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  • Cross-Species Rhesus Cytomegalovirus Infection of Cynomolgus Macaques.

    Published in:
    PLoS Pathogens, 2016, v. 12, n. 11, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006014
    • Burwitz, Benjamin J.;
    • Malouli, Daniel;
    • Bimber, Benjamin N.;
    • Reed, Jason S.;
    • Ventura, Abigail B.;
    • Hancock, Meaghan H.;
    • Uebelhoer, Luke S.;
    • Bhusari, Amruta;
    • Hammond, Katherine B.;
    • Espinosa Trethewy, Renee G.;
    • Klug, Alex;
    • Legasse, Alfred W.;
    • Axthelm, Michael K.;
    • Nelson, Jay A.;
    • Park, Byung S.;
    • Streblow, Daniel N.;
    • Hansen, Scott G.;
    • Picker, Louis J.;
    • Früh, Klaus;
    • Sacha, Jonah B.
    Publication type:
  • A live-attenuated RhCMV/SIV vaccine shows long-term efficacy against heterologous SIV challenge.

    Published in:
    Science Translational Medicine, 2019, v. 11, n. 501, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/scitranslmed.aaw2607
    • Hansen, Scott G.;
    • Marshall, Emily E.;
    • Malouli, Daniel;
    • Ventura, Abigail B.;
    • Hughes, Colette M.;
    • Ainslie, Emily;
    • Ford, Julia C.;
    • Morrow, David;
    • Gilbride, Roxanne M.;
    • Bae, Jin Y.;
    • Legasse, Alfred W.;
    • Oswald, Kelli;
    • Shoemaker, Rebecca;
    • Berkemeier, Brian;
    • Bosche, William J.;
    • Hull, Michael;
    • Womack, Jennie;
    • Shao, Jason;
    • Edlefsen, Paul T.;
    • Reed, Jason S.
    Publication type:
  • Enhancing safety of cytomegalovirus-based vaccine vectors by engaging host intrinsic immunity.

    Published in:
    Science Translational Medicine, 2019, v. 11, n. 501, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/scitranslmed.aaw2603
    • Marshall, Emily E.;
    • Malouli, Daniel;
    • Hansen, Scott G.;
    • Gilbride, Roxanne M.;
    • Hughes, Colette M.;
    • Ventura, Abigail B.;
    • Ainslie, Emily;
    • Selseth, Andrea N.;
    • Ford, Julia C.;
    • Burke, David;
    • Kreklywich, Craig N.;
    • Womack, Jennie;
    • Legasse, Alfred W.;
    • Axthelm, Michael K.;
    • Kahl, Christoph;
    • Streblow, Daniel;
    • Edlefsen, Paul T.;
    • Picker, Louis J.;
    • Früh, Klaus
    Publication type:
  • Natural Killer Cell Evasion Is Essential for Infection by Rhesus Cytomegalovirus.

    Published in:
    PLoS Pathogens, 2016, v. 12, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005868
    • Sturgill, Elizabeth R.;
    • Malouli, Daniel;
    • Hansen, Scott G.;
    • Burwitz, Benjamin J.;
    • Seo, Seongkyung;
    • Schneider, Christine L.;
    • Womack, Jennie L.;
    • Verweij, Marieke C.;
    • Ventura, Abigail B.;
    • Bhusari, Amruta;
    • Jeffries, Krystal M.;
    • Legasse, Alfred W.;
    • Axthelm, Michael K.;
    • Hudson, Amy W.;
    • Sacha, Jonah B.;
    • Picker, Louis J.;
    • Früh, Klaus
    Publication type:
  • Varicella Viruses Inhibit Interferon-Stimulated JAK-STAT Signaling through Multiple Mechanisms.

    Published in:
    PLoS Pathogens, 2015, v. 11, n. 5, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004901
    • Verweij, Marieke C.;
    • Wellish, Mary;
    • Whitmer, Travis;
    • Malouli, Daniel;
    • Lapel, Martin;
    • Jonjić, Stipan;
    • Haas, Juergen G.;
    • DeFilippis, Victor R.;
    • Mahalingam, Ravi;
    • Früh, Klaus
    Publication type:
  • BST2/Tetherin Enhances Entry of Human Cytomegalovirus.

    Published in:
    PLoS Pathogens, 2011, v. 7, n. 11, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1002332
    • Viswanathan, Kasinath;
    • Smith, M. Shane;
    • Malouli, Daniel;
    • Mansouri, Mandana;
    • Nelson, Jay A.;
    • Früh, Klaus
    Publication type:
  • Characterization of a live-attenuated HCMV-based vaccine platform.

    Published in:
    Scientific Reports, 2019, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41598-019-55508-w
    • Caposio, Patrizia;
    • van den Worm, Sjoerd;
    • Crawford, Lindsey;
    • Perez, Wilma;
    • Kreklywich, Craig;
    • Gilbride, Roxanne M.;
    • Hughes, Colette M.;
    • Ventura, Abigail B.;
    • Ratts, Robert;
    • Marshall, Emily E.;
    • Malouli, Daniel;
    • Axthelm, Michael K.;
    • Streblow, Daniel;
    • Nelson, Jay A.;
    • Picker, Louis J.;
    • Hansen, Scott G.;
    • Früh, Klaus
    Publication type:
  • Relationship of maternal cytomegalovirus-specific antibody responses and viral load to vertical transmission risk following primary maternal infection in a rhesus macaque model.

    Published in:
    PLoS Pathogens, 2023, v. 19, n. 10, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1011378
    • Otero, Claire E.;
    • Barfield, Richard;
    • Scheef, Elizabeth;
    • Nelson, Cody S.;
    • Rodgers, Nicole;
    • Wang, Hsuan-Yuan;
    • Moström, Matilda J.;
    • Manuel, Tabitha D.;
    • Sass, Julian;
    • Schmidt, Kimberli;
    • Taher, Husam;
    • Papen, Courtney;
    • Sprehe, Lesli;
    • Kendall, Savannah;
    • Davalos, Angel;
    • Barry, Peter A.;
    • Früh, Klaus;
    • Pollara, Justin;
    • Malouli, Daniel;
    • Chan, Cliburn
    Publication type:
  • Protective effect of pre-existing natural immunity in a nonhuman primate reinfection model of congenital cytomegalovirus infection.

    Published in:
    PLoS Pathogens, 2023, v. 19, n. 10, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1011646
    • Moström, Matilda J.;
    • Yu, Shan;
    • Tran, Dollnovan;
    • Saccoccio, Frances M.;
    • Versoza, Cyril J.;
    • Malouli, Daniel;
    • Mirza, Anne;
    • Valencia, Sarah;
    • Gilbert, Margaret;
    • Blair, Robert V.;
    • Hansen, Scott;
    • Barry, Peter;
    • Früh, Klaus;
    • Jensen, Jeffrey D.;
    • Pfeifer, Susanne P.;
    • Kowalik, Timothy F.;
    • Permar, Sallie R.;
    • Kaur, Amitinder
    Publication type:
  • Cytomegalovirus pp65 limits dissemination but is dispensable for persistence.

    Published in:
    • Malouli, Daniel;
    • Hansen, Scott G;
    • Nakayasu, Ernesto S;
    • Marshall, Emily E;
    • Hughes, Colette M;
    • Ventura, Abigail B;
    • Gilbride, Roxanne M;
    • Lewis, Matthew S;
    • Xu, Guangwu;
    • Kreklywich, Craig;
    • Whizin, Nathan;
    • Fischer, Miranda;
    • Legasse, Alfred W;
    • Viswanathan, Kasinath;
    • Siess, Don;
    • Camp 2nd, David G;
    • Axthelm, Michael K;
    • Kahl, Christoph;
    • DeFilippis, Victor R;
    • Smith, Richard D
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Cytomegalovirus pp65 limits dissemination but is dispensable for persistence.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2014, v. 124, n. 5, p. 1928, doi. 10.1172/JCI67420
    • Malouli, Daniel;
    • Hansen, Scott G.;
    • Nakayasu, Ernesto S.;
    • Marshall, Emily E.;
    • Hughes, Colette M.;
    • Ventura, Abigail B.;
    • Gilbride, Roxanne M.;
    • Lewis, Matthew S.;
    • Guangwu Xu;
    • Kreklywich, Craig;
    • Whizin, Nathan;
    • Fischer, Miranda;
    • Legasse, Alfred W.;
    • Viswanathan, Kasinath;
    • Siess, Don;
    • Camp II, David G.;
    • Axthelm, Michael K.;
    • Kahl, Christoph;
    • DeFilippis, Victor R.;
    • Smith, Richard D.
    Publication type:
  • Quantitative membrane proteomics reveals a role for tetraspanin enriched microdomains during entry of human cytomegalovirus.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2017, v. 12, n. 11, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0187899
    • Viswanathan, Kasinath;
    • Verweij, Marieke C.;
    • John, Nessy;
    • Malouli, Daniel;
    • Früh, Klaus
    Publication type:
  • Myeloid cell tropism enables MHC-E–restricted CD8<sup>+</sup> T cell priming and vaccine efficacy by the RhCMV/SIV vaccine.

    Published in:
    Science Immunology, 2022, v. 7, n. 72, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/sciimmunol.abn9301
    • Hansen, Scott G.;
    • Hancock, Meaghan H.;
    • Malouli, Daniel;
    • Marshall, Emily E.;
    • Hughes, Colette M.;
    • Randall, Kurt T.;
    • Morrow, David;
    • Ford, Julia C.;
    • Gilbride, Roxanne M.;
    • Selseth, Andrea N.;
    • Trethewy, Renee Espinosa;
    • Bishop, Lindsey M.;
    • Oswald, Kelli;
    • Shoemaker, Rebecca;
    • Berkemeier, Brian;
    • Bosche, William J.;
    • Hull, Michael;
    • Silipino, Lorna;
    • Nekorchuk, Michael;
    • Busman-Sahay, Kathleen
    Publication type:
  • Cytomegaloviral determinants of CD8<sup>+</sup> T cell programming and RhCMV/SIV vaccine efficacy.

    Published in:
    Science Immunology, 2021, v. 6, n. 57, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/sciimmunol.abg5413
    • Malouli, Daniel;
    • Hansen, Scott G.;
    • Hancock, Meaghan H.;
    • Hughes, Colette M.;
    • Ford, Julia C.;
    • Gilbride, Roxanne M.;
    • Ventura, Abigail B.;
    • Morrow, David;
    • Randall, Kurt T.;
    • Taher, Husam;
    • Uebelhoer, Luke S.;
    • McArdle, Matthew R.;
    • Papen, Courtney R.;
    • Espinosa Trethewy, Renee;
    • Oswald, Kelli;
    • Shoemaker, Rebecca;
    • Berkemeier, Brian;
    • Bosche, William J.;
    • Hull, Michael;
    • Greene, Justin M.
    Publication type: