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  • MetaBase—the wiki-database of biological databases.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2012, p. D1250, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkr1099
    • Bolser, Dan M.;
    • Chibon, Pierre-Yves;
    • Palopoli, Nicolas;
    • Gong, Sungsam;
    • Jacob, Daniel;
    • Angel, Victoria Dominguez Del;
    • Swan, Dan;
    • Bassi, Sebastian;
    • González, Virginia;
    • Suravajhala, Prashanth;
    • Hwang, Seungwoo;
    • Romano, Paolo;
    • Edwards, Rob;
    • Bishop, Bryan;
    • Eargle, John;
    • Shtatland, Timur;
    • Provart, Nicholas J.;
    • Clements, Dave;
    • Renfro, Daniel P.;
    • Bhak, Daeui
    Publication type:
  • GONUTS: the Gene Ontology Normal Usage Tracking System.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2012, p. D1262, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkr907
    • Renfro, Daniel P.;
    • McIntosh, Brenley K.;
    • Venkatraman, Anand;
    • Siegele, Deborah A.;
    • Hu, James C.
    Publication type:
  • EcoliWiki: a wiki-based community resource for Escherichia coli.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2012, p. D1270, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkr880
    • McIntosh, Brenley K.;
    • Renfro, Daniel P.;
    • Knapp, Gwendowlyn S.;
    • Lairikyengbam, Chanchala R.;
    • Liles, Nathan M.;
    • Niu, Lili;
    • Supak, Amanda M.;
    • Venkatraman, Anand;
    • Zweifel, Adrienne E.;
    • Siegele, Deborah A.;
    • Hu, James C.
    Publication type: