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  • DARPin-targeting of Measles Virus: Unique Bispecificity, Effective Oncolysis, and Enhanced Safety.

    Published in:
    Molecular Therapy, 2013, v. 21, n. 4, p. 849, doi. 10.1038/mt.2013.16
    • Friedrich, Katrin;
    • Hanauer, Jan RH;
    • Prüfer, Steffen;
    • Münch, Robert C;
    • Völker, Iris;
    • Filippis, Christodoulos;
    • Jost, Christian;
    • Hanschmann, Kay-Martin;
    • Cattaneo, Roberto;
    • Peng, Kah-Whye;
    • Plückthun, Andreas;
    • Buchholz, Christian J;
    • Cichutek, Klaus;
    • Mühlebach, Michael D
    Publication type:
  • Adherens junction protein nectin-4 is the epithelial receptor for measles virus.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2011, v. 480, n. 7378, p. 530, doi. 10.1038/nature10639
    • Mühlebach, Michael D.;
    • Mateo, Mathieu;
    • Sinn, Patrick L.;
    • Prüfer, Steffen;
    • Uhlig, Katharina M.;
    • Leonard, Vincent H. J.;
    • Navaratnarajah, Chanakha K.;
    • Frenzke, Marie;
    • Wong, Xiao X.;
    • Sawatsky, Bevan;
    • Ramachandran, Shyam;
    • McCray, Paul B.;
    • Cichutek, Klaus;
    • von Messling, Veronika;
    • Lopez, Marc;
    • Cattaneo, Roberto
    Publication type:
  • Mutation of a diacidic motif in SIV-PBj Nef impairs T-cell activation and enteropathic disease.

    Published in:
    Retrovirology, 2011, v. 8, n. 1, p. 14, doi. 10.1186/1742-4690-8-14
    • Tschulena, Ulrich;
    • Sanzenbacher, Ralf;
    • Mühlebach, Michael D.;
    • Berger, André;
    • Münch, Jan;
    • Schindler, Michael;
    • Kirchhoff, Frank;
    • Plesker, Roland;
    • Coulibaly, Cheick;
    • Panitz, Sylvia;
    • Prüfer, Steffen;
    • Muckenfuss, Heide;
    • Hamdorf, Matthias;
    • Schweizer, Matthias;
    • Cichutek, Klaus;
    • Flory, Egbert
    Publication type: