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  • Using transcriptional profiling to develop a diagnostic test of operational tolerance in liver transplant recipients.

    Published in:
    • Martínez-Llordella, Marc;
    • Lozano, Juan José;
    • Puig-Pey, Isabel;
    • Orlando, Giuseppe;
    • Tisone, Giuseppe;
    • Lerut, Jan;
    • Benítez, Carlos;
    • Pons, Jose Antonio;
    • Parrilla, Pascual;
    • Ramírez, Pablo;
    • Bruguera, Miquel;
    • Rimola, Antoni;
    • Sánchez-Fueyo, Alberto;
    • Martínez-Llordella, Marc;
    • Lozano, Juan José;
    • Benítez, Carlos;
    • Ramírez, Pablo;
    • Sánchez-Fueyo, Alberto
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Characterization of γδ T cell subsets in organ transplantation.

    Published in:
    Transplant International, 2010, v. 23, n. 10, p. 1045, doi. 10.1111/j.1432-2277.2010.01095.x
    • Puig-Pey, Isabel;
    • Bohne, Felix;
    • Benítez, Carlos;
    • López, Marta;
    • Martínez-Llordella, Marc;
    • Oppenheimer, Federico;
    • Lozano, Juan José;
    • González-Abraldes, Juan;
    • Tisone, Giuseppe;
    • Rimola, Antoni;
    • Sánchez-Fueyo, Alberto
    Publication type: