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  • Jovian-like aurorae on Saturn.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2008, v. 453, n. 7198, p. 1083, doi. 10.1038/nature07077
    • Stallard, Tom;
    • Miller, Steve;
    • Melin, Henrik;
    • Lystrup, Makenzie;
    • Cowley, Stan W. H.;
    • Bunce, Emma J.;
    • Achilleos, Nicholas;
    • Dougherty, Michele
    Publication type:
  • Jupiter's Multi‐Year Cycles of Temperature and Aerosol Variability From Ground‐Based Mid‐Infrared Imaging.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2023, v. 128, n. 12, p. 1, doi. 10.1029/2022JE007693
    • Antuñano, Arrate;
    • Fletcher, Leigh N.;
    • Orton, Glenn S.;
    • Melin, Henrik;
    • Donnelly, Padraig T.;
    • Roman, Michael T.;
    • Sinclair, James A.;
    • Kasaba, Yasumasa;
    • Momary, Thomas;
    • Fujiyoshi, Takuya
    Publication type:
  • Saturn's Atmosphere in Northern Summer Revealed by JWST/MIRI.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2023, v. 128, n. 9, p. 1, doi. 10.1029/2023JE007924
    • Fletcher, Leigh N.;
    • King, Oliver R. T.;
    • Harkett, Jake;
    • Hammel, Heidi B.;
    • Roman, Michael T.;
    • Melin, Henrik;
    • Hedman, Matthew M.;
    • Moses, Julianne I.;
    • Guerlet, Sandrine;
    • Milam, Stefanie N.;
    • Tiscareno, Matthew S.
    Publication type:
  • Meridional Variations of C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>2</sub> in Jupiter's Stratosphere From Juno UVS Observations.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2021, v. 126, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1029/2021JE006928
    • Giles, Rohini S.;
    • Greathouse, Thomas K.;
    • Hue, Vincent;
    • Gladstone, G. Randall;
    • Melin, Henrik;
    • Fletcher, Leigh N.;
    • Irwin, Patrick G. J.;
    • Kammer, Joshua A.;
    • Versteeg, Maarten H.;
    • Bonfond, Bertrand;
    • Grodent, Denis C.;
    • Bolton, Scott J.;
    • Levin, Steven M.
    Publication type:
  • Characterizing Temperature and Aerosol Variability During Jupiter's 2006–2007 Equatorial Zone Disturbance.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2020, v. 125, n. 10, p. 1, doi. 10.1029/2020JE006413
    • Antuñano, Arrate;
    • Fletcher, Leigh N.;
    • Orton, Glenn S.;
    • Toledo, Daniel;
    • Melin, Henrik;
    • Roman, Michael T.;
    • Sinclair, James A.;
    • Donnelly, Padraig T.;
    • Morton, Eleanor K.;
    • Selves, Peter
    Publication type:
  • Temperature and Composition Disturbances in the Southern Auroral Region of Jupiter Revealed by JWST/MIRI.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2024, v. 129, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.1029/2024JE008299
    • Rodríguez‐Ovalle, Pablo;
    • Fouchet, Thierry;
    • Guerlet, Sandrine;
    • Cavalié, Thibault;
    • Hue, Vincent;
    • López‐Puertas, Manuel;
    • Lellouch, Emmanuel;
    • Sinclair, James A.;
    • de Pater, Imke;
    • Fletcher, Leigh N.;
    • Wong, Michael H.;
    • Harkett, Jake;
    • Orton, Glenn S.;
    • Hueso, Ricardo;
    • Sánchez‐Lavega, Agustín;
    • Stallard, Tom S.;
    • Bockelee‐Morvan, Dominique;
    • King, Oliver;
    • Roman, Michael T.;
    • Melin, Henrik
    Publication type:
  • Investigating Thermal Contrasts Between Jupiter's Belts, Zones, and Polar Vortices With VLT/VISIR.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2024, v. 129, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1029/2023JE007902
    • Bardet, Deborah;
    • Donnelly, Padraig T.;
    • Fletcher, Leigh N.;
    • Antuñano, Arrate;
    • Roman, Michael T.;
    • Sinclair, James A.;
    • Orton, Glenn S.;
    • Tao, Chihiro;
    • Rogers, John H.;
    • Melin, Henrik;
    • Harkett, Jake
    Publication type:
  • Auroral Processes at the Giant Planets: Energy Deposition, Emission Mechanisms, Morphology and Spectra.

    Published in:
    Space Science Reviews, 2015, v. 187, n. 1-4, p. 99, doi. 10.1007/s11214-014-0042-x
    • Badman, Sarah;
    • Branduardi-Raymont, Graziella;
    • Galand, Marina;
    • Hess, Sébastien;
    • Krupp, Norbert;
    • Lamy, Laurent;
    • Melin, Henrik;
    • Tao, Chihiro
    Publication type:
  • Asymmetric Ionospheric Jets in Jupiter's Aurora.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Space Physics, 2023, v. 128, n. 12, p. 1, doi. 10.1029/2023JA031861
    • Wang, Ruoyan;
    • Stallard, Tom S.;
    • Melin, Henrik;
    • Baines, Kevin H.;
    • Achilleos, Nicholas;
    • Rymer, Abigail M.;
    • Ray, Licia C.;
    • Nichols, Jonathan D.;
    • Moore, Luke;
    • O'Donoghue, James;
    • Chowdhury, Mohammad N.;
    • Thomas, Emma M.;
    • Knowles, Katie L.;
    • Tiranti, Paola I.;
    • Miller, Steve
    Publication type:
  • Jupiter's polar ionospheric flows: High resolution mapping of spectral intensity and line-of-sight velocity of H<sub>3</sub><sup>+</sup> ions.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Space Physics, 2017, v. 122, n. 7, p. 7599, doi. 10.1002/2017JA024176
    • Johnson, Rosie E.;
    • Stallard, Tom S.;
    • Melin, Henrik;
    • Nichols, Jonathan D.;
    • Cowley, Stan W. H.
    Publication type:
  • Cassini VIMS observations of H<sub>3</sub><sup>+</sup> emission on the nightside of Jupiter.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Space Physics, 2015, v. 120, n. 8, p. 6948, doi. 10.1002/2015JA021097
    • Stallard, Tom S.;
    • Melin, Henrik;
    • Miller, Steve;
    • Badman, Sarah V.;
    • Baines, Kevin H.;
    • Brown, Robert H.;
    • Blake, James S. D.;
    • O'Donoghue, James;
    • Johnson, Rosie E.;
    • Bools, Bethany;
    • Pilkington, Nathan M.;
    • East, Oliver T.L.;
    • Fletcher, Mark
    Publication type:
  • Saturn's auroral/polar H<sub>3</sub><sup>+</sup> infrared emission: The effect of solar wind compression.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Space Physics, 2012, v. 117, n. A12, p. n/a, doi. 10.1029/2012JA018201
    • Stallard, Tom S.;
    • Masters, Adam;
    • Miller, Steve;
    • Melin, Henrik;
    • Bunce, Emma J.;
    • Arridge, Chris S.;
    • Achilleos, Nicholas;
    • Dougherty, Michele K.;
    • Cowley, Stan W. H.
    Publication type:
  • Redetection of the Ionospheric.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2017, v. 44, n. 23, p. 11,762, doi. 10.1002/2017GL075932
    • O'Donoghue, James;
    • Moore, Luke;
    • Connerney, John E. P.;
    • Melin, Henrik;
    • Stallard, Tom S.;
    • Miller, Steve;
    • Baines, Kevin H.
    Publication type:
  • The Great Cold Spot in Jupiter's upper atmosphere.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2017, v. 44, n. 7, p. 3000, doi. 10.1002/2016GL071956
    • Stallard, Tom S.;
    • Melin, Henrik;
    • Miller, Steve;
    • Moore, Luke;
    • O'Donoghue, James;
    • Connerney, John E. P.;
    • Satoh, Takehiko;
    • West, Robert A.;
    • Thayer, Jeffrey P.;
    • Hsu, Vicki W.;
    • Johnson, Rosie E.
    Publication type:
  • Infrared Characterization of Jupiter's Equatorial Disturbance Cycle.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2018, v. 45, n. 20, p. 10,987, doi. 10.1029/2018GL080382
    • Antuñano, Arrate;
    • Fletcher, Leigh N.;
    • Orton, Glenn S.;
    • Melin, Henrik;
    • Rogers, John H.;
    • Harrington, Joseph;
    • Donnelly, Padraig T.;
    • Rowe‐Gurney, Naomi;
    • Blake, James S. D.
    Publication type:
  • Ice giant system exploration within ESA's Voyage 2050.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2022, v. 54, n. 2/3, p. 1015, doi. 10.1007/s10686-021-09759-z
    • Fletcher, Leigh N.;
    • Helled, Ravit;
    • Roussos, Elias;
    • Jones, Geraint;
    • Charnoz, Sébastien;
    • André, Nicolas;
    • Andrews, David;
    • Bannister, Michele;
    • Bunce, Emma;
    • Cavalié, Thibault;
    • Ferri, Francesca;
    • Fortney, Jonathan;
    • Grassi, Davide;
    • Griton, Léa;
    • Hartogh, Paul;
    • Hueso, Ricardo;
    • Kaspi, Yohai;
    • Lamy, Laurent;
    • Masters, Adam;
    • Melin, Henrik
    Publication type:
  • Refining Saturn's deuterium-hydrogen ratio via IRTF/TEXES spectroscopy.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2021, v. 653, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202038229
    • Blake, James S. D.;
    • Fletcher, Leigh N.;
    • Greathouse, Thomas K.;
    • Orton, Glenn S.;
    • Melin, Henrik;
    • Roman, Mike T.;
    • Antuñano, Arrate;
    • Donnelly, Padraig T.;
    • Rowe-Gurney, Naomi;
    • King, Oliver
    Publication type: