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  • 100-metre-diameter moonlets in Saturn's A ring from observations of ‘propeller’ structures.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2006, v. 440, n. 7084, p. 648, doi. 10.1038/nature04581
    • Tiscareno, Matthew S.;
    • Burns, Joseph A.;
    • Hedman, Matthew M.;
    • Porco, Carolyn C.;
    • Weiss, John W.;
    • Dones, Luke;
    • Richardson, Derek C.;
    • Murray, Carl D.
    Publication type:
  • How Prometheus creates structure in Saturn's F ring.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2005, v. 437, n. 7063, p. 1326, doi. 10.1038/nature04212
    • Murray, Carl D.;
    • Chavez, Carlos;
    • Beurle, Kevin;
    • Cooper, Nick;
    • Evans, Michael W.;
    • Burns, Joseph A.;
    • Porco, Carolyn C.
    Publication type:
  • Imaging of Titan from the Cassini spacecraft.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2005, v. 434, n. 7030, p. 159, doi. 10.1038/nature03436
    • Porco, Carolyn C.;
    • Baker, Emily;
    • Barbara, John;
    • Beurle, Kevin;
    • Brahic, Andre;
    • Burns, Joseph A.;
    • Charnoz, Sebastien;
    • Cooper, Nick;
    • Dawson, Douglas D.;
    • Del Genio, Anthony D.;
    • Denk, Tilmann;
    • Dones, Luke;
    • Dyudina, Ulyana;
    • Evans, Michael W.;
    • Fussner, Stephanie;
    • Giese, Bernd;
    • Grazier, Kevin;
    • Helfenstein, Paul;
    • Ingersoll, Andrew P.;
    • Jacobson, Robert A.
    Publication type:
  • Association of the jets of Enceladus with the warmest regions on its south-polar fractures.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2007, v. 449, n. 7163, p. 695, doi. 10.1038/nature06217
    • Spitale, Joseph N.;
    • Porco, Carolyn C.
    Publication type:
  • Vortices in Saturn's Northern Hemisphere (2008-2015) observed by Cassini ISS.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2016, v. 121, n. 9, p. 1814, doi. 10.1002/2016JE005122
    • Trammell, Harold Justin;
    • Li, Liming;
    • Jiang, Xun;
    • Pan, Yefeng;
    • Smith, Mark A.;
    • Bering, Edgar A.;
    • Hörst, Sarah M.;
    • Vasavada, Ashwin R.;
    • Ingersoll, Andrew P.;
    • Janssen, Michael A.;
    • West, Robert A.;
    • Porco, Carolyn C.;
    • Li, Cheng;
    • Simon, Amy A.;
    • Baines, Kevin H.
    Publication type:
  • Saturn's emitted power.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2010, v. 115, n. E11, p. n/a, doi. 10.1029/2010JE003631
    • Li, Liming;
    • Conrath, Barney J.;
    • Gierasch, Peter J.;
    • Achterberg, Richard K.;
    • Nixon, Conor A.;
    • Simon-Miller, Amy A.;
    • Flasar, F. Michael;
    • Banfield, Don;
    • Baines, Kevin H.;
    • West, Robert A.;
    • Ingersoll, Andrew P.;
    • Vasavada, Ashwin R.;
    • Del Genio, Anthony D.;
    • Porco, Carolyn C.;
    • Mamoutkine, Andrei A.;
    • Segura, Marcia E.;
    • Bjoraker, Gordon L.;
    • Orton, Glenn S.;
    • Fletcher, Leigh N.;
    • Irwin, Patrick G. J.
    Publication type:
  • Vertical wind shear on Jupiter from Cassini images.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2006, v. 111, n. E4, p. n/a, doi. 10.1029/2005JE002556
    • Li, Liming;
    • Ingersoll, Andrew P.;
    • Vasavada, Ashwin R.;
    • Simon-Miller, Amy A.;
    • Del Genio, Anthony D.;
    • Ewald, Shawn P.;
    • Porco, Carolyn C.;
    • West, Robert A.
    Publication type:
  • A new constraint on Saturn's zonal gravity harmonics from Voyager observations of an eccentric ringlet.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 1988, v. 93, n. B9, p. 10209, doi. 10.1029/JB093iB09p10209
    • Nicholson, Philip D.;
    • Porco, Carolyn C.
    Publication type:
  • Uranian ring photometry: Results from Voyager 2.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Space Physics, 1987, v. 92, n. A13, p. 14969, doi. 10.1029/JA092iA13p14969
    • Ockert, Maureen E.;
    • Cuzzi, Jeffrey N.;
    • Porco, Carolyn C.;
    • Johnson, Torrence V.
    Publication type: