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  • Metallomic Signatures of Lung Cancer and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, v. 24, n. 18, p. 14250, doi. 10.3390/ijms241814250
    • Callejón-Leblic, Belén;
    • Sánchez Espirilla, Saida;
    • Gotera-Rivera, Carolina;
    • Santana, Rafael;
    • Díaz-Olivares, Isabel;
    • Marín, José M.;
    • Macario, Ciro Casanova;
    • Cosio, Borja García;
    • Fuster, Antonia;
    • García, Ingrid Solanes;
    • de-Torres, Juan P.;
    • Feu Collado, Nuria;
    • Cabrera Lopez, Carlos;
    • Amado Diago, Carlos;
    • Romero Plaza, Amparo;
    • Fraysse, Luis Alejandro Padrón;
    • Márquez Martín, Eduardo;
    • Marín Royo, Margarita;
    • Balcells Vilarnau, Eva;
    • Llunell Casanovas, Antonia
    Publication type: