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  • The seeding of ice algal blooms in Arctic pack ice: The multiyear ice seed repository hypothesis.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences, 2017, v. 122, n. 7, p. 1529, doi. 10.1002/2016JG003668
    • Olsen, Lasse M.;
    • Laney, Samuel R.;
    • Duarte, Pedro;
    • Kauko, Hanna M.;
    • Fernández-Méndez, Mar;
    • Mundy, Christopher J.;
    • Rösel, Anja;
    • Meyer, Amelie;
    • Itkin, Polona;
    • Cohen, Lana;
    • Peeken, Ilka;
    • Tatarek, Agnieszka;
    • Róźańska-Pluta, Magdalena;
    • Wiktor, Józef;
    • Taskjelle, Torbjørn;
    • Pavlov, Alexey K.;
    • Hudson, Stephen R.;
    • Granskog, Mats A.;
    • Hop, Haakon;
    • Assmy, Philipp
    Publication type: