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  • Two decades of increasing functional and phylogenetic richness in a mountaintop flora in central Norway.

    Published in:
    Journal of Vegetation Science, 2024, v. 35, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1111/jvs.13299
    • Vanneste, Thomas;
    • Graae, Bente J.;
    • Kyrkjeeide, Magni O.;
    • Lindmo, Sigrid;
    • Michelsen, Ottar;
    • Naranjo‐Orrico, Domenica J.;
    • Ray, Courtenay A.;
    • Vandersteene, Matthias;
    • Verheyen, Kris;
    • De Frenne, Pieter
    Publication type:
  • Taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity of understorey plants respond differently to environmental conditions in European forest edges.

    Published in:
    Journal of Ecology, 2021, v. 109, n. 7, p. 2629, doi. 10.1111/1365-2745.13671
    • De Pauw, Karen;
    • Meeussen, Camille;
    • Govaert, Sanne;
    • Sanczuk, Pieter;
    • Vanneste, Thomas;
    • Bernhardt‐Römermann, Markus;
    • Bollmann, Kurt;
    • Brunet, Jörg;
    • Calders, Kim;
    • Cousins, Sara A. O.;
    • Diekmann, Martin;
    • Hedwall, Per‐Ola;
    • Iacopetti, Giovanni;
    • Lenoir, Jonathan;
    • Lindmo, Sigrid;
    • Orczewska, Anna;
    • Ponette, Quentin;
    • Plue, Jan;
    • Selvi, Federico;
    • Spicher, Fabien
    Publication type:
  • Vertical gradients in population characteristics of canopy lichens in boreal rainforests of Norway.

    Published in:
    Botany, 2013, v. 91, n. 12, p. 814, doi. 10.1139/cjb-2013-0105
    • Hilmo, Olga;
    • Gauslaa, Yngvar;
    • Rocha, Lester;
    • Lindmo, Sigrid;
    • Holien, Håkon
    Publication type:
  • Correction to: Impact of climate change on alpine vegetation of mountain summits in Norway.

    Published in:
    • Vanneste, Thomas;
    • Michelsen, Ottar;
    • Graae, Bente Jessen;
    • Kyrkjeeide, Magni Olsen;
    • Holien, Håkon;
    • Hassel, Kristian;
    • Lindmo, Sigrid;
    • Kapás, Rozália Erzsebet;
    • De Frenne, Pieter
    Publication type:
    Correction Notice
  • Impact of climate change on alpine vegetation of mountain summits in Norway.

    Published in:
    Ecological Research, 2017, v. 32, n. 4, p. 579, doi. 10.1007/s11284-017-1472-1
    • Vanneste, Thomas;
    • Michelsen, Ottar;
    • Graae, Bente;
    • Kyrkjeeide, Magni;
    • Holien, Håkon;
    • Hassel, Kristian;
    • Lindmo, Sigrid;
    • Kapás, Rozália;
    • De Frenne, Pieter
    Publication type:
  • Plant diversity in hedgerows and road verges across Europe.

    Published in:
    Journal of Applied Ecology, 2020, v. 57, n. 7, p. 1244, doi. 10.1111/1365-2664.13620
    • Vanneste, Thomas;
    • Govaert, Sanne;
    • De Kesel, Willem;
    • Van Den Berge, Sanne;
    • Vangansbeke, Pieter;
    • Meeussen, Camille;
    • Brunet, Jörg;
    • Cousins, Sara A. O.;
    • Decocq, Guillaume;
    • Diekmann, Martin;
    • Graae, Bente J.;
    • Hedwall, Per‐Ola;
    • Heinken, Thilo;
    • Helsen, Kenny;
    • Kapás, Rozália E.;
    • Lenoir, Jonathan;
    • Liira, Jaan;
    • Lindmo, Sigrid;
    • Litza, Kathrin;
    • Naaf, Tobias
    Publication type:
  • Herbivores reduce seedling recruitment in alpine plant communities.

    Published in:
    Nordic Journal of Botany, 2021, v. 39, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1111/njb.02989
    • Opedal, Øystein H.;
    • Nystuen, Kristin O.;
    • Hagen, Dagmar;
    • Holien, Håkon;
    • Sørensen, Mia Vedel;
    • Lang, Simone I.;
    • Lindmo, Sigrid;
    • Strimbeck, G. Richard;
    • Graae, Bente J.
    Publication type:
  • Trait–micro‐environment relationships of forest herb communities across Europe.

    Published in:
    Global Ecology & Biogeography, 2024, v. 33, n. 2, p. 286, doi. 10.1111/geb.13789
    • Govaert, Sanne;
    • Meeussen, Camille;
    • Vanneste, Thomas;
    • Bollmann, Kurt;
    • Brunet, Jörg;
    • Calders, Kim;
    • Cousins, Sara A. O.;
    • De Pauw, Karen;
    • Diekmann, Martin;
    • Graae, Bente J.;
    • Hedwall, Per‐Ola;
    • Iacopetti, Giovanni;
    • Lenoir, Jonathan;
    • Lindmo, Sigrid;
    • Orczewska, Anna;
    • Ponette, Quentin;
    • Plue, Jan;
    • Sanczuk, Pieter;
    • Selvi, Federico;
    • Spicher, Fabien
    Publication type:
  • Soil seed bank responses to edge effects in temperate European forests.

    Published in:
    Global Ecology & Biogeography, 2022, v. 31, n. 9, p. 1877, doi. 10.1111/geb.13568
    • Gasperini, Cristina;
    • Bollmann, Kurt;
    • Brunet, Jörg;
    • Cousins, Sara A. O.;
    • Decocq, Guillaume;
    • De Pauw, Karen;
    • Diekmann, Martin;
    • Govaert, Sanne;
    • Graae, Bente J.;
    • Hedwall, Per‐Ola;
    • Iacopetti, Giovanni;
    • Lenoir, Jonathan;
    • Lindmo, Sigrid;
    • Meeussen, Camille;
    • Orczewska, Anna;
    • Ponette, Quentin;
    • Plue, Jan;
    • Sanczuk, Pieter;
    • Spicher, Fabien;
    • Vanneste, Thomas
    Publication type:
  • Hedging against biodiversity loss: Forest herbs' performance in hedgerows across temperate Europe.

    Published in:
    Journal of Vegetation Science, 2020, v. 31, n. 5, p. 817, doi. 10.1111/jvs.12917
    • Vanneste, Thomas;
    • Van Den Berge, Sanne;
    • Riské, Enya;
    • Brunet, Jörg;
    • Decocq, Guillaume;
    • Diekmann, Martin;
    • Graae, Bente J.;
    • Hedwall, Per‐Ola;
    • Lenoir, Jonathan;
    • Liira, Jaan;
    • Lindmo, Sigrid;
    • Litza, Kathrin;
    • Naaf, Tobias;
    • Orczewska, Anna;
    • Wulf, Monika;
    • Verheyen, Kris;
    • De Frenne, Pieter;
    • Collins, Beverly
    Publication type:
  • Edge influence on understorey plant communities depends on forest management.

    Published in:
    Journal of Vegetation Science, 2020, v. 31, n. 2, p. 281, doi. 10.1111/jvs.12844
    • Govaert, Sanne;
    • Meeussen, Camille;
    • Vanneste, Thomas;
    • Bollmann, Kurt;
    • Brunet, Jörg;
    • Cousins, Sara A. O.;
    • Diekmann, Martin;
    • Graae, Bente J.;
    • Hedwall, Per‐Ola;
    • Heinken, Thilo;
    • Iacopetti, Giovanni;
    • Lenoir, Jonathan;
    • Lindmo, Sigrid;
    • Orczewska, Anna;
    • Perring, Michael P.;
    • Ponette, Quentin;
    • Plue, Jan;
    • Selvi, Federico;
    • Spicher, Fabien;
    • Tolosano, Matteo
    Publication type:
  • Phenology and morphology of the invasive legume Lupinus polyphyllus along a latitudinal gradient in Europe.

    Published in:
    NeoBiota, 2022, n. 78, p. 185, doi. 10.3897/neobiota.78.89673
    • Ludewig, Kristin;
    • Klinger, Yves P.;
    • Donath, Tobias W.;
    • Bärmann, Lukas;
    • Eichberg, Carsten;
    • Thomsen, Jacob Gadegaad;
    • Görzen, Eugen;
    • Hansen, Wiebke;
    • Hasselquist, Eliza M.;
    • Helminger, Thierry;
    • Kaiskog, Frida;
    • Karlsson, Emma;
    • Kirchner, Torsten;
    • Knudsen, Carola;
    • Lenzewski, Nikola;
    • Lindmo, Sigrid;
    • Milberg, Per;
    • Pruchniewicz, Daniel;
    • Richter, Elisabeth;
    • Sandner, Tobias M.
    Publication type: