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  • Disentangling the complex roles of markets on coral reefs in northwest Madagascar.

    Published in:
    Ecology & Society, 2020, v. 25, n. 3, p. 1, doi. 10.5751/ES-11595-250323
    • Maire, Eva;
    • D'agata, Stephanie;
    • Aliaume, Catherine;
    • Mouillot, David;
    • Darling, Emily S.;
    • Ramahery, Volanirina;
    • Ranaivoson, Ravaka;
    • Randriamanantsoa, Bemahafaly;
    • Tianarisoa, Tantely F.;
    • Santisy, Abdoul;
    • Cinner, Joshua E.
    Publication type: