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  • The effect of cysteine oxidation on DJ-1 cytoprotective function in human alveolar type II cells.

    Published in:
    Cell Death & Disease, 2019, v. 10, n. 9, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1038/s41419-019-1833-5
    • Bahmed, Karim;
    • Boukhenouna, Samia;
    • Karim, Loukmane;
    • Andrews, Tessa;
    • Lin, Jiusheng;
    • Powers, Robert;
    • Wilson, Mark A.;
    • Lin, Chih-Ru;
    • Messier, Elise;
    • Reisdorph, Nichole;
    • Powell, Roger L.;
    • Tang, Hsin-Yao;
    • Mason, Robert J.;
    • Criner, Gerard J.;
    • Kosmider, Beata
    Publication type:
  • Sarcoendoplasmic Reticulum Ca<sup>2+</sup> ATPase.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory Cell & Molecular Biology, 2015, v. 52, n. 4, p. 492, doi. 10.1165/rcmb.2014-0005OC
    • Ahmad, Shama;
    • Ahmad, Aftab;
    • Hendry-Hofer, Tara B.;
    • Loader, Joan E.;
    • Claycomb, William C.;
    • Mozziconacci, Olivier;
    • Schöneich, Christian;
    • Reisdorph, Nichole;
    • Powell, Roger L.;
    • Chandler, Joshua D.;
    • Day, Brian J.;
    • Veress, Livia A.;
    • White, Carl W.
    Publication type:
  • Impaired non-homologous end joining in human primary alveolar type II cells in emphysema.

    Published in:
    Scientific Reports, 2019, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41598-018-37000-z
    • Kosmider, Beata;
    • Lin, Chih-Ru;
    • Vlasenko, Liudmila;
    • Marchetti, Nathaniel;
    • Bolla, Sudhir;
    • Criner, Gerard J.;
    • Messier, Elise;
    • Reisdorph, Nichole;
    • Powell, Roger L.;
    • Madesh, Muniswamy;
    • Kelsen, Steven;
    • Xander, Nathaniel;
    • Correll, Kelly A.;
    • Mason, Robert J.;
    • Bahmed, Karim
    Publication type:
  • Metabolomics and transcriptomics pathway approach reveals outcome-specific perturbations in COPD.

    Published in:
    Scientific Reports, 2018, v. 8, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41598-018-35372-w
    • Cruickshank-Quinn, Charmion I.;
    • Jacobson, Sean;
    • Hughes, Grant;
    • Powell, Roger L.;
    • Petrache, Irina;
    • Kechris, Katerina;
    • Bowler, Russell;
    • Reisdorph, Nichole
    Publication type:
  • Cathepsin D Drives the Formation of Hybrid Insulin Peptides Relevant to the Pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes.

    Published in:
    Diabetes, 2022, v. 71, n. 12, p. 2793, doi. 10.2337/db22-0303
    • Crawford, Samantha A.;
    • Wiles, Timothy A.;
    • Wenzlau, Janet M.;
    • Powell, Roger L.;
    • Barbour, Gene;
    • Dang, Mylinh;
    • Groegler, Jason;
    • Barra, Jessie M.;
    • Burnette, KaLia S.;
    • Hohenstein, Anita C.;
    • Baker, Rocky L.;
    • Tse, Hubert M.;
    • Haskins, Kathryn;
    • Delong, Thomas
    Publication type:
  • Islet amyloid polypeptide is a target antigen for diabetogenic CD4+ T cells.

    Published in:
    • Delong T;
    • Baker RL;
    • Reisdorph N;
    • Reisdorph R;
    • Powell RL;
    • Armstrong M;
    • Barbour G;
    • Bradley B;
    • Haskins K;
    • Delong, Thomas;
    • Baker, Rocky L;
    • Reisdorph, Nichole;
    • Reisdorph, Richard;
    • Powell, Roger L;
    • Armstrong, Michael;
    • Barbour, Gene;
    • Bradley, Brenda;
    • Haskins, Kathryn
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Islet Amyloid Polypeptide Is a Target Antigen for Diabetogenic CD4<sup>+</sup> T Cells.

    Published in:
    Diabetes, 2011, v. 60, n. 9, p. 2325, doi. 10.2337/db11-0288
    • Delong, Thomas;
    • Baker, Rocky L.;
    • Reisdorph, Nichole;
    • Reisdorph, Richard;
    • Powell, Roger L.;
    • Armstrong, Michael;
    • Barbour, Gene;
    • Bradley, Brenda;
    • Haskins, Kathryn
    Publication type:
  • Chromogranin A is an autoantigen in type 1 diabetes.

    Published in:
    Nature Immunology, 2010, v. 11, n. 3, p. 225, doi. 10.1038/ni.1844
    • Stadinski, Brian D.;
    • Delong, Thomas;
    • Reisdorph, Nichole;
    • Reisdorph, Richard;
    • Powell, Roger L.;
    • Armstrong, Michael;
    • Piganelli, Jon D.;
    • Barbour, Gene;
    • Bradley, Brenda;
    • Crawford, Frances;
    • Marrack, Philippa;
    • Mahata, Sushil K.;
    • Kappler, John W.;
    • Haskins, Kathryn
    Publication type: