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  • Use of an agent to reduce scattering in skin.

    Published in:
    • Vargas, Gracie;
    • Chan, Eric K.;
    • Barton, Jennifer K.;
    • Rylander, H. Grady;
    • Welch, Ashley J.;
    • Vargas, G;
    • Chan, E K;
    • Barton, J K;
    • Rylander, H G 3rd;
    • Welch, A J
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Automated lesion placement in the rabbit eye.

    Published in:
    • Barrett, Steven F.;
    • Jerath, Maya R.;
    • Rylander, H. Grady;
    • Welch, Ashley J.;
    • Barrett, S F;
    • Jerath, M R;
    • Rylander, H G 3rd;
    • Welch, A J
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Rate process parameters of albumen.

    Published in:
    • Yang, Y.;
    • Welch, A. J.;
    • Rylander, H. G.;
    • Rylander, H G 3rd
    Publication type:
    journal article