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  • The BioGRID interaction database: 2015 update.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, v. 43, n. D1, p. D470, doi. 10.1093/nar/gku1204
    • Chatr-aryamontri, Andrew;
    • Breitkreutz, Bobby-Joe;
    • Oughtred, Rose;
    • Boucher, Lorrie;
    • Heinicke, Sven;
    • Chen, Daici;
    • Stark, Chris;
    • Breitkreutz, Ashton;
    • Kolas, Nadine;
    • O'Donnell, Lara;
    • Reguly, Teresa;
    • Nixon, Julie;
    • Ramage, Lindsay;
    • Winter, Andrew;
    • Sellam, Adnane;
    • Chang, Christie;
    • Hirschman, Jodi;
    • Theesfeld, Chandra;
    • Rust, Jennifer;
    • Livstone, Michael S.
    Publication type:
  • Recurated protein interaction datasets.

    Published in:
    • Salwinski, Lukasz;
    • Licata, Luana;
    • Winter, Andrew;
    • Thorneycroft, David;
    • Khadake, Jyoti;
    • Ceol, Arnaud;
    • Aryamontri, Andrew Chatr;
    • Oughtred, Rose;
    • Livstone, Michael;
    • Boucher, Lorrie;
    • Botstein, David;
    • Dolinski, Kara;
    • Berardini, Tanya;
    • Huala, Eva;
    • Tyers, Mike;
    • Eisenberg, David;
    • Cesareni, Gianni;
    • Hermjakob, Henning
    Publication type:
  • Phylogenetic-based propagation of functional annotations within the Gene Ontology consortium.

    Published in:
    Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2011, v. 12, n. 5, p. 449, doi. 10.1093/bib/bbr042
    • Gaudet, Pascale;
    • Livstone, Michael S.;
    • Lewis, Suzanna E.;
    • Thomas, Paul D.
    Publication type:
  • The BioGRID interaction database: 2013 update.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2013, v. 41, p. D816, doi. 10.1093/nar/gks1158
    • Chatr-aryamontri, Andrew;
    • Breitkreutz, Bobby-Joe;
    • Heinicke, Sven;
    • Boucher, Lorrie;
    • Winter, Andrew;
    • Stark, Chris;
    • Nixon, Julie;
    • Ramage, Lindsay;
    • Kolas, Nadine;
    • O'Donnell, Lara;
    • Reguly, Teresa;
    • Breitkreutz, Ashton;
    • Sellam, Adnane;
    • Chen, Daici;
    • Chang, Christie;
    • Rust, Jennifer;
    • Livstone, Michael;
    • Oughtred, Rose;
    • Dolinski, Kara;
    • Tyers, Mike
    Publication type:
  • The BioGRID Interaction Database: 2011 update.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2011, v. 39, n. suppl_1, p. D698, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkq1116
    • Stark, Chris;
    • Breitkreutz, Bobby-Joe;
    • Chatr-aryamontri, Andrew;
    • Boucher, Lorrie;
    • Oughtred, Rose;
    • Livstone, Michael S.;
    • Nixon, Julie;
    • Van Auken, Kimberly;
    • Wang, Xiaodong;
    • Shi, Xiaoqi;
    • Reguly, Teresa;
    • Rust, Jennifer M.;
    • Winter, Andrew;
    • Dolinski, Kara;
    • Tyers, Mike
    Publication type:
  • Saccharomyces Genome Database provides mutant phenotype data.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2010, v. 38, p. D433, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkp917
    • Engel, Stacia R.;
    • Balakrishnan, Rama;
    • Binkley, Gail;
    • Christie, Karen R.;
    • Costanzo, Maria C.;
    • Dwight, Selina S.;
    • Fisk, Dianna G.;
    • Hirschman, Jodi E.;
    • Hitz, Benjamin C.;
    • Hong, Eurie L.;
    • Krieger, Cynthia J.;
    • Livstone, Michael S.;
    • Miyasato, Stuart R.;
    • Nash, Robert;
    • Oughtred, Rose;
    • Park, Julie;
    • Skrzypek, Marek S.;
    • Shuai Weng;
    • Wong, Edith D.;
    • Dolinski, Kara
    Publication type:
  • Gene Ontology annotations at SGD: new data sources and annotation methods.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, v. 36, p. D577
    • Hong, Eurie L.;
    • Balakrishnan, Rama;
    • Dong, Qing;
    • Christie, Karen R.;
    • Park, Julie;
    • Binkley, Gail;
    • Costanzo, Maria C.;
    • Dwight, Selina S.;
    • Engel, Stacia R.;
    • Fisk, Dianna G.;
    • Hirschman, Jodi E.;
    • Hitz, Benjamin C.;
    • Krieger, Cynthia J.;
    • Livstone, Michael S.;
    • Miyasato, Stuart R.;
    • Nash, Robert S.;
    • Oughtred, Rose;
    • Skrzypek, Marek S.;
    • Weng, Shuai;
    • Wong, Edith D.
    Publication type:
  • The BioGRID Interaction Database: 2008 update.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, v. 36, p. D637
    • Breitkreutz, Bobby-Joe;
    • Stark, Chris;
    • Reguly, Teresa;
    • Boucher, Lorrie;
    • Breitkreutz, Ashton;
    • Livstone, Michael;
    • Oughtred, Rose;
    • Lackner, Daniel H.;
    • Bähler, Jürg;
    • Wood, Valerie;
    • Dolinski, Kara;
    • Tyers, Mike
    Publication type:
  • Expanded protein information at SGD: new pages and proteome browser.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2007, v. 35, p. d468, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkl931
    • Nash, Robert;
    • Weng, Shuai;
    • Hitz, Ben;
    • Balakrishnan, Rama;
    • Christie, Karen R.;
    • Costanzo, Maria C.;
    • Dwight, Selina S.;
    • Engel, Stacia R.;
    • Fisk, Dianna G.;
    • Hirschman, Jodi E.;
    • Hong, Eurie L.;
    • Livstone, Michael S.;
    • Oughtred, Rose;
    • Park, Julie;
    • Skrzypek, Marek;
    • Theesfeld, Chandra L.;
    • Binkley, Gail;
    • Dong, Qing;
    • Lane, Christopher;
    • Miyasato, Stuart
    Publication type:
  • Genome Snapshot: a new resource at the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) presenting an overview of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2006, v. 34, n. suppl 1, p. d442, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkj117
    • Hirschman, Jodi E.;
    • Balakrishnan, Rama;
    • Christie, Karen R.;
    • Costanzo, Maria C.;
    • Dwight, Selina S.;
    • Engel, Stacia R.;
    • Fisk, Dianna G.;
    • Hong, Eurie L.;
    • Livstone, Michael S.;
    • Nash, Robert;
    • Park, Julie;
    • Oughtred, Rose;
    • Skrzypek, Marek;
    • Starr, Barry;
    • Theesfeld, Chandra L.;
    • Williams, Jennifer;
    • Andrada, Rey;
    • Binkley, Gail;
    • Dong, Qing;
    • Lane, Christopher
    Publication type:
  • A yeast phenomic model for the gene interaction network modulating CFTR-ΔF508 protein biogenesis.

    Published in:
    Genome Medicine, 2012, v. 4, n. 12, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/gm404
    • Louie, Raymond J.;
    • Jingyu Guo;
    • Rodgers, John W.;
    • White, Rick;
    • Shah, Najaf A.;
    • Pagant, Silvere;
    • Kim, Peter;
    • Livstone, Michael;
    • Dolinski, Kara;
    • McKinney, Brett A.;
    • Hong, Jeong;
    • Sorscher, Eric J.;
    • Bryan, Jennifer;
    • Miller, Elizabeth A.;
    • Hartman IV, John L.
    Publication type: