Found: 2

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  • Recurrent Tracheal Stenosis: A Novel Presentation of Silicosis.

    Published in:
    • Ramaswamy, Anuradha;
    • Panchabhai, Tanmay S.;
    • Farver, Carol;
    • Mehta, Atul C.
    Publication type:
    case study
  • Lung Endothelial MicroRNA-1 Regulates Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 2017, v. 196, n. 11, p. 1443, doi. 10.1164/rccm.201610-2157OC
    • Korde, Asawari;
    • Lei Jin;
    • Jian-ge Zhang;
    • Ramaswamy, Anuradha;
    • Buqu Hu;
    • Kolahian, Saeed;
    • Guardela, Brenda Juan;
    • Herazo-Maya, Jose;
    • Siegfried, Jill M.;
    • Stabile, Laura;
    • Pisani, Margaret A.;
    • Herbst, Roy S.;
    • Kaminski, Naftali;
    • Elias, Jack A.;
    • Puchalski, Jonathan T.;
    • Takyar, Shervin S.
    Publication type: