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  • WHO next‐generation partograph: revolutionary steps towards individualised labour care.

    Published in:
    BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 2021, v. 128, n. 10, p. 1658, doi. 10.1111/1471-0528.16694
    • Hofmeyr, GJ;
    • Bernitz, S;
    • Bonet, M;
    • Bucagu, M;
    • Dao, B;
    • Downe, S;
    • Galadanci, H;
    • Homer, CSE;
    • Hundley, V;
    • Lavender, T;
    • Levy, B;
    • Lissauer, D;
    • Lumbiganon, P;
    • McConville, FE;
    • Pattinson, R;
    • Qureshi, Z;
    • Souza, JP;
    • Stanton, ME;
    • ten Hoope‐Bender, P;
    • Vannevel, V
    Publication type: