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  • Eradication of spontaneous malignancy by local immunotherapy.

    Published in:
    Science Translational Medicine, 2018, v. 10, n. 426, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/scitranslmed.aan4488
    • Sagiv-Barfi, Idit;
    • Czerwinski, Debra K.;
    • Levy, Shoshana;
    • Alam, Israt S.;
    • Mayer, Aaron T.;
    • Gambhir, Sanjiv S.;
    • Levy, Ronald
    Publication type:
  • Targeting CD137 enhances the efficacy of cetuximab.

    Published in:
    • Kohrt, Holbrook E;
    • Colevas, A Dimitrios;
    • Houot, Roch;
    • Weiskopf, Kipp;
    • Goldstein, Matthew J;
    • Lund, Peder;
    • Mueller, Antonia;
    • Sagiv-Barfi, Idit;
    • Marabelle, Aurelien;
    • Lira, Ruth;
    • Troutner, Emily;
    • Richards, Lori;
    • Rajapaska, Amanda;
    • Hebb, Jonathan;
    • Chester, Cariad;
    • Waller, Erin;
    • Ostashko, Anton;
    • Weng, Wen-Kai;
    • Chen, Lieping;
    • Czerwinski, Debra
    Publication type:
    corrected article
  • Imaging activated T cells predicts response to cancer vaccines.

    Published in:
    • Alam, Israt S.;
    • Mayer, Aaron T.;
    • Sagiv-Barfi, Idit;
    • Wang, Kezheng;
    • Vermesh, Ophir;
    • Czerwinski, Debra K.;
    • Johnson, Emily M.;
    • James, Michelle L.;
    • Levy, Ronald;
    • Gambhir, Sanjiv S.;
    • S Alam, Israt;
    • T Mayer, Aaron;
    • K Czerwinski, Debra;
    • M Johnson, Emily;
    • L James, Michelle;
    • S Gambhir, Sanjiv
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Targeting CD137 enhances the efficacy of cetuximab.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2014, v. 124, n. 6, p. 2668, doi. 10.1172/JCI73014
    • Kohrt, Holbrook E.;
    • Colevas, A. Dimitrios;
    • Houot, Roch;
    • Weiskopf, Kipp;
    • Goldstein, Matthew J.;
    • Lund, Peder;
    • Mueller, Antonia;
    • Sagiv-Barfi, Idit;
    • Marabelle, Aurelien;
    • Lira, Ruth;
    • Troutner, Emily;
    • Richards, Lori;
    • Rajapaska, Amanda;
    • Hebb, Jonathan;
    • Chester, Cariad;
    • Waller, Erin;
    • Ostashko, Anton;
    • Wen-Kai Weng;
    • Lieping Chen;
    • Czerwinski, Debra
    Publication type:
  • Depleting tumor-specific Tregs at a single site eradicates disseminated tumors.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2447, doi. 10.1172/JCI64859
    • Marabelle, Aurélien;
    • Kohrt, Holbrook;
    • Sagiv-Barfi, Idit;
    • Ajami, Bahareh;
    • Axtell, Robert C.;
    • Gang Zhou;
    • Rajapaksa, Ranjani;
    • Green, Michael R.;
    • Torchia, James;
    • Brody, Joshua;
    • Luong, Richard;
    • Rosenblum, Michael D.;
    • Steinman, Lawrence;
    • Levitsky, Hyam I.;
    • Tse, Victor;
    • Levy, Ronald
    Publication type:
  • Depleting tumor-specific Tregs at a single site eradicates disseminated tumors.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 6, p. 2447, doi. 10.1172/JCI64859
    • Holbrook Kohrt, Aurélien;
    • Sagiv-Barfi, Idit;
    • Kohrt, Holbrook;
    • Ajami, Bahareh;
    • Axtell, Robert C.;
    • Gang Zhou;
    • Rajapaksa, Ranjani;
    • Green, Michael R.;
    • Torchia, James;
    • Brody, Joshua;
    • Luong, Richard;
    • Rosenblum, Michael D.;
    • Steinman, Lawrence;
    • Levitsky, Hyam I.;
    • Tse, Victor;
    • Levy, Ronald
    Publication type:
  • Intratumoral immunotherapy relies on B and T cell collaboration.

    Published in:
    Science Immunology, 2022, v. 7, n. 71, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/sciimmunol.abn5859
    • Sagiv-Barfi, Idit;
    • Czerwinski, Debra K.;
    • Shree, Tanaya;
    • Lohmeyer, Julian J. K.;
    • Levy, Ronald
    Publication type:
  • S101, an Inhibitor of Proliferating T Cells, Rescues Mice From Superantigen-Induced Shock.

    Published in:
    • Shir, Alexei;
    • Klein, Shoshana;
    • Sagiv-Barfi, Idit;
    • Geiger, Tamar;
    • Zigler, Maya;
    • Langut, Yael;
    • Edinger, Nufar;
    • Levitzki, Alexander
    Publication type:
    journal article