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  • Blunted medial prefrontal cortico-limbic reward-related effective connectivity and depression.

    Published in:
    • Rupprechter, Samuel;
    • Romaniuk, Liana;
    • Series, Peggy;
    • Hirose, Yoriko;
    • Hawkins, Emma;
    • Sandu, Anca-Larisa;
    • Waiter, Gordon D;
    • McNeil, Christopher J;
    • Shen, Xueyi;
    • Harris, Mathew A;
    • Campbell, Archie;
    • Porteous, David;
    • Macfarlane, Jennifer A;
    • Lawrie, Stephen M;
    • Murray, Alison D;
    • Delgado, Mauricio R;
    • McIntosh, Andrew M;
    • Whalley, Heather C;
    • Steele, J Douglas
    Publication type:
    journal article