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  • Bloodstream infections among HIV-infected outpatients, Southeast Asia.

    Published in:
    • Varma JK;
    • McCarthy KD;
    • Tasaneeyapan T;
    • Monkongdee P;
    • Kimerling ME;
    • Buntheoun E;
    • Sculier D;
    • Keo C;
    • Phanuphak P;
    • Teeratakulpisarn N;
    • Udomsantisuk N;
    • Dung NH;
    • Lan NT;
    • Yen NT;
    • Cain KP;
    • Varma, Jay K;
    • McCarthy, Kimberly D;
    • Tasaneeyapan, Theerawit;
    • Monkongdee, Patama;
    • Kimerling, Michael E
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Bloodstream Infections among HIV-Infected Outpatients, Southeast Asia.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2010, v. 16, n. 10, p. 1569, doi. 10.3201/eid1610.091686
    • Varma, Jay K.;
    • McCarthy, Kimberly D.;
    • Tasaneeyapan, Theerawit;
    • Monkongdee, Patama;
    • Kimerling, Michael E.;
    • Buntheoun, Eng;
    • Sculler, Delphine;
    • Keo, Chantary;
    • Phanuphak, Praphan;
    • Teeratakulpisarn, Nipat;
    • Udomsantisuk, Nibondh;
    • Dung, Nguyen H.;
    • Lan, Nguyen T. N.;
    • Yen, Nguyen T. B.;
    • Cain, Kevin P.
    Publication type:
  • Extensive Drug Resistance in Malaria and Tuberculosis.

    Published in:
    Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2010, v. 16, n. 7, p. 1063, doi. 10.3201/eid1607.091840
    • Wongsrichanalai, Chansuda;
    • Varma, Jay K.;
    • Juliano, Jonathan J.;
    • Kimerling, Michael E.;
    • MacArthur, John R.
    Publication type:
  • Molecular differentiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains without IS6110 insertions.

    Published in:
    • Lok, Kerry H.;
    • Benjamin Jr., William H.;
    • Kimerling, Michael E.;
    • Pruitt, Virginia;
    • Lathan, Monica;
    • Razeq, Jafar;
    • Hooper, Nancy;
    • Cronin, Wendy;
    • Dunlap, Nancy E.;
    • Benjamin, William H Jr
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Molecular typing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains with a common two-band IS6110 pattern.

    Published in:
    • Lok, Kerry H.;
    • Benjamin Jr., William H.;
    • Kimerling, Michael E.;
    • Pruitt, Virginia;
    • Mulcahy, Donna;
    • Robinson, Nancy;
    • Keenan, Nancy B.;
    • Dunlap, Nancy E.;
    • Benjamin, William H Jr
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Letters.

    Published in:
    • Barnhart, Janice;
    • Wassertheil-Smoller, Sylvia;
    • Koroukian, Siran M.;
    • Stevens, Gregory D.;
    • Burton, Lynda C.;
    • Weiner, Jonathan P.;
    • Schneider, Eric C.;
    • Epstein, Arnold M.;
    • Zaslavsky, Alan M.;
    • Reichler, Mary;
    • Taylor, Zachary;
    • Castro, Kenneth G.;
    • Bailey, William;
    • Gerald, Lynn B.;
    • Kimerling, Michael E.;
    • Bruce, Frank;
    • Duncan, Steve;
    • Brooks, C. Michael;
    • Dunlap, Nancy E.;
    • Redden, David T.
    Publication type:
  • Predictive Model to Identify Positive Tuberculosis Skin Test Results During Contact Investigations.

    Published in:
    JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 2002, v. 287, n. 8, p. 996, doi. 10.1001/jama.287.8.996
    • Bailey, William C.;
    • Gerald, Lynn B.;
    • Kimerling, Michael E.;
    • Redden, David;
    • Brook, Nancy;
    • Bruce, Frank;
    • Tang, Shenghui;
    • Duncan, Steve;
    • Brooks, C. Michael;
    • Dunlap, Nancy E.
    Publication type:
  • Use of Anti-Retroviral Therapy in Tuberculosis Patients on Second-Line Anti-TB Regimens: A Systematic Review.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2012, v. 7, n. 11, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0047370
    • Arentz, Matthew;
    • Pavlinac, Patricia;
    • Kimerling, Michael E.;
    • Horne, David J.;
    • Falzon, Dennis;
    • Schünemann, Holger J.;
    • Royce, Sarah;
    • Dheda, Keertan;
    • Walson, Judd L.
    Publication type:
  • Size and Usage Patterns of Private TB Drug Markets in the High Burden Countries.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2011, v. 6, n. 5, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0018964
    • Wells, William A.;
    • Ge, Colin Fan;
    • Patel, Nitin;
    • Oh, Teresa;
    • Gardiner, Elizabeth;
    • Kimerling, Michael E.
    Publication type:
  • Clinical Evaluation of the Microscopic-Observation Drug-Susceptibility Assay for Detection of Tuberculosis.

    Published in:
    Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2007, v. 44, n. 5, p. 674, doi. 10.1086/511639
    • Mayra Arias;
    • Mello, Fernanda C. Q.;
    • Pavón, Ada;
    • Marsico, Anna Grazia;
    • Alvarado-Gálvez, Carlos;
    • Rosales, Senia;
    • Pessoâ, Carlos Leonardo Carvalho;
    • Pérez, Melly;
    • Andrade, Monica K.;
    • Kritski, Afranio L.;
    • Fonseca, Leila S.;
    • Chaisson, Richard E.;
    • Kimerling, Michael E.;
    • Dorman, Susan E.
    Publication type:
  • Scaling up programmatic management of drug-resistant tuberculosis: a prioritized research agenda.

    Published in:
    • Cobelens FG;
    • Heldal E;
    • Kimerling ME;
    • Mitnick CD;
    • Podewils LJ;
    • Ramachandran R;
    • Rieder HL;
    • Weyer K;
    • Zignol M;
    • Working Group on MDR-TB of the Stop TB Partnership;
    • Cobelens, Frank G J;
    • Heldal, Einar;
    • Kimerling, Michael E;
    • Mitnick, Carole D;
    • Podewils, Laura J;
    • Ramachandran, Rajeswari;
    • Rieder, Hans L;
    • Weyer, Karin;
    • Zignol, Matteo
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Scaling Up Programmatic Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: A Prioritized Research Agenda.

    Published in:
    PLoS Medicine, 2008, v. 5, n. 7, p. e150
    • Cobelens, Frank G. J.;
    • Heldal, Einar;
    • Kimerling, Michael E.;
    • Mitnick, Carole D.;
    • Podewils, Laura J.;
    • Ramachandran, Rajeswari;
    • Rieder, Hans L.;
    • Weyer, Karin;
    • Zignol, Matteo
    Publication type:
  • Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Disease in Patients with HIV in Southeast Asia.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 2012, v. 185, n. 9, p. 981, doi. 10.1164/rccm.201107-1327OC
    • McCarthy, Kimberly D.;
    • Cain, Kevin P.;
    • Winthrop, Kevin L.;
    • Udomsantisuk, Nibondh;
    • Lan, Nguyen T. N.;
    • Sar, Borann;
    • Kimerling, Michael E.;
    • Kanara, Nong;
    • Lynen, Lut;
    • Monkongdee, Patama;
    • Tasaneeyapan, Theerawit;
    • Varma, Jay K.
    Publication type:
  • Clinical Research and Development of Tuberculosis Diagnostics: Moving From Silos to Synergy.

    Published in:
    Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2012, v. 205, n. suppl_2, p. S159, doi. 10.1093/infdis/jis194
    • Nahid, Payam;
    • Kim, Peter S.;
    • Evans, Carlton A.;
    • Alland, David;
    • Barer, Michael;
    • Diefenbach, Jane;
    • Ellner, Jerrold;
    • Hafner, Richard;
    • Hamilton, Carol Dukes;
    • Iademarco, Michael F.;
    • Ireton, Gregory;
    • Kimerling, Michael E.;
    • Lienhardt, Christian;
    • MacKenzie, William R.;
    • Murray, Megan;
    • Perkins, Mark D.;
    • Posey, Jamie E.;
    • Roberts, Teri;
    • Sizemore, Christine;
    • Stevens, Wendy S.
    Publication type:
  • Which New Diagnostics for Tuberculosis, and When?

    Published in:
    Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2012, v. 205, n. suppl_2, p. S191, doi. 10.1093/infdis/jis188
    • Cobelens, Frank;
    • den Hof, Susan van;
    • Pai, Madhukar;
    • Squire, S. Bertel;
    • Ramsay, Andrew;
    • Kimerling, Michael E.
    Publication type:
  • Clinical research and development of tuberculosis diagnostics: moving from silos to synergy.

    Published in:
    • Nahid, Payam;
    • Kim, Peter S;
    • Evans, Carlton A;
    • Alland, David;
    • Barer, Michael;
    • Diefenbach, Jane;
    • Ellner, Jerrold;
    • Hafner, Richard;
    • Hamilton, Carol Dukes;
    • Iademarco, Michael F;
    • Ireton, Gregory;
    • Kimerling, Michael E;
    • Lienhardt, Christian;
    • Mackenzie, William R;
    • Murray, Megan;
    • Perkins, Mark D;
    • Posey, Jamie E;
    • Roberts, Teri;
    • Sizemore, Christine;
    • Stevens, Wendy S
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Which new diagnostics for tuberculosis, and when?

    Published in:
    • Cobelens, Frank;
    • van den Hof, Susan;
    • Pai, Madhukar;
    • Squire, S Bertel;
    • Ramsay, Andrew;
    • Kimerling, Michael E;
    • Evidence for Scale-up Group
    Publication type:
    Journal Article