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  • Preface.

    Published in:
    Journal of Official Statistics (JOS), 2020, v. 36, n. 4, p. 797, doi. 10.2478/JOS-2018-0040
    • Karlberg, Martin;
    • Biffignandi, Silvia;
    • Daas, Piet J. H.;
    • Di Consiglio, Loredana;
    • Holmberg, Anders;
    • Lehtonen, Risto;
    • Münnich, Ralf T.;
    • Nikic, Boro;
    • Paasi, Marianne;
    • Shlomo, Natalie;
    • Silberman, Roxane;
    • Stoop, Ineke
    Publication type:
  • Preface.

    Published in:
    Journal of Official Statistics (JOS), 2018, v. 34, n. 4, p. 797, doi. 10.2478/jos-2018-0040
    • Karlberg, Martin;
    • Biffignandi, Silvia;
    • Daas, Piet J.H.;
    • Di Consiglio, Loredana;
    • Holmberg, Anders;
    • Lehtonen, Risto;
    • Münnich, Ralf T.;
    • Nikic, Boro;
    • Paasi, Marianne;
    • Shlomo, Natalie;
    • Silberman, Roxane;
    • Stoop, Ineke
    Publication type:
  • Population sampling in longitudinal surveys.

    Published in:
    Longitudinal & Life Course Studies, 2015, v. 6, n. 4, p. 447, doi. 10.14301/llcs.v6i4.345
    • Goldstein, Harvey;
    • Lynn, Peter;
    • Muniz-Terrera, Graciela;
    • Hardy, Rebecca;
    • O'Muircheartaigh, Colm;
    • Skinner, Chris;
    • Lehtonen, Risto
    Publication type:
  • Preface.

    Published in:
    Journal of Official Statistics (JOS), 2015, v. 31, n. 2, p. 149, doi. 10.1515/JOS-2015-0011
    • Karlberg, Martin;
    • Biffignandi, Silvia;
    • Daas, Piet J. H.;
    • Holmberg, Anders;
    • Hulliger, Beat;
    • Jacques, Pascal;
    • Lehtonen, Risto;
    • Münnich, Ralf T.;
    • Shlomo, Natalie;
    • Silberman, Roxane;
    • Stoop, Ineke
    Publication type:
  • Ant predation and the cost of egg carrying in the golden egg bug: experiments in the field.

    Published in:
    Oikos, 2000, v. 89, n. 2, p. 254, doi. 10.1034/j.1600-0706.2000.890205.x
    • Kaitala, Arja;
    • Espadaler, Xavier;
    • Lehtonen, Risto
    Publication type:
  • Outpatient Use of Erythromycin: Link to Increased Erythromycin Resistance in Group A Streptococci.

    Published in:
    Clinical Infectious Diseases, 1995, v. 21, n. 6, p. 1378, doi. 10.1093/clinids/21.6.1378
    • Seppälä, Helena;
    • Klaukka, Timo;
    • Lehtonen, Risto;
    • Nenonen, Erkki;
    • Huovinen, Pentti
    Publication type: