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  • Uveal Melanomlarda Episkleral Plak Brakiterapisi.

    Published in:
    Current Retina Journal / Güncel Retina Dergisi, 2024, v. 8, n. 2, p. 101, doi. 10.37783/CRJ-0394
    • ÖZLER, Serdar;
    • ALALUF, Alp;
    • KAYIKÇIOĞLU, Özcan
    Publication type:
  • Laser trabecular ablation (LTA).

    Published in:
    • Hill, Richard A.;
    • Baerveldt, George;
    • Ozler, Serdar A.;
    • Pickford, Michael;
    • Profeta, Glen A.;
    • Berns, Michael W.;
    • Hill, R A;
    • Baerveldt, G;
    • Ozler, S A;
    • Pickford, M;
    • Profeta, G A;
    • Berns, M W
    Publication type:
    journal article