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  • Fish Diversity and Use of Nearshore and Open‐Water Habitats in Terminal Lakes.

    Published in:
    Fisheries, 2024, v. 49, n. 4, p. 159, doi. 10.1002/fsh.11028
    • Bess, Zachary;
    • Koning, Aaron;
    • Simmons, James;
    • Suenaga, Erin;
    • Pedro, Aldo San;
    • Culpepper, Joshua;
    • Scordo, Facundo;
    • Seitz, Carina;
    • Rhoades, Suzanne;
    • McKinnon, Tara;
    • McKim, Ryan;
    • Feher, Karly;
    • Tromboni, Flavia;
    • Regan, Julie W.;
    • Chandra, Sudeep
    Publication type: