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  • Growing a nuclear star cluster from star formation and cluster mergers: The JWST NIRSpec view of NGC 4654.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2024, v. 687, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202449629
    • Fahrion, Katja;
    • Böker, Torsten;
    • Perna, Michele;
    • Beck, Tracy L.;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Arribas, Santiago;
    • Bunker, Andrew J.;
    • Charlot, Stephane;
    • Ceci, Matteo;
    • Cresci, Giovanni;
    • De Marchi, Guido;
    • Lützgendorf, Nora;
    • Ulivi, Lorenzo
    Publication type:
  • JADES: Possible Population III signatures at z = 10.6 in the halo of GN-z11.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2024, v. 687, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202347087
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Übler, Hannah;
    • Perna, Michele;
    • Scholtz, Jan;
    • D'Eugenio, Francesco;
    • Witten, Callum;
    • Laporte, Nicolas;
    • Witstok, Joris;
    • Carniani, Stefano;
    • Tacchella, Sandro;
    • Baker, William M.;
    • Arribas, Santiago;
    • Nakajima, Kimihiko;
    • Eisenstein, Daniel J.;
    • Bunker, Andrew J.;
    • Charlot, Stéphane;
    • Cresci, Giovanni;
    • Curti, Mirko;
    • Curtis-Lake, Emma;
    • de Graaff, Anna
    Publication type:
  • GN-z11: The environment of an active galactic nucleus at z = 10.603: New insights into the most distant Lyα detection.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2024, v. 687, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202347187
    • Scholtz, Jan;
    • Witten, Callum;
    • Laporte, Nicolas;
    • Übler, Hannah;
    • Perna, Michele;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Arribas, Santiago;
    • Baker, William M.;
    • Bennett, Jake S.;
    • D'Eugenio, Francesco;
    • Simmonds, Charlotte;
    • Tacchella, Sandro;
    • Witstok, Joris;
    • Bunker, Andrew J.;
    • Carniani, Stefano;
    • Charlot, Stéphane;
    • Cresci, Giovanni;
    • Curtis-Lake, Emma;
    • Eisenstein, Daniel J.;
    • Kumari, Nimisha
    Publication type:
  • JADES: The incidence rate and properties of galactic outflows in low-mass galaxies across 3 < z < 9.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2024, v. 685, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202347230
    • Carniani, Stefano;
    • Venturi, Giacomo;
    • Parlanti, Eleonora;
    • de Graaff, Anna;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Arribas, Santiago;
    • Bonaventura, Nina;
    • Boyett, Kristan;
    • Bunker, Andrew J.;
    • Cameron, Alex J.;
    • Charlot, Stephane;
    • Chevallard, Jacopo;
    • Curti, Mirko;
    • Curtis-Lake, Emma;
    • Eisenstein, Daniel J.;
    • Giardino, Giovanna;
    • Hausen, Ryan;
    • Kumari, Nimisha;
    • Maseda, Michael V.;
    • Nelson, Erica
    Publication type:
  • The formation and cosmic evolution of dust in the early Universe: I. Dust sources.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics Review, 2024, v. 32, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s00159-024-00151-2
    • Schneider, Raffaella;
    • Maiolino, Roberto
    Publication type:
  • The discovery space of ELT-ANDES. Stars and stellar populations.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2024, v. 57, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s10686-024-09938-8
    • Roederer, Ian U.;
    • Alvarado-Gómez, Julián D.;
    • Allende Prieto, Carlos;
    • Adibekyan, Vardan;
    • Aguado, David S.;
    • Amado, Pedro J.;
    • Amazo-Gómez, Eliana M.;
    • Baratella, Martina;
    • Barnes, Sydney A.;
    • Bensby, Thomas;
    • Bigot, Lionel;
    • Chiavassa, Andrea;
    • de Souza, Armando Domiciano;
    • González Hernández, J. I.;
    • Hansen, Camilla Juul;
    • Järvinen, Silva P.;
    • Korn, Andreas J.;
    • Lucatello, Sara;
    • Magrini, Laura;
    • Maiolino, Roberto
    Publication type:
  • GA-NIFS: JWST/NIRSpec integral field unit observations of HFLS3 reveal a dense galaxy group at z ∼ 6.3.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2024, v. 682, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202347838
    • Jones, Gareth C.;
    • Übler, Hannah;
    • Perna, Michele;
    • Arribas, Santiago;
    • Bunker, Andrew J.;
    • Carniani, Stefano;
    • Charlot, Stephane;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Del Pino, Bruno Rodríguez;
    • Willott, Chris;
    • Bowler, Rebecca A. A.;
    • Böker, Torsten;
    • Cameron, Alex J.;
    • Chevallard, Jacopo;
    • Cresci, Giovanni;
    • Curti, Mirko;
    • D'Eugenio, Francesco;
    • Kumari, Nimisha;
    • Saxena, Aayush;
    • Scholtz, Jan
    Publication type:
  • Inside the bubble: exploring the environments of reionisation-era Lyman-α emitting galaxies with JADES and FRESCO.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2024, v. 682, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202347176
    • Witstok, Joris;
    • Smit, Renske;
    • Saxena, Aayush;
    • Jones, Gareth C.;
    • Helton, Jakob M.;
    • Sun, Fengwu;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Kumari, Nimisha;
    • Stark, Daniel P.;
    • Bunker, Andrew J.;
    • Arribas, Santiago;
    • Baker, William M.;
    • Bhatawdekar, Rachana;
    • Boyett, Kristan;
    • Cameron, Alex J.;
    • Carniani, Stefano;
    • Charlot, Stephane;
    • Chevallard, Jacopo;
    • Curti, Mirko;
    • Curtis-Lake, Emma
    Publication type:
  • JADES NIRSpec Spectroscopy of GN-z11: Lyman-α emission and possible enhanced nitrogen abundance in a z = 10.60 luminous galaxy.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2023, v. 677, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202346159
    • Bunker, Andrew J.;
    • Saxena, Aayush;
    • Cameron, Alex J.;
    • Willott, Chris J.;
    • Curtis-Lake, Emma;
    • Jakobsen, Peter;
    • Carniani, Stefano;
    • Smit, Renske;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Witstok, Joris;
    • Curti, Mirko;
    • D'Eugenio, Francesco;
    • Jones, Gareth C.;
    • Ferruit, Pierre;
    • Arribas, Santiago;
    • Charlot, Stephane;
    • Chevallard, Jacopo;
    • Giardino, Giovanna;
    • de Graaff, Anna;
    • Looser, Tobias J.
    Publication type:
  • JADES: Probing interstellar medium conditions at z ∼ 5.5–9.5 with ultra-deep JWST/NIRSpec spectroscopy.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2023, v. 677, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202346107
    • Cameron, Alex J.;
    • Saxena, Aayush;
    • Bunker, Andrew J.;
    • D'Eugenio, Francesco;
    • Carniani, Stefano;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Curtis-Lake, Emma;
    • Ferruit, Pierre;
    • Jakobsen, Peter;
    • Arribas, Santiago;
    • Bonaventura, Nina;
    • Charlot, Stephane;
    • Chevallard, Jacopo;
    • Curti, Mirko;
    • Looser, Tobias J.;
    • Maseda, Michael V.;
    • Rawle, Tim;
    • Rodríguez Del Pino, Bruno;
    • Smit, Renske;
    • Übler, Hannah
    Publication type:
  • GA-NIFS: A massive black hole in a low-metallicity AGN at z ∼ 5.55 revealed by JWST/NIRSpec IFS.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2023, v. 677, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202346137
    • Übler, Hannah;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Curtis-Lake, Emma;
    • Pérez-González, Pablo G.;
    • Curti, Mirko;
    • Perna, Michele;
    • Arribas, Santiago;
    • Charlot, Stéphane;
    • Marshall, Madeline A.;
    • D'Eugenio, Francesco;
    • Scholtz, Jan;
    • Bunker, Andrew;
    • Carniani, Stefano;
    • Ferruit, Pierre;
    • Jakobsen, Peter;
    • Rix, Hans-Walter;
    • Rodríguez Del Pino, Bruno;
    • Willott, Chris J.;
    • Boeker, Torsten;
    • Cresci, Giovanni
    Publication type:
  • Astronomia extragalattica ad Arcetri.

    Published in:
    Il Colle di Galileo, 2023, v. 12, n. 1, p. 63, doi. 10.36253/cdg-14408
    • Mannucci, Filippo;
    • Hunt, Leslie K.;
    • Maiolino, Roberto
    Publication type:
  • Space Project for Astrophysical and Cosmological Exploration (SPACE), an ESA stand-alone mission and a possible contribution to the Origins Space Telescope.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2021, v. 51, n. 3, p. 625, doi. 10.1007/s10686-021-09703-1
    • Burgarella, Denis;
    • Bunker, Andrew;
    • Bouwens, Rychard;
    • Pagani, Laurent;
    • Afonso, Jose;
    • Atek, Hakim;
    • Audard, Marc;
    • Cabrit, Sylvie;
    • Caputi, Karina;
    • Ciesla, Laure;
    • Conselice, Christopher;
    • Cooray, Asantha;
    • Cresci, Giovanni;
    • Curti, Mirko;
    • Espinosa, José Miguel Rodríguez;
    • Ferrari, Marc;
    • Kobayashi, Chiaki;
    • Lagarde, Nadège;
    • Maestro, Jesus Gallego;
    • Maiolino, Roberto
    Publication type:
  • Cool outflows in galaxies and their implications.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics Review, 2020, v. 28, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s00159-019-0121-9
    • Veilleux, Sylvain;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Bolatto, Alberto D.;
    • Aalto, Susanne
    Publication type:
  • MAGNUM survey: A MUSE-Chandra resolved view on ionized outflows and photoionization in the Seyfert galaxy NGC1365.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2018, v. 619, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201833668
    • Venturi, Giacomo;
    • Nardini, Emanuele;
    • Marconi, Alessandro;
    • Carniani, Stefano;
    • Mingozzi, Matilde;
    • Cresci, Giovanni;
    • Mannucci, Filippo;
    • Risaliti, Guido;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Balmaverde, Barbara;
    • Bongiorno, Angela;
    • Brusa, Marcella;
    • Capetti, Alessandro;
    • Cicone, Claudia;
    • Ciroi, Stefano;
    • Feruglio, Chiara;
    • Fiore, Fabrizio;
    • Gallazzi, Anna;
    • La Franca, Fabio;
    • Mainieri, Vincenzo
    Publication type:
  • SDSS-IV MaNGA - the spatially resolved transition from star formation to quiescence.

    Published in:
    Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2017, v. 466, n. 3, p. 2570, doi. 10.1093/mnras/stw3211
    • Belfiore, Francesco;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Maraston, Claudia;
    • Emsellem, Eric;
    • Bershady, Matthew A.;
    • Masters, Karen L.;
    • Bizyaev, Dmitry;
    • Boquien, Médéric;
    • Brownstein, Joel R.;
    • Bundy, Kevin;
    • Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.;
    • Drory, Niv;
    • Heckman, Timothy M.;
    • Law, David R.;
    • Malanushenko, Olena;
    • Oravetz, Audrey;
    • Pan, Kaike;
    • Roman-Lopes, Alexandre;
    • Thomas, Daniel;
    • Weijmans, Anne-Marie
    Publication type:
  • SDSS-IV MaNGA: the impact of diffuse ionized gas on emission-line ratios, interpretation of diagnostic diagrams and gas metallicity measurements.

    Published in:
    Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2017, v. 466, n. 3, p. 3217, doi. 10.1093/mnras/stw3308
    • Kai Zhang;
    • Renbin Yan;
    • Bundy, Kevin;
    • Bershady, Matthew;
    • Haffner, L. Matthew;
    • Walterbos, Renß;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Tremonti, Christy;
    • Thomas, Daniel;
    • Drory, Niv;
    • Jones, Amy;
    • Belfiore, Francesco;
    • Sánchez, Sebastian F.;
    • Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.;
    • Bizyaev, Dmitry;
    • Nitschelm, Christian;
    • Andrews, Brett;
    • Brinkmann, Jon;
    • Brownstein, Joel R.;
    • Cheung, Edmond
    Publication type:
  • ALMA resolves turbulent, rotating [CII] emission in a young starburst galaxy at z = 4.8.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2014, v. 565, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201323331
    • De Breuck, Carlos;
    • Williams, Rebecca J.;
    • Swinbank, Mark;
    • Caselli, Paola;
    • Coppin, Kristen;
    • Davis, Timothy A.;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Nagao, Tohru;
    • Smail, Ian;
    • Walter, Fabian;
    • Weiß, Axel;
    • Zwaan, Martin A.
    Publication type:
  • The AGN-Starburst Connection traced by the Nitrogen Abundance.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2012, v. 8, n. S290, p. 273, doi. 10.1017/S1743921312019977
    • Matsuoka, Kenta;
    • Nagao, Tohru;
    • Marconi, Alessandro;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Taniguchi, Yoshiaki
    Publication type:
  • AGN Obscuration and the Unified Model.

    Published in:
    Advances in Astronomy, 2012, p. 1, doi. 10.1155/2012/782030
    • Bianchi, Stefano;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Risaliti, Guido
    Publication type:
  • A kiloparsec-scale hyper-starburst in a quasar host less than 1 gigayear after the Big Bang.

    Published in:
    • Walter, Fabian;
    • Riechers, Dominik;
    • Cox, Pierre;
    • Neri, Roberto;
    • Carilli, Chris;
    • Bertoldi, Frank;
    • Weiss, Axel;
    • Maiolino, Roberto
    Publication type:
  • Dust at z>6. Observations and theory.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2006, v. 2, n. 14, p. 262, doi. 10.1017/S1743921307010459
    • Maiolino, Roberto
    Publication type:
  • Molecular Hydrogen.

    Published in:
    Space Science Reviews, 2005, v. 119, n. 1-4, p. 71, doi. 10.1007/s11214-005-8062-1
    • Habart, Emilie;
    • Walmsley, Malcolm;
    • Verstraete, Laurent;
    • Cazaux, Stephanie;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Cox, Pierre;
    • Boulanger, Francois;
    • Des Forêts, Guillaume Pineau
    Publication type: