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  • Lidar based emissions measurement at the whole facility scale: Method and error analysis.

    Published in:
    Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2009, v. 3, n. 1, p. 033510, doi. 10.1117/1.3097919
    • Bingham, Gail E.;
    • Marchant, Christian C.;
    • Zavyalov, Vladimir V.;
    • Ahlstrom, Douglas J.;
    • Moore, Kori D.;
    • Jones, Derek S.;
    • Wilkerson, Thomas;
    • Hipps, Larry E.;
    • Martin, Randal S.;
    • Hatfield, Jerry L.;
    • Prueger, John H.;
    • Pfeiffer, Richard L.
    Publication type: