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  • Glucose and total protein: unacceptable interference on Jaffe creatinine assays in patients.

    Published in:
    Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine, 2018, v. 56, n. 8, p. e185, doi. 10.1515/cclm-2017-1170
    • den Elzen, Wendy P. J.;
    • Cobbaert, Christa M.;
    • Klein Gunnewiek, Jacqueline M. T.;
    • Bakkeren, Dirk L.;
    • van Berkel, Miranda;
    • Frasa, Marieke A. M.;
    • Herpers, Robert L. J. M.;
    • Kuypers, Aldy W. H. M.;
    • Ramakers, Christian;
    • Roelofsen-de Beer, Roseri J. A. C.;
    • van der Vuurst, Hans;
    • Weykamp, Cas
    Publication type:
  • A multicenter comparison of whole blood vitamin B6 assays.

    Published in:
    Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine, 2016, v. 54, n. 4, p. 609, doi. 10.1515/cclm-2015-0385
    • van Zelst, Bertrand D.;
    • Roelofsen de Beer, Roseri J. A. C.;
    • Neele, Marjolein;
    • Kos, Snježana;
    • Kema, Ido P.;
    • Tegelaers, Frans P. W.;
    • Cobbaert, Christa M.;
    • Weykamp, Cas W.;
    • de Jonge, Robert
    Publication type: