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  • Vitamin C and Omega-3 Fatty Acid Intake Is Associated with Human Periodontitis—A Nested Case-Control Study.

    Published in:
    Nutrients, 2022, v. 14, n. 9, p. 1939, doi. 10.3390/nu14091939
    • Mewes, Louisa;
    • Knappe, Carina;
    • Graetz, Christian;
    • Wagner, Juliane;
    • Demetrowitsch, Tobias J.;
    • Jensen-Kroll, Julia;
    • Mohamed Fawzy El-Sayed, Karim;
    • Schwarz, Karin;
    • Dörfer, Christof E.;
    • Schreiber, Stefan;
    • Laudes, Matthias;
    • Schulte, Dominik M.
    Publication type:
  • BMI, Alcohol Consumption and Gut Microbiome Species Richness Are Related to Structural and Functional Neurological Abnormalities.

    Published in:
    Nutrients, 2021, v. 13, n. 11, p. 3743, doi. 10.3390/nu13113743
    • Geisler, Corinna;
    • Pankoke, Jil;
    • Schlicht, Kristina;
    • Knappe, Carina;
    • Rohmann, Nathalie;
    • Hartmann, Katharina;
    • Settgast, Ute;
    • Türk, Kathrin;
    • Seoudy, Anna Katharina;
    • Franke, Andre;
    • Schreiber, Stefan;
    • Schulte, Dominik M.;
    • Laudes, Matthias
    Publication type:
  • Secreted frizzled‐related protein 5 serum levels in human periodontitis—A nested case–control study.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 2019, v. 46, n. 5, p. 522, doi. 10.1111/jcpe.13087
    • Schulz, Juliane;
    • Knappe, Carina;
    • Graetz, Christian;
    • Mewes, Louisa;
    • Türk, Kathrin;
    • Black, Anna K.;
    • Lieb, Wolfgang;
    • Schäfer, Arne S.;
    • Fawzy El‐Sayed, Karim M.;
    • Dörfer, Christof E.;
    • Schreiber, Stefan;
    • Laudes, Matthias;
    • Schulte, Dominik M.
    Publication type:
  • Circulating sDPP-4 is Increased in Obesity and Insulin Resistance but Is Not Related to Systemic Metabolic Inflammation.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2021, v. 106, n. 2, p. e592, doi. 10.1210/clinem/dgaa758
    • Rohmann, Nathalie;
    • Schlicht, Kristina;
    • Geisler, Corinna;
    • Hollstein, Tim;
    • Knappe, Carina;
    • Krause, Laura;
    • Hagen, Stefanie;
    • Beckmann, Alexia;
    • Seoudy, Anna Katharina;
    • Wietzke-Braun, Perdita;
    • Hartmann, Katharina;
    • Schulte, Dominik;
    • Türk, Kathrin;
    • Beckmann, Jan;
    • von Schönfels, Witigo;
    • Hägele, Franziska Anna;
    • Bosy-Westphal, Anja;
    • Franke, Andre;
    • Schreiber, Stefan;
    • Laudes, Matthias
    Publication type:
  • Cohort profile: the Food Chain Plus (FoCus) cohort.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Epidemiology, 2022, v. 37, n. 10, p. 1087, doi. 10.1007/s10654-022-00924-y
    • Geisler, Corinna;
    • Schlicht, Kristina;
    • Knappe, Carina;
    • Rohmann, Nathalie;
    • Hartmann, Katharina;
    • Türk, Kathrin;
    • Settgast, Ute;
    • Schulte, Dominik M.;
    • Demetrowitsch, Tobias;
    • Jensen-Kroll, Julia;
    • Pisarevskaja, Alina;
    • Brix, Fynn;
    • Gruber, Bärbel;
    • Rimbach, Gerald;
    • Döring, Frank;
    • Rosenstiel, Philip;
    • Franke, Andre;
    • Schreiber, Stefan;
    • Henning, Christian H. C. A.;
    • Lieb, Wolfgang
    Publication type:
  • Role of wnt5a in Metabolic Inflammation in Humans.

    Published in:
    • Relling, Isabelle;
    • Akcay, Gül;
    • Fangmann, Daniela;
    • Knappe, Carina;
    • Schulte, Dominik Maria;
    • Hartmann, Katharina;
    • Müller, Nike;
    • Türk, Kathrin;
    • Dempfle, Astrid;
    • Franke, Andre;
    • Schreiber, Stefan;
    • Laudes, Matthias
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Precision Nutrition in Chronic Inflammation.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Immunology, 2020, v. 11, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.3389/fimmu.2020.587895
    • Demetrowitsch, Tobias J.;
    • Schlicht, Kristina;
    • Knappe, Carina;
    • Zimmermann, Johannes;
    • Jensen-Kroll, Julia;
    • Pisarevskaja, Alina;
    • Brix, Fynn;
    • Brandes, Juliane;
    • Geisler, Corinna;
    • Marinos, Georgios;
    • Sommer, Felix;
    • Schulte, Dominik M.;
    • Kaleta, Christoph;
    • Andersen, Vibeke;
    • Laudes, Matthias;
    • Schwarz, Karin;
    • Waschina, Silvio
    Publication type: