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  • Cognitive Impairment Before Atrial Fibrillation-Related Ischemic Events: Neuroimaging and Prognostic Associations.

    Published in:
    • Banerjee, Gargi;
    • Edgar Chan;
    • Ambler, Gareth;
    • Wilson, Duncan;
    • Cipolotti, Lisa;
    • Shakeshaft, Clare;
    • Cohen, Hannah;
    • Yousry, Tarek;
    • Habil, Med;
    • Salman, Rustam Al-Shahi;
    • Lip, Gregory Y. H.;
    • Muir, Keith W.;
    • Brown, Martin M.;
    • J€ager, Hans Rolf;
    • Werring, David J.;
    • Chan, Edgar;
    • Al-Shahi Salman, Rustam;
    • Jäger, Hans Rolf;
    • CROMIS‐2 Collaborators †;
    • CROMIS‐2 Collaborators <xref ref-type="author-note" rid="jah34726-note-1002"><sup>†</sup></xref>
    Publication type:
    journal article