Found: 31

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  • High-resolution X-ray emission spectroscopy with transition-edge sensors: present performance and future potential.

    Published in:
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2015, v. 22, n. 3, p. 766, doi. 10.1107/S1600577515004312
    • Uhlig, J.;
    • Doriese, W. B.;
    • Fowler, J. W.;
    • Swetz, D. S.;
    • Jaye, C.;
    • Fischer, D. A.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Bennett, D. A.;
    • Vale, L. R.;
    • Mandal, U.;
    • O'Neil, G. C.;
    • Miaja-Avila, L.;
    • Joe, Y. I.;
    • El Nahhas, A.;
    • Fullagar, W.;
    • Parnefjord Gustafsson, F.;
    • Sundström, V.;
    • Kurunthu, D.;
    • Hilton, G. C.;
    • Schmidt, D. R.
    Publication type:
  • Transition-Edge Sensors for Particle Induced X-ray Emission Measurements.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2014, v. 176, n. 3/4, p. 285, doi. 10.1007/s10909-013-1004-5
    • Palosaari, M.;
    • Kinnunen, K.;
    • Julin, J.;
    • Laitinen, M.;
    • Napari, M.;
    • Sajavaara, T.;
    • Doriese, W.;
    • Fowler, J.;
    • Reintsema, C.;
    • Swetz, D.;
    • Schmidt, D.;
    • Ullom, J.;
    • Maasilta, I.
    Publication type:
  • Advanced Code-Division Multiplexers for Superconducting Detector Arrays.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2012, v. 167, n. 5/6, p. 588, doi. 10.1007/s10909-012-0586-7
    • Irwin, K.;
    • Cho, H.;
    • Doriese, W.;
    • Fowler, J.;
    • Hilton, G.;
    • Niemack, M.;
    • Reintsema, C.;
    • Schmidt, D.;
    • Ullom, J.;
    • Vale, L.
    Publication type:
  • Optimization of the TES-Bias Circuit for a Multiplexed Microcalorimeter Array.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2012, v. 167, n. 5/6, p. 595, doi. 10.1007/s10909-012-0509-7
    • Doriese, W.;
    • Alpert, B.;
    • Fowler, J.;
    • Hilton, G.;
    • Hojem, A.;
    • Irwin, K.;
    • Reintsema, C.;
    • Schmidt, D.;
    • Stiehl, G.;
    • Swetz, D.;
    • Ullom, J.;
    • Vale, L.
    Publication type:
  • The EBIT Calorimeter Spectrometer: A New, Permanent User Facility at the LLNL EBIT.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2008, v. 151, n. 3/4, p. 1061, doi. 10.1007/s10909-008-9788-4
    • F. Porter;
    • P. Beiersdorfer;
    • G. Brown;
    • W. Doriese;
    • J. Gygax;
    • R. Kelley;
    • C. Kilbourne;
    • J. King;
    • K. Irwin;
    • C. Reintsema;
    • J. Ullom
    Publication type:
  • A TDMA Hybrid SQUID Multiplexer.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2008, v. 151, n. 3/4, p. 927, doi. 10.1007/s10909-008-9769-7
    • C. Reintsema;
    • J. Beall;
    • W. Doriese;
    • W. Duncan;
    • L. Ferreira;
    • G. Hilton;
    • K. Irwin;
    • D. Schmidt;
    • J. Ullom;
    • L. Vale;
    • Y. Xu
    Publication type:
  • Toward a 256-Pixel Array of Gamma-Ray Microcalorimeters for Nuclear-Materials Analysis.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2008, v. 151, n. 3/4, p. 754, doi. 10.1007/s10909-008-9750-5
    • W. Doriese;
    • J. Ullom;
    • J. Beall;
    • W. Duncan;
    • L. Ferreira;
    • G. Hilton;
    • R. Horansky;
    • K. Irwin;
    • J. Mates;
    • C. Reintsema;
    • D. Schmidt;
    • L. Vale;
    • Y. Xu;
    • B. Zink;
    • M. Bacrania;
    • A. Hoover;
    • C. Rudy;
    • M. Rabin;
    • C. Kilbourne;
    • K. Boyce
    Publication type:
  • System Performance of a TDM Test-Bed with Long Flex Harness Toward the New X-IFU FPA-DM.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2024, v. 215, n. 3/4, p. 225, doi. 10.1007/s10909-024-03088-z
    • Vaccaro, D.;
    • de Wit, M.;
    • van der Kuur, J.;
    • Gottardi, L.;
    • Ravensberg, K.;
    • Taralli, E.;
    • Adams, J.;
    • Bandler, S. R.;
    • Chervenak, J. A.;
    • Doriese, W. B.;
    • Durkin, M.;
    • Reintsema, C.;
    • Sakai, K.;
    • Smith, S. J.;
    • Wakeham, N. A.;
    • Jackson, B.;
    • Khosropanah, P.;
    • Gao, J.-R.;
    • den Herder, J. W. A.;
    • Roelfsema, P.
    Publication type:
  • Micro-X Sounding Rocket Payload Re-flight Progress.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2022, v. 209, n. 5/6, p. 832, doi. 10.1007/s10909-022-02771-3
    • Adams, J. S.;
    • Bandler, S. R.;
    • Bastidon, N.;
    • Eckart, M. E.;
    • Figueroa-Feliciano, E.;
    • Fuhrman, J.;
    • Goldfinger, D. C.;
    • Hubbard, A. J. F.;
    • Jardin, D.;
    • Kelley, R. L.;
    • Kilbourne, C. A.;
    • Manzagol-Harwood, R. E.;
    • McCammon, D.;
    • Okajima, T.;
    • Porter, F. S.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Smith, S. J.
    Publication type:
  • Modeling a Three-Stage SQUID System in Space with the First Micro-X Sounding Rocket Flight.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2022, v. 209, n. 3/4, p. 702, doi. 10.1007/s10909-022-02837-2
    • Adams, J. S.;
    • Bandler, S. R.;
    • Bastidon, N.;
    • Eckart, M. E.;
    • Figueroa-Feliciano, E.;
    • Fuhrman, J.;
    • Goldfinger, D. C.;
    • Hubbard, A. J. F.;
    • Jardin, D.;
    • Kelley, R. L.;
    • Kilbourne, C. A.;
    • Manzagol-Harwood, R. E.;
    • McCammon, D.;
    • Okajima, T.;
    • Porter, F. S.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Smith, S. J.
    Publication type:
  • Developments of Laboratory-Based Transition-Edge Sensor Readout Electronics Using Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Modules.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2022, v. 209, n. 3/4, p. 743, doi. 10.1007/s10909-022-02810-z
    • Sakai, K.;
    • Adams, J. S.;
    • Bandler, S. R.;
    • Beaumont, S.;
    • Chervenak, J. A.;
    • Doriese, W. B.;
    • Durkin, M.;
    • Finkbeiner, F. M.;
    • Hull, S. V.;
    • Kelley, R. L.;
    • Kilbourne, C. A.;
    • Muramatsu, H.;
    • Porter, F. S.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Smith, S. J.;
    • Wakeham, N. A.;
    • Wassel, E. J.
    Publication type:
  • Mitigating the Effects of Charged Particle Strikes on TES Arrays for Exotic Atom X-ray Experiments.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2020, v. 200, n. 5/6, p. 247, doi. 10.1007/s10909-020-02484-5
    • Tatsuno, H.;
    • Bennett, D. A.;
    • Doriese, W. B.;
    • Durkin, M. S.;
    • Fowler, J. W.;
    • Gard, J. D.;
    • Hashimoto, T.;
    • Hayakawa, R.;
    • Hayashi, T.;
    • Hilton, G. C.;
    • Ichinohe, Y.;
    • Noda, H.;
    • O'Neil, G. C.;
    • Okada, S.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Schmidt, D. R.;
    • Swetz, D. S.;
    • Ullom, J. N.;
    • Yamada, S.
    Publication type:
  • High Energy Background Event Identification Using Local Group Trigger in a 240-pixel X-ray TES Array.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2020, v. 200, n. 5/6, p. 392, doi. 10.1007/s10909-020-02468-5
    • Yamada, S.;
    • Hayakawa, R.;
    • Tatsuno, H.;
    • Fowler, J. W.;
    • Swetz, D. S.;
    • Bennett, D. A.;
    • Durkin, M.;
    • O'Neil, G. C.;
    • Ullom, J. N.;
    • Doriese, W. B.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Gard, J. D.;
    • Okada, S.;
    • Hashimoto, T.;
    • Ichinohe, Y.;
    • Noda, H.;
    • Hayashi, T.
    Publication type:
  • Hyperspectral X-ray Imaging with TES Detectors for Nanoscale Chemical Speciation Mapping.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2020, v. 200, n. 5/6, p. 437, doi. 10.1007/s10909-020-02456-9
    • Carpenter, M. H.;
    • Croce, M. P.;
    • Baker, Z. K.;
    • Batista, E. R.;
    • Caffrey, M. P.;
    • Fontes, C. J.;
    • Koehler, K. E.;
    • Kossmann, S. E.;
    • McIntosh, K. G.;
    • Rabin, M. W.;
    • Renck, B. W.;
    • Wagner, G. L.;
    • Wilkerson, M. P.;
    • Yang, P.;
    • Yoho, M. D.;
    • Ullom, J. N.;
    • Bennett, D. A.;
    • O'Neil, G. C.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Schmidt, D. R.
    Publication type:
  • Waveform Analysis of a 240-Pixel TES Array for X-Rays and Charged Particles Using a Function of Triggering Neighboring Pixels.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2020, v. 200, n. 5/6, p. 269, doi. 10.1007/s10909-020-02449-8
    • Hayakawa, R.;
    • Yamada, S.;
    • Tatsuno, H.;
    • Fowler, J. W.;
    • Swetz, D. S.;
    • Bennett, D. A.;
    • Durkin, M.;
    • O'Neil, G. C.;
    • Ullom, J. N.;
    • Doriese, W. B.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Gard, J. D.;
    • Okada, S.;
    • Hashimoto, T.;
    • Ichinohe, Y.;
    • Noda, H.;
    • Hayashi, T.
    Publication type:
  • Integration of a TES-based X-ray spectrometer in a kaonic atom experiment.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2020, v. 199, n. 3/4, p. 1018, doi. 10.1007/s10909-020-02434-1
    • Hashimoto, T.;
    • Bennett, D. A.;
    • Doriese, W. B.;
    • Durkin, M. S.;
    • Fowler, J. W.;
    • Gard, J. D.;
    • Hayakawa, R.;
    • Hayashi, T.;
    • Hilton, G. C.;
    • Ichinohe, Y.;
    • Ishimoto, S.;
    • Morgan, K. M.;
    • Noda, H.;
    • O'Neil, G. C.;
    • Okada, S.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Schmidt, D. R.;
    • Suzuki, S.;
    • Swetz, D. S.;
    • Tatsuno, H.
    Publication type:
  • Characterization of Aliased Noise in the Advanced ACTPol Receiver.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2020, v. 199, n. 3/4, p. 762, doi. 10.1007/s10909-020-02344-2
    • Gallardo, P. A.;
    • Niemack, M. D.;
    • Austermann, J. E.;
    • Beall, J.;
    • Cothard, N. F.;
    • Duell, C. J.;
    • Duff, S. M.;
    • Henderson, S. W.;
    • Hilton, G. C.;
    • Ho, S. P.;
    • Hubmayr, J.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Salatino, M.;
    • Ullom, J. N.;
    • Van Lanen, J.;
    • Vissers, M. R.;
    • Wollack, E. J.
    Publication type:
  • First Operation of TES Microcalorimeters in Space with the Micro-X Sounding Rocket.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2020, v. 199, n. 3/4, p. 1062, doi. 10.1007/s10909-019-02293-5
    • Adams, J. S.;
    • Baker, R.;
    • Bandler, S. R.;
    • Bastidon, N.;
    • Danowski, M. E.;
    • Doriese, W. B.;
    • Eckart, M. E.;
    • Figueroa-Feliciano, E.;
    • Goldfinger, D. C.;
    • Heine, S. N. T.;
    • Hilton, G. C.;
    • Hubbard, A. J. F.;
    • Kelley, R. L.;
    • Kilbourne, C. A.;
    • Manzagol-Harwood, R. E.;
    • McCammon, D.;
    • Okajima, T.;
    • Porter, F. S.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Serlemitsos, P.
    Publication type:
  • On Low-Energy Tail Distortions in the Detector Response Function of X-Ray Microcalorimeter Spectrometers.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2020, v. 199, n. 3/4, p. 1046, doi. 10.1007/s10909-019-02270-y
    • O'Neil, G. C.;
    • Szypryt, P.;
    • Takacs, E.;
    • Tan, J. N.;
    • Buechele, S. W.;
    • Naing, A. S.;
    • Joe, Y. I.;
    • Swetz, D.;
    • Schmidt, D. R.;
    • Doriese, W. B.;
    • Gard, J. D.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Ullom, J. N.;
    • Villarrubia, J. S.;
    • Ralchenko, Yu.
    Publication type:
  • A Predictive Control Algorithm for Time-Division-Multiplexed Readout of TES Microcalorimeters.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2020, v. 199, n. 1/2, p. 275, doi. 10.1007/s10909-020-02342-4
    • Durkin, Malcolm;
    • O'Neil, G. C.;
    • Doriese, W. B.;
    • Gard, J. D.;
    • Hilton, G. C.;
    • Imrek, J.;
    • Ortiz, N.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Stevens, R. W.;
    • Swetz, D. S.;
    • Ullom, J. N.
    Publication type:
  • The CLASS 150/220 GHz Polarimeter Array: Design, Assembly, and Characterization.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2020, v. 199, n. 1/2, p. 289, doi. 10.1007/s10909-019-02317-0
    • Dahal, S.;
    • Amiri, M.;
    • Appel, J. W.;
    • Bennett, C. L.;
    • Corbett, L.;
    • Datta, R.;
    • Denis, K.;
    • Essinger-Hileman, T.;
    • Halpern, M.;
    • Helson, K.;
    • Hilton, G.;
    • Hubmayr, J.;
    • Keller, B.;
    • Marriage, T.;
    • Nunez, C.;
    • Petroff, M.;
    • Reintsema, C.;
    • Rostem, K.;
    • U-Yen, K.;
    • Wollack, E.
    Publication type:
  • Expanding the Capability of Microwave Multiplexed Readout for Fast Signals in Microcalorimeters.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2020, v. 199, n. 1/2, p. 164, doi. 10.1007/s10909-019-02250-2
    • Morgan, K. M.;
    • Becker, D. T.;
    • Bennett, D. A.;
    • Gard, J. D.;
    • Imrek, J.;
    • Mates, J. A. B.;
    • Pappas, C. G.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Schmidt, D. R.;
    • Ullom, J. N.;
    • Weber, J.;
    • Wessels, A.;
    • Swetz, D. S.
    Publication type:
  • Detector Calibration for the Micro-X Sounding Rocket X-ray Telescope.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2018, v. 193, n. 5/6, p. 984, doi. 10.1007/s10909-018-2060-7
    • Goldfinger, D. C.;
    • Adams, J. S.;
    • Baker, R.;
    • Bandler, S. R.;
    • Bastidon, N.;
    • Danowski, M. E.;
    • Doriese, W. B.;
    • Eckart, M. E.;
    • Figueroa-Feliciano, E.;
    • Heine, S. N. T.;
    • Hilton, G. C.;
    • Hubbard, A. J. F.;
    • Kelley, R. L.;
    • Kilbourne, C. A.;
    • Manzagol-Harwood, R. E.;
    • McCammon, D.;
    • Okajima, T.;
    • Porter, F. S.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Serlemitsos, P.
    Publication type:
  • A Scalable Readout for Microwave SQUID Multiplexing of Transition-Edge Sensors.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2018, v. 193, n. 3/4, p. 485, doi. 10.1007/s10909-018-2012-2
    • Gard, J. D.;
    • Becker, D. T.;
    • Bennett, D. A.;
    • Fowler, J. W.;
    • Hilton, G. C.;
    • Mates, J. A. B.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Schmidt, D. R.;
    • Swetz, D. S.;
    • Ullom, J. N.
    Publication type:
  • Error-Correcting Codes for Code-Division Multiplexed TES Detectors.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2018, v. 193, n. 3/4, p. 556, doi. 10.1007/s10909-018-1979-z
    • Titus, C. J.;
    • Chaudhuri, S.;
    • Cho, H.-M.;
    • Dawson, C.;
    • Doriese, W. B.;
    • Fowler, J. W.;
    • Hilton, G. C.;
    • Irwin, K. D.;
    • Kuenstner, S.;
    • Li, D.;
    • Morgan, K.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Swetz, D. S.;
    • Ullom, J. N.;
    • Young, B. A.
    Publication type:
  • Magnetic Sensitivity of AlMn TESes and Shielding Considerations for Next-Generation CMB Surveys.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2018, v. 193, n. 3/4, p. 288, doi. 10.1007/s10909-018-1920-5
    • Vavagiakis, E. M.;
    • Henderson, S. W.;
    • Zheng, K.;
    • Cho, H.-M.;
    • Cothard, N. F.;
    • Dober, B.;
    • Duff, S. M.;
    • Gallardo, P. A.;
    • Hilton, G.;
    • Hubmayr, J.;
    • Irwin, K. D.;
    • Koopman, B. J.;
    • Li, D.;
    • Nati, F.;
    • Niemack, M. D.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Simon, S.;
    • Stevens, J. R.;
    • Suzuki, A.;
    • Westbrook, B.
    Publication type:
  • Toward Large Field-of-View High-Resolution X-ray Imaging Spectrometers: Microwave Multiplexed Readout of 28 TES Microcalorimeters.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2018, v. 193, n. 3/4, p. 258, doi. 10.1007/s10909-018-1917-0
    • Yoon, W.;
    • Adams, J. S.;
    • Bandler, S. R.;
    • Becker, D.;
    • Bennett, D. A.;
    • Chervenak, J. A.;
    • Datesman, A. M.;
    • Eckart, M. E.;
    • Finkbeiner, F. M.;
    • Fowler, J. W.;
    • Gard, J. D.;
    • Hilton, G. C.;
    • Kelley, R. L.;
    • Kilbourne, C. A.;
    • Mates, J. A. B.;
    • Miniussi, A. R.;
    • Moseley, S. H.;
    • Noroozian, O.;
    • Porter, F. S.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.
    Publication type:
  • Developments in Time-Division Multiplexing of X-ray Transition-Edge Sensors.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2016, v. 184, n. 1/2, p. 389, doi. 10.1007/s10909-015-1373-z
    • Doriese, W.;
    • Morgan, K.;
    • Bennett, D.;
    • Denison, E.;
    • Fitzgerald, C.;
    • Fowler, J.;
    • Gard, J.;
    • Hays-Wehle, J.;
    • Hilton, G.;
    • Irwin, K.;
    • Joe, Y.;
    • Mates, J.;
    • O'Neil, G.;
    • Reintsema, C.;
    • Robbins, N.;
    • Schmidt, D.;
    • Swetz, D.;
    • Tatsuno, H.;
    • Vale, L.;
    • Ullom, J.
    Publication type:
  • Erratum to: Developments in Time-Division Multiplexing of X-ray Transition-Edge Sensors.

    Published in:
    • Doriese, W.;
    • Morgan, K.;
    • Bennett, D.;
    • Denison, E.;
    • Fitzgerald, C.;
    • Fowler, J.;
    • Gard, J.;
    • Hays-Wehle, J.;
    • Hilton, G.;
    • Irwin, K.;
    • Joe, Y.;
    • Mates, J.;
    • O'Neil, G.;
    • Reintsema, C.;
    • Robbins, N.;
    • Schmidt, D.;
    • Swetz, D.;
    • Tatsuno, H.;
    • Vale, L.;
    • Ullom, J.
    Publication type:
  • High Resolution Micro-calorimeter Arrays for micro-probe analysis.

    Published in:
    Microscopy & Microanalysis, 2005, v. 11, p. 38, doi. 10.1017/S143192760550919X
    • Duncan, W. D.;
    • Ullom, J. N.;
    • Irwin, K. D.;
    • Hilton, G. C.;
    • Doriese, W. B.;
    • Reintsema, C. D.;
    • Beall, J. A.;
    • Vale, L.;
    • Xu, Y.;
    • Jach, T.;
    • Newbury, D.
    Publication type:
  • High-resolution high-speed microwave-multiplexed low temperature microcalorimeters for the HOLMES experiment.

    Published in:
    European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fields, 2019, v. 79, n. 4, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-6814-4
    • Alpert, B.;
    • Becker, D.;
    • Bennet, D.;
    • Biasotti, M.;
    • Borghesi, M.;
    • Gallucci, G.;
    • De Gerone, M.;
    • Faverzani, M.;
    • Ferri, E.;
    • Fowler, J.;
    • Gard, J.;
    • Giachero, A.;
    • Hays–Wehle, J.;
    • Hilton, G.;
    • Mates, J.;
    • Nucciotti, A.;
    • Orlando, A.;
    • Pessina, G.;
    • Puiu, A.;
    • Reintsema, C.
    Publication type: