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  • Predicted models and CCP4.

    Published in:
    Acta Crystallographica: Section D, Structural Biology, 2023, v. 79, n. 9, p. 806, doi. 10.1107/S2059798323006289
    • Simpkin, Adam J.;
    • Caballero, Iracema;
    • McNicholas, Stuart;
    • Stevenson, Kyle;
    • Jiménez, Elisabet;
    • Sánchez Rodríguez, Filomeno;
    • Fando, Maria;
    • Uski, Ville;
    • Ballard, Charles;
    • Chojnowski, Grzegorz;
    • Lebedev, Andrey;
    • Krissinel, Eugene;
    • Usón, Isabel;
    • Rigden, Daniel J.;
    • Keegan, Ronan M.
    Publication type:
  • Stock-based detection of protein oligomeric states in jsPISA.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, v. 43, n. W1, p. W314, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkv314
    • Krissinel, Eugene
    Publication type:
  • Dynamical diffraction of high‐energy electrons by light‐atom structures: a multiple forward scattering interpretation.

    Published in:
    Acta Crystallographica. Section A, Foundations & Advances, 2023, v. 79, n. 2, p. 180, doi. 10.1107/S2053273322011779
    • Drevon, Tarik R.;
    • Waterman, David G.;
    • Krissinel, Eugene
    Publication type:
  • Remediation of the protein data bank archive.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, v. 36, p. D426
    • Henrick, Kim;
    • Feng, Zukang;
    • Bluhm, Wolfgang F.;
    • Dimitropoulos, Dimitris;
    • Doreleijers, Jurgen F.;
    • Dutta, Shuchismita;
    • Flippen-Anderson, Judith L.;
    • Ionides, John;
    • Kamada, Chisa;
    • Krissinel, Eugene;
    • Lawson, Catherine L.;
    • Markley, John L.;
    • Nakamura, Haruki;
    • Newman, Richard;
    • Shimizu, Yukiko;
    • Swaminathan, Jawahar;
    • Velankar, Sameer;
    • Ory, Jeramia;
    • Ulrich, Eldon L.;
    • Vranken, Wim
    Publication type:
  • CCP4 Cloud for structure determination and project management in macromolecular crystallography.

    Published in:
    Acta Crystallographica: Section D, Structural Biology, 2022, v. 78, n. 9, p. 1079, doi. 10.1107/S2059798322007987
    • Krissinel, Eugene;
    • Lebedev, Andrey A.;
    • Uski, Ville;
    • Ballard, Charles B.;
    • Keegan, Ronan M.;
    • Kovalevskiy, Oleg;
    • Nicholls, Robert A.;
    • Pannu, Navraj S.;
    • Skubák, Pavol;
    • Berrisford, John;
    • Fando, Maria;
    • Lohkamp, Bernhard;
    • Wojdyr, Marcin;
    • Simpkin, Adam J.;
    • Thomas, Jens M. H.;
    • Oliver, Christopher;
    • Vonrhein, Clemens;
    • Chojnowski, Grzegorz;
    • Basle, Arnaud;
    • Purkiss, Andrew
    Publication type:
  • Modelling covalent linkages in CCP4.

    Published in:
    Acta Crystallographica: Section D, Structural Biology, 2021, v. 77, n. 6, p. 712, doi. 10.1107/S2059798321001753
    • Nicholls, Robert A.;
    • Joosten, Robbie P.;
    • Long, Fei;
    • Wojdyr, Marcin;
    • Lebedev, Andrey;
    • Krissinel, Eugene;
    • Catapano, Lucrezia;
    • Fischer, Marcus;
    • Emsley, Paul;
    • Murshudov, Garib N.
    Publication type:
  • Announcing mandatory submission of PDBx/mmCIF format files for crystallographic depositions to the Protein Data Bank (PDB).

    Published in:
    Acta Crystallographica: Section D, Structural Biology, 2019, v. 75, n. 4, p. 451, doi. 10.1107/S2059798319004522
    • Adams, Paul D.;
    • Afonine, Pavel V.;
    • Baskaran, Kumaran;
    • Berman, Helen M.;
    • Berrisford, John;
    • Bricogne, Gerard;
    • Brown, David G.;
    • Burley, Stephen K.;
    • Chen, Minyu;
    • Feng, Zukang;
    • Flensburg, Claus;
    • Gutmanas, Aleksandras;
    • Hoch, Jeffrey C.;
    • Ikegawa, Yasuyo;
    • Kengaku, Yumiko;
    • Krissinel, Eugene;
    • Kurisu, Genji;
    • Liang, Yuhe;
    • Liebschner, Dorothee;
    • Mak, Lora
    Publication type:
  • <italic>CCP</italic>4<italic>i</italic>2: the new graphical user interface to the <italic>CCP</italic>4 program suite.

    Published in:
    Acta Crystallographica: Section D, Structural Biology, 2018, v. 74, n. 2, p. 68, doi. 10.1107/S2059798317016035
    • Potterton, Liz;
    • Agirre, Jon;
    • Ballard, Charles;
    • Cowtan, Kevin;
    • Dodson, Eleanor;
    • Evans, Phil R.;
    • Jenkins, Huw T.;
    • Keegan, Ronan;
    • Krissinel, Eugene;
    • Stevenson, Kyle;
    • Lebedev, Andrey;
    • McNicholas, Stuart J.;
    • Nicholls, Robert A.;
    • Noble, Martin;
    • Pannu, Navraj S.;
    • Roth, Christian;
    • Sheldrick, George;
    • Skubak, Pavol;
    • Turkenburg, Johan;
    • Uski, Ville
    Publication type: