iacocca, E.;
    • Liu, T.-M.;
    • Reid, A. H.;
    • Fu, Z.;
    • Ruta, S.;
    • Granitzka, P. W.;
    • Jal, E.;
    • Bonetti, S.;
    • Gray, A. X.;
    • Graves, C. E.;
    • Kukreja, R.;
    • Chen, Z.;
    • Higley, D. J.;
    • Chase, T.;
    • Le Guyader, L.;
    • Hirsch, K.;
    • Ohldag, H.;
    • Schlotter, W. F.;
    • Dakovski, G. L.;
    • Coslovich, G.
    Publication type:
  • Orbital-specific mapping of the ligand exchange dynamics of Fe(CO)<sub>5</sub> in solution.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2015, v. 520, n. 7545, p. 78, doi. 10.1038/nature14296
    • Wernet, Ph.;
    • Kunnus, K.;
    • Josefsson, I.;
    • Rajkovic, I.;
    • Quevedo, W.;
    • Beye, M.;
    • Schreck, S.;
    • Grübel, S.;
    • Scholz, M.;
    • Nordlund, D.;
    • Zhang, W.;
    • Hartsock, R. W.;
    • Schlotter, W. F.;
    • Turner, J. J.;
    • Kennedy, B.;
    • Hennies, F.;
    • de Groot, F. M. F.;
    • Gaffney, K. J.;
    • Techert, S.;
    • Odelius, M.
    Publication type:
  • Spatially resolved ultrafast magnetic dynamics initiated at a complex oxide heterointerface.

    Published in:
    Nature Materials, 2015, v. 14, n. 9, p. 883, doi. 10.1038/nmat4341
    • Först, M.;
    • Caviglia, A. D.;
    • Scherwitzl, R.;
    • Mankowsky, R.;
    • Zubko, P.;
    • Khanna, V.;
    • Bromberger, H.;
    • Wilkins, S. B.;
    • Chuang, Y.-D.;
    • Lee, W. S.;
    • Schlotter, W. F.;
    • Turner, J. J.;
    • Dakovski, G. L.;
    • Minitti, M. P.;
    • Robinson, J.;
    • Clark, S. R.;
    • Jaksch, D.;
    • Triscone, J.-M.;
    • Hill, J. P.;
    • Dhesi, S. S.
    Publication type:
  • Speed limit of the insulator-metal transition in magnetite.

    Published in:
    Nature Materials, 2013, v. 12, n. 10, p. 882, doi. 10.1038/nmat3718
    • de Jong, S.;
    • Kukreja, R.;
    • Trabant, C.;
    • Pontius, N.;
    • Chang, C. F.;
    • Kachel, T.;
    • Beye, M.;
    • Sorgenfrei, F.;
    • Back, C. H.;
    • Bräuer, B.;
    • Schlotter, W. F.;
    • Turner, J. J.;
    • Krupin, O.;
    • Doehler, M.;
    • Zhu, D.;
    • Hossain, M. A.;
    • Scherz, A. O.;
    • Fausti, D.;
    • Novelli, F.;
    • Esposito, M.
    Publication type: