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  • Redefine photoprotection: Sun protection beyond sunburn.

    Published in:
    Experimental Dermatology, 2024, v. 33, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1111/exd.15002
    • van Bodegraven, Mirja;
    • Kröger, Marius;
    • Zamudio Díaz, Daniela F.;
    • Lohan, Silke B.;
    • Moritz, Rose K. C.;
    • Möller, Nadine;
    • Knoblich, Chiara;
    • Vogelsang, Alexandra;
    • Milinic, Zorica;
    • Hallhuber, Matthias;
    • Weise, Julia M.;
    • Kolbe, Ludger;
    • Gallinger, Julia;
    • Graupner, Cindy;
    • Klose, Holger;
    • Ulrich, Claas;
    • Meinke, Martina C.
    Publication type: