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    Published in:
    LPI Contribution, 2019, p. 1
    • Lee, Pascal;
    • EdRiedel, J.;
    • Jones-Wilson, Laura L.;
    • Brandeau, Erich J.;
    • O'Farrell, Clara;
    • Gallon, JohnC.;
    • Park, Ryan S.
    Publication type:
  • Determination of Jupiter's Pole Orientation from Juno Radio Science Data.

    Published in:
    Aerospace (MDPI Publishing), 2024, v. 11, n. 2, p. 124, doi. 10.3390/aerospace11020124
    • Lari, Giacomo;
    • Zannoni, Marco;
    • Durante, Daniele;
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Tommei, Giacomo
    Publication type:
  • Inferring the Mean Thickness of the Outer Ice Shell of Enceladus From Diurnal Crustal Deformation.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2023, v. 128, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.1029/2022JE007712
    • Berne, Alexander;
    • Simons, Mark;
    • Keane, James Tuttle;
    • Park, Ryan S.
    Publication type:
  • Surface Roughness and Gravitational Slope Distributions of Vesta and Ceres.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2019, v. 124, n. 1, p. 14, doi. 10.1029/2018JE005813
    • Ermakov, Anton I.;
    • Kreslavsky, Mikhail A.;
    • Scully, Jennifer E. C.;
    • Hughson, Kynan H. G.;
    • Park, Ryan S.
    Publication type:
  • Floor‐Fractured Craters on Ceres and Implications for Interior Processes.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2018, v. 123, n. 12, p. 3188, doi. 10.1029/2018JE005632
    • Buczkowski, Debra L.;
    • Sizemore, Hanna G.;
    • Bland, Michael T.;
    • Scully, Jennifer E. C.;
    • Quick, Lynnae C.;
    • Hughson, Kynan H. G.;
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Preusker, Frank;
    • Raymond, Carol A.;
    • Russell, Christopher T.
    Publication type:
  • Lunar interior properties from the GRAIL mission.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2014, v. 119, n. 7, p. 1546, doi. 10.1002/2013JE004559
    • Williams, James G.;
    • Konopliv, Alexander S.;
    • Boggs, Dale H.;
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Yuan, Dah-Ning;
    • Lemoine, Frank G.;
    • Goossens, Sander;
    • Mazarico, Erwan;
    • Nimmo, Francis;
    • Weber, Renee C.;
    • Asmar, Sami W.;
    • Melosh, H. Jay;
    • Neumann, Gregory A.;
    • Phillips, Roger J.;
    • Smith, David E.;
    • Solomon, Sean C.;
    • Watkins, Michael M.;
    • Wieczorek, Mark A.;
    • Andrews-Hanna, Jeffrey C.;
    • Head, James W.
    Publication type:
  • Jet activity on Enceladus linked to tidally driven strike-slip motion along tiger stripes.

    Published in:
    Nature Geoscience, 2024, v. 17, n. 5, p. 385, doi. 10.1038/s41561-024-01418-0
    • Berne, Alexander;
    • Simons, Mark;
    • Keane, James T.;
    • Leonard, Erin J.;
    • Park, Ryan S.
    Publication type:
  • Composition and structure of the shallow subsurface of Ceres revealed by crater morphology.

    Published in:
    Nature Geoscience, 2016, v. 9, n. 7, p. 538, doi. 10.1038/ngeo2743
    • Bland, Michael T.;
    • Raymond, Carol A.;
    • Schenk, Paul M.;
    • Fu, Roger R.;
    • Kneissl, Thomas;
    • Pasckert, Jan Hendrik;
    • Hiesinger, Harry;
    • Preusker, Frank;
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Marchi, Simone;
    • King, Scott D.;
    • Castillo-Rogez, Julie C.;
    • Russell, Christopher T.
    Publication type:
  • Exploring the Interior of Europa with the Europa Clipper.

    Published in:
    Space Science Reviews, 2023, v. 219, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s11214-023-00990-y
    • Roberts, James H.;
    • McKinnon, William B.;
    • Elder, Catherine M.;
    • Tobie, Gabriel;
    • Biersteker, John B.;
    • Young, Duncan;
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Steinbrügge, Gregor;
    • Nimmo, Francis;
    • Howell, Samuel M.;
    • Castillo-Rogez, Julie C.;
    • Cable, Morgan L.;
    • Abrahams, Jacob N.;
    • Bland, Michael T.;
    • Chivers, Chase;
    • Cochrane, Corey J.;
    • Dombard, Andrew J.;
    • Ernst, Carolyn;
    • Genova, Antonio;
    • Gerekos, Christopher
    Publication type:
  • The Europa Clipper Gravity and Radio Science Investigation.

    Published in:
    Space Science Reviews, 2023, v. 219, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s11214-023-00972-0
    • Mazarico, Erwan;
    • Buccino, Dustin;
    • Castillo-Rogez, Julie;
    • Dombard, Andrew J.;
    • Genova, Antonio;
    • Hussmann, Hauke;
    • Kiefer, Walter S.;
    • Lunine, Jonathan I.;
    • McKinnon, William B.;
    • Nimmo, Francis;
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Roberts, James H.;
    • Srinivasan, Dipak K.;
    • Steinbrügge, Gregor;
    • Tortora, Paolo;
    • Withers, Paul
    Publication type:
  • The Psyche Magnetometry Investigation.

    Published in:
    Space Science Reviews, 2023, v. 219, n. 3, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s11214-023-00965-z
    • Weiss, Benjamin P.;
    • Merayo, José M. G.;
    • Ream, Jodie B.;
    • Oran, Rona;
    • Brauer, Peter;
    • Cochrane, Corey J.;
    • Cloutier, Kyle;
    • Elkins-Tanton, Linda T.;
    • Jørgensen, John L.;
    • Maurel, Clara;
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Polanskey, Carol A.;
    • de Soria Santacruz-Pich, Maria;
    • Raymond, Carol A.;
    • Russell, Christopher T.;
    • Wenkert, Daniel;
    • Wieczorek, Mark A.;
    • Zuber, Maria T.
    Publication type:
  • The Psyche Gravity Investigation.

    Published in:
    Space Science Reviews, 2022, v. 218, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s11214-022-00905-3
    • Zuber, Maria T.;
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Elkins-Tanton, Linda T.;
    • Bell III, J. F.;
    • Bruvold, Kristoffer N.;
    • Bercovici, David;
    • Bills, Bruce G.;
    • Binzel, Richard P.;
    • Jaumann, R.;
    • Marchi, Simone;
    • Raymond, Carol A.;
    • Roatsch, T.;
    • Wang, Charles C.;
    • Weiss, Benjamin P.;
    • Wenkert, Daniel;
    • Wieczorek, Mark A.
    Publication type:
  • Distinguishing the Origin of Asteroid (16) Psyche.

    Published in:
    Space Science Reviews, 2022, v. 218, n. 3, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s11214-022-00880-9
    • Elkins-Tanton, Linda T.;
    • Asphaug, Erik;
    • Bell III, James F.;
    • Bierson, Carver J.;
    • Bills, Bruce G.;
    • Bottke, William F.;
    • Courville, Samuel W.;
    • Dibb, Steven D.;
    • Jun, Insoo;
    • Lawrence, David J.;
    • Marchi, Simone;
    • McCoy, Timothy J.;
    • Merayo, Jose M. G.;
    • Oran, Rona;
    • O'Rourke, Joseph G.;
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Peplowski, Patrick N.;
    • Prettyman, Thomas H.;
    • Raymond, Carol A.;
    • Weiss, Benjamin P.
    Publication type:
  • Correction to: The Psyche Topography and Geomorphology Investigation.

    Published in:
    • Jaumann, Ralf;
    • Bell III, James F.;
    • Polanskey, Carol A.;
    • Raymond, Carol A.;
    • Aspaugh, Erik;
    • Bercovici, David;
    • Bills, Bruce R.;
    • Binzel, Richard;
    • Bottke, William;
    • Christoph, John M.;
    • Marchi, Simone;
    • Neesemann, Alicia;
    • Otto, Katharina;
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Preusker, Frank;
    • Roatsch, Thomas;
    • Williams, David A.;
    • Wieczorek, Mark A.;
    • Zuber, Maria T.
    Publication type:
    Correction Notice
  • The Psyche Topography and Geomorphology Investigation.

    Published in:
    Space Science Reviews, 2022, v. 218, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s11214-022-00874-7
    • Jaumann, Ralf;
    • Bell III, James F.;
    • Polanskey, Carol A.;
    • Raymond, Carol A.;
    • Aspaugh, Erik;
    • Bercovici, David;
    • Bills, Bruce R.;
    • Binzel, Richard;
    • Bottke, William;
    • Christoph, John M.;
    • Marchi, Simone;
    • Neesemann, Alicia;
    • Otto, Katharina;
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Preusker, Frank;
    • Roatsch, Thomas;
    • Williams, David A.;
    • Wieczorek, Mark A.;
    • Zuber, Maria T.
    Publication type:
  • Juno spacecraft gravity measurements provide evidence for normal modes of Jupiter.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2022, v. 13, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-022-32299-9
    • Durante, Daniele;
    • Guillot, Tristan;
    • Iess, Luciano;
    • Stevenson, David J.;
    • Mankovich, Christopher R.;
    • Markham, Steve;
    • Galanti, Eli;
    • Kaspi, Yohai;
    • Zannoni, Marco;
    • Gomez Casajus, Luis;
    • Lari, Giacomo;
    • Parisi, Marzia;
    • Buccino, Dustin R.;
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Bolton, Scott J.
    Publication type:
  • The Scientific Measurement System of the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) Mission.

    Published in:
    Space Science Reviews, 2013, v. 178, n. 1, p. 25, doi. 10.1007/s11214-013-9962-0
    • Asmar, Sami W.;
    • Konopliv, Alexander S.;
    • Watkins, Michael M.;
    • Williams, James G.;
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Kruizinga, Gerhard;
    • Paik, Meegyeong;
    • Yuan, Dah-Ning;
    • Fahnestock, Eugene;
    • Strekalov, Dmitry;
    • Harvey, Nate;
    • Lu, Wenwen;
    • Kahan, Daniel;
    • Oudrhiri, Kamal;
    • Smith, David E.;
    • Zuber, Maria T.
    Publication type:
  • High-resolution lunar gravity fields from the GRAIL Primary and Extended Missions.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2014, v. 41, n. 5, p. 1452, doi. 10.1002/2013GL059066
    • Konopliv, Alex S.;
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Yuan, Dah-Ning;
    • Asmar, Sami W.;
    • Watkins, Michael M.;
    • Williams, James G.;
    • Fahnestock, Eugene;
    • Kruizinga, Gerhard;
    • Paik, Meegyeong;
    • Strekalov, Dmitry;
    • Harvey, Nate;
    • Smith, David E.;
    • Zuber, Maria T.
    Publication type:
  • Detecting tides and gravity at Europa from multiple close flybys.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2011, v. 38, n. 24, p. n/a, doi. 10.1029/2011GL049842
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Asmar, Sami W.;
    • Buffington, Brent B.;
    • Bills, Bruce;
    • Campagnola, Stefano;
    • Chodas, Paul W.;
    • Folkner, William M.;
    • Konopliv, Alex S.;
    • Petropoulos, Anastassios E.
    Publication type:
  • Using Tidally‐Driven Elastic Strains to Infer Regional Variations in Crustal Thickness at Enceladus.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2023, v. 50, n. 22, p. 1, doi. 10.1029/2023GL106656
    • Berne, Alexander;
    • Simons, Mark;
    • Keane, James T.;
    • Park, Ryan S.
    Publication type:
  • Detection of the Chandler Wobble of Mars From Orbiting Spacecraft.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2020, v. 47, n. 21, p. 1, doi. 10.1029/2020GL090568
    • Konopliv, Alex S.;
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Rivoldini, Attilio;
    • Baland, Rose‐Marie;
    • Le Maistre, Sebastien;
    • Van Hoolst, Tim;
    • Yseboodt, Marie;
    • Dehant, Veronique
    Publication type:
  • Joint analysis of JUICE and Europa Clipper tracking data to study the Jovian system ephemerides and dissipative parameters.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2024, v. 687, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202347616
    • Magnanini, Andrea;
    • Zannoni, Marco;
    • Casajus, Luis Gomez;
    • Tortora, Paolo;
    • Lainey, Valery;
    • Mazarico, Erwan;
    • Park, Ryan S.;
    • Iess, Luciano
    Publication type: