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  • Abu-MaTran: Automatic building of Machine Translation.

    Published in:
    Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, 2016, v. 4, n. 2, p. 395
    • TORAL, Antonio;
    • ORTIZ_ROJAS, Sergio;
    • FORCADA, Mikel;
    • LJUBESIC, Nikola;
    • PROKOPIDIS, Prokopis
    Publication type:
  • Automatic Acquisition of Machine Translation Resources in the Abu-MaTran Project.

    Published in:
    Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 2015, v. 55, p. 185
    • Toral, Antonio;
    • Pirinen, Tommi;
    • Way, Andy;
    • Rubino, Raphaël;
    • Ramírez-Sánchez, Gema;
    • Ortiz-Rojas, Sergio;
    • Sánchez-Cartagena, Victor;
    • Ferrández-Tordera, Jorge;
    • Forcada, Mikel;
    • Espià-Gomis, Miquel;
    • Ljubešić, Nikola;
    • Klubička, Filip;
    • Prokopidis, Prokopis;
    • Papavassiliou, Vassilis
    Publication type: