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  • Ethnobotany and Ethnopharmacology of the Igala kingdom in Kogi East, Nigeria.

    Published in:
    Taiwania, 2020, v. 65, n. 2, p. 199, doi. 10.6165/tai.2020.65.199
    • AMODU, Emmanuel;
    • MOMOH, Theophilus Boniface;
    • OTOIGIAKHI, Samuel Oriabure;
    • IYEH, Veronica Amina;
    • OWOLABI, Tunde Ayobami;
    • EZENWA, Kingsley Chinedu;
    • OLAYIOYE, Emmanuel Olayioye;
    • IYORIOBHE, Odion Charles;
    • AFERUAN, Odion Francis
    Publication type: