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  • Evaluation of TRIzol LS Inactivation of Viruses.

    Published in:
    Applied Biosafety: Journal of the American Biological Safety Association, 2017, v. 22, n. 2, p. 52, doi. 10.1177/1535676017713739
    • Kochel, Tadeusz J.;
    • Kocher, Gregory A.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Burans, James P.
    Publication type:
  • A Lassa virus mRNA vaccine confers protection but does not require neutralizing antibody in a guinea pig model of infection.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2023, v. 14, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-023-41376-6
    • Ronk, Adam J.;
    • Lloyd, Nicole M.;
    • Zhang, Min;
    • Atyeo, Caroline;
    • Perrett, Hailee R.;
    • Mire, Chad E.;
    • Hastie, Kathryn M.;
    • Sanders, Rogier W.;
    • Brouwer, Philip J. M.;
    • Saphire, Erica Olmann;
    • Ward, Andrew B.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Alvarez Moreno, Juan Carlos;
    • Thaker, Harshwardhan M.;
    • Alter, Galit;
    • Himansu, Sunny;
    • Carfi, Andrea;
    • Bukreyev, Alexander
    Publication type:
  • Pathology and Pathogenesis of Lassa Fever: Novel Immunohistochemical Findings in Fatal Cases and Clinico-pathologic Correlation.

    Published in:
    Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2022, v. 74, n. 10, p. 1821, doi. 10.1093/cid/ciab719
    • Shieh, Wun-Ju;
    • Demby, Austin;
    • Jones, Tara;
    • Goldsmith, Cynthia S;
    • Rollin, Pierre E;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G;
    • Peters, Clarence J;
    • Zaki, Sherif R
    Publication type:
  • Baseline mapping of Lassa fever virology, epidemiology and vaccine research and development.

    Published in:
    NPJ Vaccines, 2018, v. 3, n. 1, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1038/s41541-018-0049-5
    • Hallam, Hoai J.;
    • Hallam, Steven;
    • Rodriguez, Sergio E.;
    • Barrett, Alan D. T.;
    • Beasley, David W. C.;
    • Chua, Arlene;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Milligan, Gregg N.;
    • Sathiyamoorthy, Vaseeharan;
    • Reece, Lisa M.
    Publication type:
  • Unique Outbreak of Rift Valley Fever in Sudan, 2019.

    Published in:
    • Ahmed, Ayman;
    • Ali, Yousif;
    • Elduma, Adel;
    • Eldigail, Mawahib Hassan;
    • Mhmoud, Rehab Abdallah;
    • Mohamed, Nouh Saad;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Dietrich, Isabelle;
    • Weaver, Scott C.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Cell Culture and Electron Microscopy for Identifying Viruses in Diseases of Unknown Cause.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2013, v. 19, n. 6, p. 886, doi. 10.3201/eid1906.130173
    • Goldsmith, Cynthia S.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.;
    • Comer, James A.;
    • Nicholson, William L.;
    • Peret, Teresa C. T.;
    • Erdman, Dean D.;
    • Bellini, William J.;
    • Harcourt, Brian H.;
    • Rota, Paul A.;
    • Bhatnagar, Julu;
    • Bowen, Michael D.;
    • Erickson, Bobbie R.;
    • McMullan, Laura K.;
    • Nichol, Stuart T.;
    • Wun-Ju Shieh;
    • Paddock, Christopher D.;
    • Zaki, Sherif R.
    Publication type:
  • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, United States, 1993-2009.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2011, v. 17, n. 7, p. 1195, doi. 10.3201/eid1707.101306
    • MacNeil, Adam;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.
    Publication type:
  • Proportion of Deaths and Clinical Features in Bundibugyo Ebola Virus Infection, Uganda.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2010, v. 16, n. 12, p. 1969, doi. 10.3201/eid1612.100627
    • MacNeil, Adam;
    • Farnon, Eileen C.;
    • Wamala, Joseph;
    • Okware, Sam;
    • Cannon, Deborah L.;
    • Reed, Zachary;
    • Towner, Jonathan S.;
    • Tappero, Jordan W.;
    • Lutwama, Julius;
    • Downing, Robert;
    • Nichol, Stuart T.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.
    Publication type:
  • High Diversity and Ancient Common Ancestry of Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2010, v. 16, n. 7, p. 1093, doi. 10.3201/eid1607.091902
    • Albariño, Cesar G.;
    • Palacios, Gustavo;
    • Khristova, Marina L.;
    • Erickson, Bobbie R.;
    • Carroll, Serena A.;
    • Comer, James A.;
    • Hui, Jeffrey;
    • Briese, Thomas;
    • George, Kirsten St.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Lipkin, W. Ian;
    • Nichol, Stuart T.
    Publication type:
  • Nosocomial Outbreak of Novel Arenavirus Infection, Southern Africa.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2009, v. 15, n. 10, p. 1598
    • Paweska, Janusz T.;
    • Sewlall, Nivesh H.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Blumberg, Lucille H.;
    • Hale, Martin J.;
    • Lipkin, W. Ian;
    • Weyer, Jacqueline;
    • Nichol, Stuart T.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.;
    • McMullan, Laura K.;
    • Paddock, Christopher D.;
    • Briese, Thomas;
    • Mnyaluza, Joy;
    • Dinh, Thu-Ha;
    • Mukonka, Victor;
    • Ching, Pamela;
    • Duse, Adriano;
    • Richards, Guy;
    • De Jong, Gillian;
    • Cohen, Cheryl
    Publication type:
  • Reemergence of Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever, 2007-2008.

    Published in:
    • Aguilar, Patricia V.;
    • Camargo, Wilfredo;
    • Vargas, Jorge;
    • Guevara, Carolina;
    • Roca, Yelin;
    • Felices, Vidal;
    • Laguna-Torres, V. Alberto;
    • Tesh, Robert;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Kochel, Tadeusz J.
    Publication type:
  • Recurrent Zoonotic Transmission of Nipah Virus into Humans, Bangladesh, 2001-2007.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2009, v. 15, n. 8, p. 1229, doi. 10.3201/eid1508.081237
    • Luby, Stephen P.;
    • Hossain, M. Jahangir;
    • Gurley, Emily S.;
    • Ahmed, Be-Nazir;
    • Banu, Shakila;
    • Khan, Salah Uddin;
    • Homaira, Nusrat;
    • Rota, Paul A.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.;
    • Comer, James A.;
    • Kenah, Eben;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Rahman, Mahmudur
    Publication type:
  • Nipah Virus Infection in Dogs, Malaysia, 1999.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2009, v. 15, n. 6, p. 950, doi. 10.3201/eid1506.080453
    • Mills, James N.;
    • Alim, Asiah N.M.;
    • Bunning, Michel L.;
    • Lee, Ong Bee;
    • Wagoner, Kent D.;
    • Amman, Brian R.;
    • Stockton, Patrick C.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.
    Publication type:
  • Human Febrile Illness Caused by Encephalomyocarditis Virus Infection, Peru.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2009, v. 15, n. 4, p. 640, doi. 10.3201/eid1504.081428
    • Oberste, M. Steven;
    • Gotuzzo, Eduardo;
    • Blair, Patrick;
    • Nix, W. Allan;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Comer, James A.;
    • Rollin, Pierre;
    • Goldsmith, Cynthia S.;
    • Olson, James;
    • Kochel, Tadeusz J.
    Publication type:
  • Framework for Leadership and Training of Biosafety Level 4 Laboratory Workers.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2008, v. 14, n. 11, p. 1685, doi. 10.3201/eid1411.080741
    • Le Duc, James W.;
    • Anderson, Kevin;
    • Bloom, Marshall E.;
    • Estep, James E.;
    • Feldmann, Heinz;
    • Geisbert, Joan B.;
    • Geisbert, Thomas W.;
    • Hensley, Lisa;
    • Holbrook, Michael;
    • Jahrling, Peter B.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Korch, George;
    • Patterson, Jean;
    • Skvorak, John P.;
    • Weingartl, Hana
    Publication type:
  • Coronavirus Antibodies in Bat Biologists.

    Published in:
    • Stockman, Lauren J.;
    • Haynes, Lia M.;
    • Miao, Congrong;
    • Harcourt, Jennifer L.;
    • Rupprecht, Charles E.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Hyde, Terri B.;
    • Fry, Alicia M.;
    • Anderson, Larry J.
    Publication type:
  • Studies of reservoir hosts for Marburg virus.

    Published in:
    • Swanepoel, Robert;
    • Smit, Sheilagh B.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.;
    • Formenty, Pierre;
    • Leman, Patricia A.;
    • Kemp, Alan;
    • Burt, Felicity J.;
    • Grobbelaar, Antoinette A.;
    • Croft, Janice;
    • Bausch, Daniel G.;
    • Zeller, Hervé;
    • Leirs, Herwig;
    • Braack, L. E. O.;
    • Libande, Modeste L.;
    • Zaki, Sherif;
    • Nichol, Stuart T.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Paweska, Janusz T.;
    • Zeller, Hervé;
    • International Scientific and Technical Committee for Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever Control in the Democratic Republic of Congo
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Person-to-person transmission of Nipah virus in a Bangladeshi community.

    Published in:
    • Gurley, Emily S.;
    • Montgomery, Joel M.;
    • Hossain, M. Jahangir;
    • Bell, Michael;
    • Azad, Abul Kalam;
    • Islam, Mohammed Rafiqul;
    • Rahim Molla, Mohammed Abdur;
    • Carroll, Darin S.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Rota, Paul A.;
    • Lowe, Luis;
    • Comer, James A.;
    • Rollin, Pierre;
    • Czub, Markus;
    • Grolla, Allen;
    • Feldmann, Heinz;
    • Luby, Stephen P.;
    • Woodward, Jennifer L.;
    • Breiman, Robert F.;
    • Molla, Mohammed Abdur Rahim
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Hantavirus and arenavirus antibodies in persons with occupational rodent exposure.

    Published in:
    • Fulhorst, Charles F.;
    • Milazzo, Mary Louise;
    • Armstrong, Lori R.;
    • Childs, James E.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.;
    • Khabbaz, Rima;
    • Peters, C. J.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Foodborne transmission of Nipah virus, Bangladesh.

    Published in:
    • Luby, Stephen P.;
    • Rahman, Mahmudur;
    • Hossain, M. Jahangir;
    • Blum, Lauren S.;
    • Husain, M. Mushtaq;
    • Gurley, Emily;
    • Khan, Rasheda;
    • Ahmed, Be-Nazir;
    • Rahman, Shafiqur;
    • Nahar, Nazmun;
    • Kenah, Eben;
    • Comer, James A.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Lyssavirus surveillance in bats, Bangladesh.

    Published in:
    • Kuzmin, Ivan V.;
    • Niezgoda, Michael;
    • Carroll, Darin S.;
    • Keeler, Natalie;
    • Hossain, Mohammed Jahangir;
    • Breiman, Robert F.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Rupprecht, Charles E.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Nipah Virus-associated Encephalitis Outbreak, Siliguri, India.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2006, v. 12, n. 2, p. 235, doi. 10.3201/eid1202.051247
    • Chadha, Mandeep S.;
    • Comer, James A.;
    • Lowe, Luis;
    • Rota, Paul A.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.;
    • Bellini, William J.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Mishra, Akhilesh C.
    Publication type:
  • Bat Nipah Virus, Thailand.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2005, v. 11, n. 12, p. 1949, doi. 10.3201/eid1112.050613
    • Wacharapluesadee, Supaporn;
    • Lumlertdacha, Boonlert;
    • Boongird, Kalyanee;
    • Wanghongsa, Sawai;
    • Chanhome, Lawan;
    • Rollin, Pierre;
    • Stockton, Patrick;
    • Rupprecht, Charles E.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Hemachudha, Thiravat
    Publication type:
  • Genetic Characterization of Nipah Virus, Bangladesh, 2004.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2005, v. 11, n. 10, p. 1594, doi. 10.3201/eid1110.050513
    • Harcourt, Brian H.;
    • Lowe, Luis;
    • Tamin, Azaibi;
    • Xin Liu;
    • Bankamp, Bettina;
    • Bowden, Nadine;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.;
    • Comer, James A.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Hossain, Mohammed Jahangir;
    • Gurley, Emily S.;
    • Breiman, Robert F.;
    • Bellini, William J.;
    • Rota, Paul A.
    Publication type:
  • Nipah Virus Encephalitis Reemergence, Bangladesh.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2004, v. 10, n. 12, p. 2082, doi. 10.3201/eid1012.040701
    • Hsu, Vincent P.;
    • Hossain, Mohammed Jahangir;
    • Parashar, Umesh D.;
    • Ali, Mohammed Monsur;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Kuzmin, Ivan;
    • Niezgoda, Michael;
    • Rupprecht, Charles;
    • Bresee, Joseph;
    • Breiman, Robert F.
    Publication type:
  • Virus-specific RNA and Antibody from Convalescent-phase SARS Patients Discharged from Hospital.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2004, v. 10, n. 10, p. 1745, doi. 10.3201/eid1010.040026
    • Hoe Nam Leong;
    • Kwai Peng Chan;
    • Khan, Ali S.;
    • Oon, Lynette;
    • Su Yun Se-Thoe;
    • Xin Lai Bai;
    • Yeo, Daniel;
    • Yee Sin Leo;
    • Ang, Brenda;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Ai Ee Ling
    Publication type:
  • Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Turkey.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2004, v. 10, n. 8, p. 1379, doi. 10.3201/eid1008.030928
    • Karti, S. Sami;
    • Yilmaz, Mustafa;
    • Sonmez, Mehmet;
    • Caylan, Rahmet;
    • Akdogan, Elif;
    • Eren, Necmi;
    • Koksal, Iftihar;
    • Ovali, Ercument;
    • Odabasi, Zekaver;
    • Korten, Volkan;
    • Erickson, Bobbie R.;
    • Vincent, Martin J.;
    • Nichol, Stuart T.;
    • Comer, James A.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.
    Publication type:
  • Domestic Poultry and SARs Coronavirus, Southern China.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2004, v. 10, n. 5, p. 914, doi. 10.3201/eid1005.030827
    • Swayne, David E.;
    • Suarez, David L.;
    • Spackman, Erica;
    • Tumpey, Terrence M.;
    • Beck, Joan R.;
    • Erdman, Dean;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.
    Publication type:
  • Ultrastructural Characterization of SARS Coronavirus.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2004, v. 10, n. 2, p. 320, doi. 10.3201/eid1002.030913
    • Goldsmith, Cynthia S.;
    • Tatti, Kathleen M.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.;
    • Comer, James A.;
    • Lee, William W.;
    • Rota, Paul A.;
    • Bankamp, Bettina;
    • Bellini, William J.;
    • Zaki, Sherif R.
    Publication type:
  • SARS-associated coronavirus transmission, United States.

    Published in:
    • Isakbaeva, Elmira T.;
    • Khetsuriani, Nino;
    • Beard, R. Suzanne;
    • Peck, Angela;
    • Erdman, Dean;
    • Monroe, Stephan S.;
    • Suxiang Tong;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Lowther, Sara;
    • Pandya-Smith, Indra;
    • Anderson, Larry J.;
    • Lingappa, Jairam;
    • Widdowson, Marc-Alain;
    • Tong, Suxiang;
    • SARS Investigation Group
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Lack of SARS transmission and U.S. SARS case-patient.

    Published in:
    • Peck, Angela J.;
    • Newbern, E. Claire;
    • Feikin, Daniel R.;
    • Isakbaeva, Elmira T.;
    • Park, Benjamin J.;
    • Fehr, Jason T.;
    • LaMonte, Ashley C.;
    • Le, Thong P.;
    • Burger, Terry L.;
    • Rhodes III, Luther V.;
    • Weltman, Andre;
    • Erdman, Dean;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Lingappa, Jairam R.;
    • Issakbaeva, Elmira T;
    • Fehr, Jason;
    • Rhodes, Luther V 3rd;
    • SARS Pennsylvania Case Investigation Team
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • SARS Surveillance during Emergency Public Health Response, United States, March-July 2003.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2004, v. 10, n. 2, p. 185, doi. 10.3201/eid1002.030752
    • Schrag, Stephanie J.;
    • Brooks, John T.;
    • Van Beneden, Chris;
    • Parashar, Umesh D.;
    • Griffin, Patricia M.;
    • Anderson, Larry J.;
    • Bellini, William J.;
    • Benson, Robert F.;
    • Erdman, Dean D.;
    • Klimov, Alexander;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Peret, Teresa C. T.;
    • Talkington, Deborah F.;
    • Thacker, W. Lanier;
    • Tondella, Maria L.;
    • Sampson, Jacquelyn S.;
    • Hightower, Allen W.;
    • Nordenberg, Dale F.;
    • Plikaytis, Brian D.;
    • Khan, Ali S.
    Publication type:
  • Risk Factors for Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2003, v. 9, n. 12, p. 1531, doi. 10.3201/eid0912.030355
    • Bausch, Daniel G.;
    • Borchert, Matthias;
    • Grein, Thomas;
    • Roth, Cathy;
    • Swanepoel, Robert;
    • Libande, Modeste L.;
    • Talarmin, Antoine;
    • Bertherat, Eric;
    • Muyembe-Tamfum, Jean-Jacques;
    • Tugume, Ben;
    • Colebunders, Robert;
    • Kondé, Kader M.;
    • Pirard, Patricia;
    • Olinda, Loku L.;
    • Rodier, Guénaël R.;
    • Campbell, Patricia;
    • Tomori, Oyewale;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.
    Publication type:
  • Hantavirus infection in humans and rodents, northwestern Argentina.

    Published in:
    • Pini, Noemi;
    • Levis, Silvana;
    • Calderon, Gladys;
    • Ramirez, Josefina;
    • Bravo, Daniel;
    • Lozano, Elena;
    • Ripoll, Carlos;
    • St. Jeor, Stephen;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Barquez, Ruben M.;
    • Enria, Delia;
    • Calderón, Gladys
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Isolation and Genetic Characterization of Rift Valley fever virus from Aedes vexans arabiensis, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2002, v. 8, n. 12, p. 1492, doi. 10.3201/eid0812.020194
    • Miller, Barry R.;
    • Godsey, Marvin S.;
    • Crabtree, Mary B.;
    • Savage, Harry M.;
    • Al-Mazrao, Yagob;
    • Al-Jeffri, Mohammed H.;
    • Abdoon, Abdel-Mohsin M.;
    • Al-Seghayer, Suleiman M.;
    • Al-Shahrani, Ali M.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.
    Publication type:
  • Genetic Analysis of Viruses Associated with Emergence of Rift Valley Fever in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, 2000-01.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2002, v. 8, n. 12, p. 1415, doi. 10.3201/eid0812.020195
    • Shoemaker, Trevor;
    • Boulianne, Carla;
    • Vincent, Martin J.;
    • Pezzanite, Linda;
    • Al-Qahtani, Mohammed M.;
    • Al-Mazrou, Yagub;
    • Khan, Ali S.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.;
    • Swanepoel, Robert;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Nichol, Stuart T.
    Publication type:
  • An Outbreak of Rift Valley Fever in Northeastern Kenya, 1997-98.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2002, v. 8, n. 2, p. 138, doi. 10.3201/eid0802.010023
    • Woods, Christopher W.;
    • Karpati, Adam M.;
    • Grein, Thomas;
    • McCarthy, Noel;
    • Gaturuku, Peter;
    • Muchiri, Eric;
    • Dunster, Lee;
    • Henderson, Alden;
    • Khan, Ali S.;
    • Swanepoel, Robert;
    • Bonmarin, Isabelle;
    • Martin, Louise;
    • Mann, Philip;
    • Smoak, Bonnie L.;
    • Ryan, Michael;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Arthur, Ray R.;
    • Ndikuyeze, Andre;
    • Agata, Naphtali N.
    Publication type:
  • Geographic distribution and genetic diversity of Whitewater Arroyo virus in the southwestern United States.

    Published in:
    • Fulhorst, Charles F.;
    • Weaver, Scott C.;
    • Milazzo, Mary L.;
    • Tesh, Robert B.;
    • Charrel, Remi N.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Bowen, Michael D.;
    • Bradley, Robert D.;
    • Fulhorst, C F;
    • Charrel, R N;
    • Weaver, S C;
    • Ksiazek, T G;
    • Bradley, R D;
    • Milazzo, M L;
    • Tesh, R B;
    • Bowen, M D
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Pathologic Studies of Fatal Cases in Outbreak of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease, Taiwan.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2001, v. 7, n. 1, p. 146, doi. 10.3201/eid0701.010122
    • Shieh, Wun-Ju;
    • Mounts, Anthony;
    • Parashar, Umesh;
    • Yang, Chen Fu;
    • Guarner, Jeannette;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Dawson, Jacqueline;
    • Goldsmith, Cynthia;
    • Chang, Gwong-Jen J.;
    • Oberste, Steve M.;
    • Pallansch, Mark A.;
    • Anderson, Larry J.;
    • Zaki, Sherif R.;
    • Jung, Shih-Ming;
    • Hsueh, Chuen;
    • Kuo, Tseng-Tong
    Publication type:
  • Sin Nombre Virus (SNV) Ig Isotype Antibody Response during Acute and Convalescent Phases of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2000, v. 6, n. 2, p. 184, doi. 10.3201/eid0602.000213
    • Bostik, Pavel;
    • Villinger, Francois;
    • Ansari, Aftab A.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.;
    • Zaki, Sherif R.;
    • Peters, C.J.;
    • Winter, Jorn
    Publication type:
  • Long-term studies of hantavirus reservoir populations in the southwestern United States: a synthesis.

    Published in:
    • Mills, James N.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Peters, C.J.;
    • Childs, James E.;
    • Mills, J N;
    • Ksiazek, T G;
    • Childs, J E
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Long-term hantavirus persistence in rodent populations in central Arizona.

    Published in:
    • Abbott[*], Ken D.;
    • Ksiazek[A], Thomas G.;
    • Mills[A], James N.;
    • Abbott, K D;
    • Ksiazek, T G;
    • Mills, J N
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Long-term studies of hantavirus reservoir populations in the southwestern United States: rationale, potential, and methods.

    Published in:
    • Mills, James N.;
    • Yates, Terry L.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Peters, C.J.;
    • Childs, James E.;
    • Mills, J N;
    • Yates, T L;
    • Ksiazek, T G;
    • Childs, J E
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Genetic diversity and distribution of Peromyscus-borne hantaviruses in North America.

    Published in:
    • Monroe, Martha C.;
    • Morzunov, Sergey P.;
    • Johnson, Angela M.;
    • Bowen, Michael D.;
    • Artsob, Harvey;
    • Yates, Terry;
    • Peters, C. J.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Nichol, Stuart T.;
    • Monroe, M C;
    • Morzunov, S P;
    • Johnson, A M;
    • Bowen, M D;
    • Artsob, H;
    • Yates, T;
    • Rollin, P E;
    • Ksiazek, T G;
    • Nichol, S T
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • An outbreak of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, Chile, 1997.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 1998, v. 4, n. 4, p. 687, doi. 10.3201/eid0404.980425
    • Toro, Jorge;
    • Pavletic, Carlos;
    • Concha, Marisol;
    • Baro, Michel;
    • Vergara, Jose A.;
    • Cerda, Rodrigo;
    • Vega, Jeanette D.;
    • Calderon, Gladys;
    • Enria, Delia;
    • Peters, C. J.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Khan, Ali S.;
    • Mills, James N.;
    • Terry, William;
    • Ellis, Barbara A.;
    • Zaki, Sherif;
    • Wun-Ju, Shieh;
    • Meyer, Richard;
    • Padula, Paula;
    • Yadon, Zaida
    Publication type:
  • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome--United States: Updated Recommendations for Risk Reduction.

    Published in:
    MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report, 2002, v. 51, n. 29, p. 1
    • Mills, James N.;
    • Corneli, Amy;
    • Young, Joni C.;
    • Garrison, Laurel E.;
    • Khan, Ali S.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.
    Publication type:
  • Treatment of Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever with Intravenous Ribavirin.

    Published in:
    Clinical Infectious Diseases, 1997, v. 24, n. 4, p. 718
    • Kilgore, Paul E.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.;
    • Mills, James N.;
    • Villagra, Mario R.;
    • Montenegro, Mario J.;
    • Costales, Maria A.;
    • Paredes, Luis C.;
    • Peters, C. J.
    Publication type:
  • Evidence Against Infection with Hantaviruses Among Forest and Park Workers in the Southwestern United States.

    Published in:
    Clinical Infectious Diseases, 1996, v. 23, n. 2, p. 283
    • Vitek, Charles R.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Peters, C. J.;
    • Breiman, Robert F.
    Publication type:
  • Evidence Against Person-to-Person Transmission of Hantavirus to Health Care Workers.

    Published in:
    Clinical Infectious Diseases, 1996, v. 22, n. 5, p. 824
    • Vitek, Charles R.;
    • Breiman, Robert F.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.;
    • McLaughlin, James C.;
    • Umland, Edith T.;
    • Nolte, Kurt B.;
    • Loera, Arnold;
    • Sewell, C. Mack;
    • Peters, C. J.
    Publication type:
  • Clinical Features That Differentiate Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome from Three Other Acute Respiratory Illnesses.

    Published in:
    Clinical Infectious Diseases, 1995, v. 21, n. 3, p. 643, doi. 10.1093/clinids/21.3.643
    • Moolenaar, Ronald L.;
    • Dalton, Craig;
    • Lipman, Harvey B.;
    • Umland, Edith T.;
    • Gallaher, Margaret;
    • Duchin, Jeffrey S.;
    • Chapman, Louisa;
    • Zaki, Sherif R.;
    • Ksiazek, Thomas G.;
    • Rollin, Pierre E.;
    • Nichol, Stuart;
    • Cheek, James E.;
    • Butler, Jay C.;
    • Peters, C. J.;
    • Breiman, Robert F.
    Publication type: