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  • Altering the Binding Properties of PRDM9 Partially Restores Fertility across the Species Boundary.

    Published in:
    Molecular Biology & Evolution, 2021, v. 38, n. 12, p. 5555, doi. 10.1093/molbev/msab269
    • Davies, Benjamin;
    • Hinch, Anjali Gupta;
    • Cebrian-Serrano, Alberto;
    • Alghadban, Samy;
    • Becker, Philipp W;
    • Biggs, Daniel;
    • Hernandez-Pliego, Polinka;
    • Preece, Chris;
    • Moralli, Daniela;
    • Zhang, Gang;
    • Myers, Simon;
    • Donnelly, Peter
    Publication type:
  • Sequence-based characterization of structural variation in the mouse genome.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2011, v. 477, n. 7364, p. 326, doi. 10.1038/nature10432
    • Yalcin, Binnaz;
    • Wong, Kim;
    • Agam, Avigail;
    • Goodson, Martin;
    • Keane, Thomas M.;
    • Gan, Xiangchao;
    • Nellåker, Christoffer;
    • Goodstadt, Leo;
    • Nicod, Jérôme;
    • Bhomra, Amarjit;
    • Hernandez-Pliego, Polinka;
    • Whitley, Helen;
    • Cleak, James;
    • Dutton, Rebekah;
    • Janowitz, Deborah;
    • Mott, Richard;
    • Adams, David J.;
    • Flint, Jonathan
    Publication type:
  • Mouse genomic variation and its effect on phenotypes and gene regulation.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2011, v. 477, n. 7364, p. 289, doi. 10.1038/nature10413
    • Keane, Thomas M.;
    • Goodstadt, Leo;
    • Danecek, Petr;
    • White, Michael A.;
    • Wong, Kim;
    • Yalcin, Binnaz;
    • Heger, Andreas;
    • Agam, Avigail;
    • Slater, Guy;
    • Goodson, Martin;
    • Furlotte, Nicholas A.;
    • Eskin, Eleazar;
    • Nellåker, Christoffer;
    • Whitley, Helen;
    • Cleak, James;
    • Janowitz, Deborah;
    • Hernandez-Pliego, Polinka;
    • Edwards, Andrew;
    • Belgard, T. Grant;
    • Oliver, Peter L.
    Publication type:
  • Coping-Style Behavior Identified by a Survey of Parent-of-Origin Effects in the Rat.

    Published in:
    G3: Genes | Genomes | Genetics, 2018, v. 8, n. 10, p. 3283, doi. 10.1534/g3.118.200489
    • Mont, Carme;
    • Hernandez-Pliego, Polinka;
    • Cañete, Toni;
    • Oliveras, Ignasi;
    • Río-Álamos, Cristóbal;
    • Blázquez, Gloria;
    • López-Aumatell, Regina;
    • Martínez-Membrives, Esther;
    • Tobeña, Adolf;
    • Flint, Jonathan;
    • Fernández-Teruel, Alberto;
    • Mott, Richard
    Publication type:
  • A protocol for high-throughput phenotyping, suitable for quantitative trait analysis in mice.

    Published in:
    Mammalian Genome, 2006, v. 17, n. 2, p. 129, doi. 10.1007/s00335-005-0112-1
    • Solberg, Leah C.;
    • Valdar, William;
    • Gauguier, Dominique;
    • Nunez, Graciela;
    • Taylor, Amy;
    • Burnett, Stephanie;
    • Arboledas-Hita, Carmen;
    • Hernandez-Pliego, Polinka;
    • Davidson, Stuart;
    • Burns, Peter;
    • Bhattacharya, Shoumo;
    • Hough, Tertius;
    • Higgs, Douglas;
    • Klenerman, Paul;
    • Cookson, William O.;
    • Zhang, Youming;
    • Deacon, Robert M.;
    • Rawlins, J. Nicholas P.;
    • Mott, Richard;
    • Flint, Jonathan
    Publication type:
  • A point mutation in the ion conduction pore of AMP A receptor GRIA3 causes dramatically perturbed sleep patterns as well as intellectual disability.

    Published in:
    Human Molecular Genetics, 2017, v. 26, n. 20, p. 3869, doi. 10.1093/hmg/ddx270
    • Davies, Benjamin;
    • Brown, Laurence A.;
    • Cais, Ondrej;
    • Watson, Jake;
    • Clayton, Amber J.;
    • Chang, Veronica T.;
    • Biggs, Daniel;
    • Preece, Christopher;
    • Hernandez-Pliego, Polinka;
    • Krohn, Jon;
    • Bhomra, Amarjit;
    • Twigg, Stephen R. F.;
    • Rimmer, Andrew;
    • Kanapin, Alexander;
    • Sen, Arjune;
    • Zaiwalla, Zenobia;
    • McVean, Gil;
    • Foster, Russell;
    • Donnelly, Peter;
    • Taylor, Jenny C.
    Publication type: