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  • Leveraging RALI‐THINICE Observations to Assess How the ICOLMDZ Model Simulates Clouds Embedded in Arctic Cyclones.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres, 2024, v. 129, n. 16, p. 1, doi. 10.1029/2024JD040973
    • Raillard, Lea;
    • Vignon, Étienne;
    • Rivière, Gwendal;
    • Madeleine, Jean‐Baptiste;
    • Meurdesoif, Yann;
    • Delanoë, Julien;
    • Caubel, Arnaud;
    • Jourdan, Olivier;
    • Baudoux, Antoine;
    • Fromang, Sébastien;
    • Conesa, Philippe
    Publication type:
  • The CHIMERE chemistry-transport model v2023r1.

    Published in:
    Geoscientific Model Development, 2024, v. 17, n. 14, p. 5431, doi. 10.5194/gmd-17-5431-2024
    • Menut, Laurent;
    • Cholakian, Arineh;
    • Pennel, Romain;
    • Siour, Guillaume;
    • Mailler, Sylvain;
    • Valari, Myrto;
    • Lugon, Lya;
    • Meurdesoif, Yann
    Publication type:
  • Tropical cyclones in global high-resolution simulations using the IPSL model.

    Published in:
    Climate Dynamics, 2024, v. 62, n. 5, p. 4343, doi. 10.1007/s00382-024-07138-w
    • Bourdin, Stella;
    • Fromang, Sébastien;
    • Caubel, Arnaud;
    • Ghattas, Josefine;
    • Meurdesoif, Yann;
    • Dubos, Thomas
    Publication type:
  • DCMIP2016: the tropical cyclone test case.

    Published in:
    Geoscientific Model Development, 2024, v. 17, n. 7, p. 2493, doi. 10.5194/gmd-17-2493-2024
    • Willson, Justin L.;
    • Reed, Kevin A.;
    • Jablonowski, Christiane;
    • Kent, James;
    • Lauritzen, Peter H.;
    • Nair, Ramachandran;
    • Taylor, Mark A.;
    • Ullrich, Paul A.;
    • Zarzycki, Colin M.;
    • Hall, David M.;
    • Dazlich, Don;
    • Heikes, Ross;
    • Konor, Celal;
    • Randall, David;
    • Dubos, Thomas;
    • Meurdesoif, Yann;
    • Chen, Xi;
    • Harris, Lucas;
    • Kühnlein, Christian;
    • Lee, Vivian
    Publication type:
  • The CHIMERE chemistry-transport model v2023r1.

    Published in:
    Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 2024, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/gmd-2024-20
    • MENUT, Laurent;
    • CHOLAKIAN, Arineh;
    • PENNEL, Romain;
    • SIOUR, Guillaume;
    • MAILLER, Sylvain;
    • VALARI, Myrto;
    • LUGON, Lya;
    • MEURDESOIF, Yann
    Publication type:
  • Simulating the variations of carbon dioxide in the global atmosphere on the hexagonal grid of DYNAMICO coupled with the LMDZ6 model.

    Published in:
    Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 2023, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/gmd-2023-140
    • Lloret, Zoé;
    • Chevallier, Frédéric;
    • Cozic, Anne;
    • Remaud, Marine;
    • Meurdesoif, Yann
    Publication type:
  • DCMIP2016: the tropical cyclone test case.

    Published in:
    Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 2023, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/gmd-2023-87
    • Willson, Justin L.;
    • Reed, Kevin A.;
    • Jablonowski, Christiane;
    • Kent, James;
    • Lauritzen, Peter H.;
    • Nair, Ramachandran;
    • Taylor, Mark A.;
    • Ullrich, Paul A.;
    • Zarzycki, Colin M.;
    • Hall, David M.;
    • Dazlich, Don;
    • Heikes, Ross;
    • Konor, Celal;
    • Randall, David;
    • Dubos, Thomas;
    • Meurdesoif, Yann;
    • Xi Chen;
    • Harris, Lucas;
    • Kühnlein, Christian;
    • Lee, Vivian
    Publication type:
  • La modélisation du climat : défis et opportunités.

    Published in:
    Clefs CEA, 2021, n. 73, p. 18
    • Kageyama, Masa;
    • Boucher, Olivier;
    • Meurdesoif, Yann;
    • Joussaume, Sylvie
    Publication type:
  • La modélisation du climat : défis et opportunités.

    Published in:
    Clefs CEA (English), 2021, p. 18
    • Kageyama, Masa;
    • Boucher, Olivier;
    • Meurdesoif, Yann;
    • Joussaume, Sylvie
    Publication type:
  • A preliminary analysis of atmosphere-only high-resolution climate simulations with IPSL-CM.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2019, v. 21, p. 1
    • Dubos, Thomas;
    • Meurdesoif, Yann;
    • Traoré, Abdoul-Khadre;
    • Ghattas, Josefine;
    • Fairhead, Laurent;
    • Millour, Ehouarn;
    • Hourdin, Frédéric;
    • Lott, Francois;
    • Cugnet, David;
    • Polcher, Jan;
    • Caubel, Arnaud;
    • Fromang, Sébastien;
    • Bourdin, Stella;
    • Sicard, Marie;
    • Kageyama, Masa;
    • Braconnot, Pascale;
    • Marti, Olivier;
    • Foujols, Marie-Alice
    Publication type:
  • DCMIP2016: a review of non-hydrostatic dynamical core design and intercomparison of participating models.

    Published in:
    Geoscientific Model Development, 2017, v. 10, n. 12, p. 4477, doi. 10.5194/gmd-10-4477-2017
    • Ullrich, Paul A.;
    • Jablonowski, Christiane;
    • Kent, James;
    • Lauritzen, Peter H.;
    • Nair, Ramachandran;
    • Reed, Kevin A.;
    • Zarzycki, Colin M.;
    • Hall, David M.;
    • Dazlich, Don;
    • Heikes, Ross;
    • Konor, Celal;
    • Randall, David;
    • Dubos, Thomas;
    • Meurdesoif, Yann;
    • Xi Chen;
    • Harris, Lucas;
    • Kühnlein, Christian;
    • Lee, Vivian;
    • Qaddouri, Abdessamad;
    • Girard, Claude
    Publication type:
  • DCMIP2016: A Review of Non-hydrostatic Dynamical Core Design and Intercomparison of Participating Models.

    Published in:
    Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 2017, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/gmd-2017-108
    • Ullrich, Paul A.;
    • Jablonowski, Christiane;
    • Kent, James;
    • Lauritzen, Peter H.;
    • Nair, Ramachandran;
    • Reed, Kevin A.;
    • Zarzycki, Colin M.;
    • Hall, David M.;
    • Dazlich, Don;
    • Heikes, Ross;
    • Konor, Celal;
    • Randall, David;
    • Dubos, Thomas;
    • Meurdesoif, Yann;
    • Xi Chen;
    • Harris, Lucas;
    • Kühnlein, Christian;
    • Lee, Vivian;
    • Qaddouri, Abdessamad;
    • Girard, Claude
    Publication type:
  • Conservative interpolation between general spherical meshes.

    Published in:
    Geoscientific Model Development, 2017, v. 10, n. 1, p. 425, doi. 10.5194/gmd-10-425-2017
    • Kritsikis, Evaggelos;
    • Aechtner, Matthias;
    • Meurdesoif, Yann;
    • Dubos, Thomas
    Publication type:
  • Impact of the LMDZ atmospheric grid configuration on the climate and sensitivity of the IPSL-CM5A coupled model.

    Published in:
    Climate Dynamics, 2013, v. 40, n. 9/10, p. 2167, doi. 10.1007/s00382-012-1411-3
    • Hourdin, Frédéric;
    • Foujols, Marie-Alice;
    • Codron, Francis;
    • Guemas, Virginie;
    • Dufresne, Jean-Louis;
    • Bony, Sandrine;
    • Denvil, Sébastien;
    • Guez, Lionel;
    • Lott, François;
    • Ghattas, Josefine;
    • Braconnot, Pascale;
    • Marti, Olivier;
    • Meurdesoif, Yann;
    • Bopp, Laurent
    Publication type: