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  • Clinical and genetic description of patients with prenatally identified cardiac tumors.

    Published in:
    • Mariscal‐Mendizábal, Luisa F.;
    • Sevilla‐Montoya, Rosalba;
    • Martínez‐García, Alfonso J.;
    • Alaez‐Verson, Carmen;
    • Monroy‐Muñoz, Irma E.;
    • Pérez‐Durán, Javier;
    • Cerón‐Albarrán, Jorge A.;
    • Carrillo‐Sánchez, Karol;
    • Molina‐Garay, Carolina;
    • Flores‐Lagunes, Luis L.;
    • Jimenez‐Olivares, Marco;
    • Aguinaga‐Ríos, Mónica;
    • Mariscal-Mendizábal, Luisa F;
    • Sevilla-Montoya, Rosalba;
    • Martínez-García, Alfonso J;
    • Alaez-Verson, Carmen;
    • Monroy-Muñoz, Irma E;
    • Pérez-Durán, Javier;
    • Cerón-Albarrán, Jorge A;
    • Carrillo-Sánchez, Karol
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Blood Type Associated with the Risk of COVID-19 Infection in Pregnant Women.

    Published in:
    Diagnostics (2075-4418), 2023, v. 13, n. 7, p. 1338, doi. 10.3390/diagnostics13071338
    • Sevilla-Montoya, Rosalba;
    • Helguera-Reppeto, Addy C.;
    • Monroy-Muñoz, Irma E.;
    • Vargas-Pavia, Tania A.;
    • Valdés-Montoya, Elías I.;
    • Solis-Paredes, Mario;
    • Torres-Torres, Johnatan;
    • Velazquez-Cruz, Rafael;
    • Muñoz-Medina, José Esteban;
    • Martinez-Cordero, Claudia;
    • Hidalgo-Bravo, Alberto
    Publication type: