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  • Overview of Experiments with the Dynamic Ergodic Divertor on TEXTOR.

    Published in:
    Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2006, v. 46, n. 7-9, p. 515, doi. 10.1002/ctpp.200610038
    • Finken, K. H.;
    • Abdullaev, S.;
    • Biel, W.;
    • de Bock, M. F. M.;
    • Brezinsek, S.;
    • Busch, C.;
    • Classen, I.;
    • Harting, D.;
    • von Hellermann, M.;
    • Jachmich, S.;
    • Jakubowski, M.;
    • Jaspers, R.;
    • Koslowski, H. R.;
    • Krämer-Flecken, A.;
    • Kikuchi, Y.;
    • Lehnen, M.;
    • Liang, Y.;
    • Kobayashi, M.;
    • Nicolai, A.;
    • Pospieszczyk, A.
    Publication type:
  • Comparative Study of Flat and Round Collectors Using a Validated 1D Fluid Probe Model.

    Published in:
    Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2006, v. 46, n. 5/6, p. 422, doi. 10.1002/ctpp.200610025
    • Peleman, P.;
    • Jachmich, S.;
    • Van Schoor, M.;
    • Van Oost, G.;
    • Knaepen, W.;
    • Boucher, C.
    Publication type:
  • Divertor modelling of septum assessment experiments in JET MkIIGB.

    Published in:
    Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2004, v. 44, n. 1-3, p. 241, doi. 10.1002/ctpp.200410035
    • Tsitrone, E.;
    • Andrew, P.;
    • Bonnin, X.;
    • Coad, P.;
    • Coster, D.;
    • Fundamenski, W.;
    • Ghendrih, P.;
    • Huber, A.;
    • Jachmich, S.;
    • Kukushkin, A.;
    • Loarte, A.;
    • Matthews, G.;
    • Pitts, R.;
    • Rapp, J.;
    • Reiter, D.;
    • Stamp, M.;
    • Wischmeier, M.;
    • contributors to the JET EFDA work programme
    Publication type: