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  • Effect of zinc‐biofortified seeds on grain yield of wheat, rice, and common bean grown in six countries.

    Published in:
    Journal of Plant Nutrition & Soil Science, 2019, v. 182, n. 5, p. 791, doi. 10.1002/jpln.201800577
    • Rashid, Abdul;
    • Ram, Hari;
    • Zou, Chun-Qin;
    • Rerkasem, Benjavan;
    • Duarte, Aildson P.;
    • Simunji, Simunji;
    • Yazici, Atilla;
    • Guo, Shiwei;
    • Rizwan, Muhammad;
    • Bal, Rajinder S.;
    • Wang, Zhaohui;
    • Malik, Sudeep S.;
    • Phattarakul, Nattinee;
    • Soares de Freitas, Rogerio;
    • Lungu, Obed;
    • Barros, Vera L. N. P.;
    • Cakmak, Ismail
    Publication type: