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  • CropBooster‐P: Towards a roadmap for plant research to future‐proof crops in Europe.

    Published in:
    Food & Energy Security, 2023, v. 12, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/fes3.428
    • Baekelandt, Alexandra;
    • Saltenis, Vandasue L. R.;
    • Pribil, Mathias;
    • Nacry, Philippe;
    • Harbinson, Jeremy;
    • Rolland, Norbert;
    • Wilhelm, Ralf;
    • Davies, Jessica;
    • Inzé, Dirk;
    • Parry, Martin A. J.;
    • Klein Lankhorst, René
    Publication type:
  • Approaches and determinants to sustainably improve crop production.

    Published in:
    Food & Energy Security, 2023, v. 12, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/fes3.369
    • Gojon, Alain;
    • Nussaume, Laurent;
    • Luu, Doan T.;
    • Murchie, Erik H.;
    • Baekelandt, Alexandra;
    • Rodrigues Saltenis, Vandasue Lily;
    • Cohan, Jean‐Pierre;
    • Desnos, Thierry;
    • Inzé, Dirk;
    • Ferguson, John N.;
    • Guiderdonni, Emmanuel;
    • Krapp, Anne;
    • Klein Lankhorst, René;
    • Maurel, Christophe;
    • Rouached, Hatem;
    • Parry, Martin A. J.;
    • Pribil, Mathias;
    • Scharff, Lars B.;
    • Nacry, Philippe
    Publication type:
  • Prospects to improve the nutritional quality of crops.

    Published in:
    Food & Energy Security, 2022, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/fes3.327
    • Scharff, Lars B.;
    • Saltenis, Vandasue L. R.;
    • Jensen, Poul Erik;
    • Baekelandt, Alexandra;
    • Burgess, Alexandra J.;
    • Burow, Meike;
    • Ceriotti, Aldo;
    • Cohan, Jean‐Pierre;
    • Geu‐Flores, Fernando;
    • Halkier, Barbara Ann;
    • Haslam, Richard P.;
    • Inzé, Dirk;
    • Klein Lankhorst, René;
    • Murchie, Erik H.;
    • Napier, Johnathan A.;
    • Nacry, Philippe;
    • Parry, Martin A. J.;
    • Santino, Angelo;
    • Scarano, Aurelia;
    • Sparvoli, Francesca
    Publication type:
  • Designing the Crops for the Future; The CropBooster Program.

    Published in:
    Biology (2079-7737), 2021, v. 10, n. 7, p. 690, doi. 10.3390/biology10070690
    • Harbinson, Jeremy;
    • Parry, Martin A. J.;
    • Davies, Jess;
    • Rolland, Norbert;
    • Loreto, Francesco;
    • Wilhelm, Ralf;
    • Metzlaff, Karin;
    • Klein Lankhorst, René
    Publication type:
  • A genome-wide genetic map of NB-LRR disease resistance loci in potato.

    Published in:
    Theoretical & Applied Genetics, 2011, v. 123, n. 3, p. 493, doi. 10.1007/s00122-011-1602-z
    • Bakker, Erin;
    • Borm, Theo;
    • Prins, Pjotr;
    • Vossen, Edwin;
    • Uenk, Gerda;
    • Arens, Marjon;
    • Boer, Jan;
    • Eck, Herman;
    • Muskens, Mariëlle;
    • Vossen, Jack;
    • Linden, Gerard;
    • Ham, Roeland;
    • Klein-Lankhorst, Rene;
    • Visser, Richard;
    • Smant, Geert;
    • Bakker, Jaap;
    • Goverse, Aska
    Publication type:
  • High-resolution chromosome mapping of BACs using multi-colour FISH and pooled-BAC FISH as a backbone for sequencing tomato chromosome 6.

    Published in:
    Plant Journal, 2008, v. 56, n. 4, p. 627, doi. 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2008.03626.x
    • Szinay, Dóra;
    • Song-Bin Chang;
    • Khrustaleva, Ludmila;
    • Peters, Sander;
    • Schijlen, Elio;
    • Yuling Bai;
    • Stiekema, Willem J.;
    • van Ham, Roeland C. H. J.;
    • de Jong, Hans;
    • Klein Lankhorst, René M.
    Publication type:
  • Homologues of a single resistance-gene cluster in potato confer resistance to distinct pathogens: a virus and a nematode.

    Published in:
    Plant Journal, 2000, v. 23, n. 5, p. 567, doi. 10.1046/j.1365-313x.2000.00814.x
    • van der Vossen, Edwin A.G.;
    • van der Voort, Jeroen N.A.M. Rouppe;
    • Kanyuka, Konstantin;
    • Bendahmane, Abdel;
    • Sandbrink, Hans;
    • Baulcombe, David C.;
    • Bakker, Jaap;
    • Stiekema, Willem J.;
    • Klein-Lankhorst, Rene M.
    Publication type: