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  • Optical Alignment and Optical Orientation of Excitons in CdSe/CdS Colloidal Nanoplatelets.

    Published in:
    Nanomaterials (2079-4991), 2023, v. 13, n. 17, p. 2402, doi. 10.3390/nano13172402
    • Smirnova, Olga O.;
    • Kalitukha, Ina V.;
    • Rodina, Anna V.;
    • Dimitriev, Grigorii S.;
    • Sapega, Victor F.;
    • Ken, Olga S.;
    • Korenev, Vladimir L.;
    • Kozyrev, Nikolai V.;
    • Nekrasov, Sergey V.;
    • Kusrayev, Yuri G.;
    • Yakovlev, Dmitri R.;
    • Dubertret, Benoit;
    • Bayer, Manfred
    Publication type: