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  • Mapping genomic regions for reproductive traits in beef cattle: Inclusion of the X chromosome.

    Published in:
    Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2020, v. 55, n. 11, p. 1650, doi. 10.1111/rda.13810
    • Diaz, Iara Del Pilar Solar;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira;
    • Cruz, Valdecy Aparecida Rocha da;
    • Hermisdorff, Isis da Costa;
    • Carvalho, Caio Victor Damasceno;
    • Albuquerque, Lucia Galvão;
    • Costa, Raphael Bermal
    Publication type:
  • Twinning rate in buffaloes: A case report.

    Published in:
    Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2019, v. 54, n. 5, p. 808, doi. 10.1111/rda.13425
    • Rocha, Luca Godoi Santana;
    • dos Santos, Daniel Jordan Abreu;
    • Tonhati, Humberto;
    • Costa, Raphael Bermal;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira
    Publication type:
  • Non-synonymous mutations mapped to chromosome X associated with andrological and growth traits in beef cattle.

    Published in:
    BMC Genomics, 2015, v. 16, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s12864-015-1595-0
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira;
    • Porto-Neto, Laercio R.;
    • Kelly, Matthew J.;
    • Bunch, Rowan J.;
    • McWilliam, Sean M.;
    • Tonhati, Humberto;
    • Lehnert, Sigrid A.;
    • Fortes, Marina R. S.;
    • Moore, Stephen S.
    Publication type:
  • Candidate genes for height measurements in Campolina horses.

    Published in:
    Animal Production Science, 2024, v. 64, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1071/AN23071
    • Castro Krebs, Lisia;
    • de Moraes Santos, Marina Monteiro;
    • Claudia Siqueira, Maria;
    • Gonçalves de Araujo, Brennda Paula;
    • Diaz, Iara Del Pilar Solar;
    • Costa, Raphael Bermal;
    • de Araújo Oliveira, Chiara Albano;
    • Dias Barbero, Marina Mortati;
    • Ferreira de Camargo, Gregório Miguel;
    • de Godoi, Fernanda Nascimento
    Publication type:
  • The role of molecular genetics in livestock production.

    Published in:
    Animal Production Science, 2019, v. 59, n. 2, p. 201, doi. 10.1071/AN18013
    • Ferreira de Camargo, Gregório Miguel
    Publication type:
  • Economic considerations of breeding for polledness versus disbudding in beef cattle.

    Published in:
    Tropical Animal Health & Production, 2023, v. 55, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s11250-023-03789-9
    • Oliveira, Ingrid Pereira Pinto;
    • Maciel, Silel Vinicius Simões Andrade;
    • Carvalho, Caio Victor Damasceno;
    • Costa, Raphael Bermal;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira
    Publication type:
  • Genetic origin of donkeys in Brazil.

    Published in:
    Tropical Animal Health & Production, 2022, v. 54, n. 5, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s11250-022-03280-x
    • Alves, Jackeline Santos;
    • de Araujo Oliveira, Chiara Albano;
    • Escodro, Pierre Barnabé;
    • Pinto, Luis Fernando Batista;
    • Costa, Raphael Bermal;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira
    Publication type:
  • Selection effect for growth traits on energy requirements in beef Nelore steers.

    Published in:
    Tropical Animal Health & Production, 2022, v. 54, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s11250-022-03210-x
    • Del Pilar Solar Diaz, Iara;
    • Bezerra, Luis Antonio Framartino;
    • Lôbo, Raysildo Barbosa;
    • de Araújo Neto, Francisco Ribeiro;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira;
    • da Cruz, Valdecy Aparecida Rocha;
    • Costa, Raphael Bermal;
    • de Oliveira, Henrique Nunes
    Publication type:
  • Water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) only have A2A2 genotype for beta-casein.

    Published in:
    Tropical Animal Health & Production, 2021, v. 53, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s11250-021-02591-9
    • de Oliveira, Louise Sarmento Martins;
    • Alves, Jackeline Santos;
    • Bastos, Marisa Siva;
    • da Cruz, Valdecy Aparecida Rocha;
    • Pinto, Luís Fernando Batista;
    • Tonhati, Humberto;
    • Costa, Raphael Bermal;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira
    Publication type:
  • Linkage Disequilibrium-Based Inference of Genome Homology and Chromosomal Rearrangements Between Species.

    Published in:
    G3: Genes | Genomes | Genetics, 2020, v. 10, n. 7, p. 2327, doi. 10.1534/g3.120.401090
    • de Abreu Santos, Daniel Jordan;
    • Ferreira de Camargo, Gregório Miguel;
    • Francisco Cardoso, Diercles;
    • Buzanskas, Marcos Eli;
    • Aspilcueta-Borquis, Rusbel Raul;
    • Hurtado-Lugo, Naudin Alejandro;
    • de Araújo Neto, Francisco Ribeiro;
    • Galvão de Albuquerque, Lúcia;
    • Li Ma;
    • Tonhati, Humberto
    Publication type:
  • Genotype x Environment Interaction for reproductive traits in brazilian Nellore breed cattle.

    Published in:
    Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal (RBSPA), 2019, v. 20, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1590/S1519-9940200512019
    • CARVALHO, Caio Victor Damasceno;
    • COSTA, Raphael Bermal;
    • CAMARGO, Gregório Miguel Ferreira de;
    • BITTENCOURT, Thereza Cristina Calmon
    Publication type:
  • Molecular characterization of virulence genes cctA, nanA, and fliC in Clostridium chauvoei from Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo State, Brazil.

    Published in:
    Ciência Rural, 2019, v. 49, n. 5, p. 1, doi. 10.1590/0103-8478cr20181006
    • Ziech, Rosangela Estel;
    • Farias, Luana D'Avila;
    • Ardisson-Araújo, Daniel Mendes Pereira;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira;
    • Frey, Joachim;
    • de Vargas, Agueda Castagna
    Publication type:
  • Use of single-step genome-wide association studies for prospecting genomic regions related to milk production and milk quality of buffalo.

    Published in:
    Journal of Dairy Research, 2018, v. 85, n. 4, p. 402, doi. 10.1017/S0022029918000766
    • da Costa Barros, Camila;
    • de Abreu Santos, Daniel Jordan;
    • Aspilcueta-Borquis, Rusbel Raul;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira;
    • de Araújo Neto, Francisco Ribeiro;
    • Tonhati, Humberto
    Publication type:
  • Prospecting genome regions related to wither height in buffalo.

    Published in:
    CES Medicina Veterinaria & Zootecnica, 2016, v. 11, n. 3, p. 184
    • Gonzales Guzman, Jessica Lorena;
    • Hurtado-Lugo, Naudin Alejandro;
    • dos Santos, Daniel Jordan Abreu;
    • de Andrade, Willian Bruno Fernandes;
    • Francisco Cardoso, Diercles;
    • do Nascimento, André Vieira;
    • Roldan Montes, Valentina;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira;
    • Muñoz Berrocal, Milthon;
    • Tonhati, Humberto
    Publication type:
  • Genomic Regions Associated with the Position and Number of Hair Whorls in Horses.

    Published in:
    Animals (2076-2615), 2021, v. 11, n. 10, p. 2925, doi. 10.3390/ani11102925
    • Lima, Diogo Felipe Pereira de Assis;
    • da Cruz, Valdecy Aparecida Rocha;
    • Pereira, Guilherme Luís;
    • Curi, Rogério Abdallah;
    • Costa, Raphael Bermal;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira
    Publication type:
  • Genomic regions associated with coat color in Gir cattle.

    Published in:
    Genome, 2024, v. 67, n. 7, p. 233, doi. 10.1139/gen-2023-0115
    • Maciel, Silel Vinicius Simões Andrade;
    • Oliveira, Ingrid Pereira Pinto;
    • Senes, Beatriz Bastos;
    • Silva, Josineudson Augusto II de Vasconcelos;
    • Feitosa, Fabieli Loise Braga;
    • Alves, Jackeline Santos;
    • Costa, Raphael Bermal;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira
    Publication type:
  • Estimation of genetic parameters for reproductive indices in sheep.

    Published in:
    Journal of Animal Breeding & Genetics, 2024, v. 141, n. 5, p. 485, doi. 10.1111/jbg.12857
    • Senes, Beatriz Bastos;
    • da Cruz, Valdecy Aparecida Rocha;
    • Azevedo, Hymerson Costa;
    • Costa, Raphael Bermal;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira
    Publication type:
  • Principal components for morphometric traits in Campolina horses.

    Published in:
    Journal of Animal Breeding & Genetics, 2021, v. 138, n. 2, p. 179, doi. 10.1111/jbg.12521
    • Solar Diaz, Iara Del Pilar;
    • Strauss Borges Junqueira, Gleb;
    • Aparecida Rocha Cruz, Valdecy;
    • Albano Araújo de Oliveira, Chiara;
    • Nunes de Oliveira, Henrique;
    • Miguel Ferreira de Camargo, Gregório;
    • Bermal Costa, Raphael
    Publication type:
  • Genome-wide association study provides strong evidence of genes affecting the reproductive performance of Nellore beef cows.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2017, v. 12, n. 5, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0178551
    • Melo, Thaise Pinto de;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira;
    • de Albuquerque, Lucia Galvão;
    • Carvalheiro, Roberto
    Publication type:
  • Genome-Wide Association Study for Carcass Traits in an Experimental Nelore Cattle Population.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2017, v. 12, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0169860
    • Medeiros de Oliveira Silva, Rafael;
    • Bonvino Stafuzza, Nedenia;
    • de Oliveira Fragomeni, Breno;
    • Miguel Ferreira de Camargo, Gregório;
    • Matos Ceacero, Thaís;
    • Noely dos Santos Gonçalves Cyrillo, Joslaine;
    • Baldi, Fernando;
    • Augusti Boligon, Arione;
    • Zerlotti Mercadante, Maria Eugênia;
    • Lino Lourenco, Daniela;
    • Misztal, Ignacy;
    • Galvão de Albuquerque, Lucia
    Publication type:
  • Variability in the PRDM9 gene in Sindhi cattle.

    Published in:
    Molecular Biology Reports, 2023, v. 50, n. 11, p. 8839, doi. 10.1007/s11033-023-08778-7
    • Rocha, Victoria Camilla Parente;
    • Alves, Jackeline Santos;
    • Costa, Raphael Bermal;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira
    Publication type:
  • The effect of mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms on cattle reproduction.

    Published in:
    Molecular Biology Reports, 2021, v. 48, n. 1, p. 1005, doi. 10.1007/s11033-020-06068-0
    • Alves, Jackeline Santos;
    • Diaz, Iara Del Pilar Solar;
    • da Cruz, Valdecy Aparecida Rocha;
    • Bastos, Marisa Silva;
    • de Oliveira, Louise Sarmento Martins;
    • de Albuquerque, Lucia Galvão;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira;
    • Costa, Raphael Bermal
    Publication type:
  • Occurrence of Quadruplets in Nelore Cattle: A Case Report.

    Published in:
    Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research, 2020, v. 10, n. 3, p. 177
    • Ferreira de Camargo, Gregório Miguel;
    • Brito Sales, Lucas Henrique;
    • Bermal Costa, Raphael
    Publication type:
  • Genome‐wide association for plasma albumin concentration in sheep.

    Published in:
    Animal Genetics, 2021, v. 52, n. 6, p. 898, doi. 10.1111/age.13144
    • de Souza, Taiana Cortez;
    • de Souza, Tatiana Cortez;
    • Mourão, Gerson Barreto;
    • Lehmann Coutinho, Luiz;
    • Rovadoscki, Gregorí Alberto;
    • Pedrosa, Victor Breno;
    • Costa, Raphael Bermal;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira;
    • de Carvalho, Gleidson Giordano Pinto;
    • Pinto, Luís Fernando Batista
    Publication type:
  • A deletion in the MC1R gene alters coat color in Guzerat cattle.

    Published in:
    Animal Genetics, 2021, v. 52, n. 6, p. 896, doi. 10.1111/age.13143
    • Santana, Carolaine Jesus Silva;
    • Alves, Jackeline Santos;
    • Pinto, Luís Fernando Batista;
    • Costa, Raphael Bermal;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira
    Publication type:
  • Genome-Wide Association Study for Indicator Traits of Sexual Precocity in Nellore Cattle.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2016, v. 11, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0159502
    • Irano, Natalia;
    • de Camargo, Gregório Miguel Ferreira;
    • Costa, Raphael Bermal;
    • Terakado, Ana Paula Nascimento;
    • Magalhães, Ana Fabrícia Braga;
    • Silva, Rafael Medeiros de Oliveira;
    • Dias, Marina Mortati;
    • Bignardi, Annaiza Braga;
    • Baldi, Fernando;
    • Carvalheiro, Roberto;
    • de Oliveira, Henrique Nunes;
    • de Albuquerque, Lucia Galvão
    Publication type: