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  • Correction to: Transcultural adaptation and validation of IMPACT-III and IMPACT-III-P in Spanish families: a multicenter study from SEGHNP.

    Published in:
    • Rodríguez-Belvís, Marta Velasco;
    • Palomino, Laura;
    • Pujol-Muncunill, Gemma;
    • Martin-Masot, Rafael;
    • Benítez, Enrique Medina;
    • Fernández-Lorenzo, Ana Estefanía;
    • Moreno-Álvarez, Ana;
    • Arias, Manuel Molina;
    • Montes, Inmaculada Hidalgo;
    • Torres, Josefa Barrio;
    • Navas-López, Víctor Manuel;
    • de Carpi, Javier Martín;
    • Ruf, Ana Lozano;
    • Blasco-Alonso, Javier;
    • Montraveta, Montserrat;
    • Peña-Quintana, Luis;
    • Rueda, Natalia Ramos;
    • Martínez, Alejandro Rodríguez;
    • Arcos, Gonzalo Botija;
    • Vicente, Carmen Alonso
    Publication type:
    Correction Notice
  • Transcultural adaptation and validation of IMPACT-III and IMPACT-III-P in Spanish families: a multicenter study from SEGHNP.

    Published in:
    European Journal of Pediatrics, 2024, v. 183, n. 8, p. 3417, doi. 10.1007/s00431-024-05575-7
    • Velasco Rodríguez-Belvís, Marta;
    • Palomino, Laura;
    • Pujol-Muncunill, Gemma;
    • Martin-Masot, Rafael;
    • Medina Benítez, Enrique;
    • Fernández-Lorenzo, Ana Estefanía;
    • Moreno-Álvarez, Ana;
    • Molina Arias, Manuel;
    • Hidalgo Montes, Inmaculada;
    • Barrio Torres, Josefa;
    • Navas-López, Víctor Manuel;
    • Martín de Carpi, Javier;
    • Lozano Ruf, Ana;
    • Blasco-Alonso, Javier;
    • Montraveta, Montserrat;
    • Peña-Quintana, Luis;
    • Ramos Rueda, Natalia;
    • Rodríguez Martínez, Alejandro;
    • Botija Arcos, Gonzalo;
    • Alonso Vicente, Carmen
    Publication type:
  • Severe vaccine‐acquired rotavirus infection in an infant with primary intestinal lymphangiectasia.

    Published in:
    Pediatric Allergy & Immunology, 2022, v. 33, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1111/pai.13834
    • Cabrerizo, Maria;
    • Hidalgo‐Montes, Inmaculada;
    • Mendez‐Echevarria, Ana;
    • Rodrieguez‐Pena, Rebeca;
    • Ruiz‐Carrascoso, Guillermo;
    • Martinez‐Ojinaga, Eva;
    • del Rosal, Teresa;
    • Pastrian, Laura G.;
    • Fernandez‐Garcia, Maria Dolores
    Publication type: