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  • Natural variation in Fc glycosylation of HIV-specific antibodies impacts antiviral activity.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 5, p. 2183, doi. 10.1172/JCI65708
    • Ackerman, Margaret E.;
    • Crispin, Max;
    • Xiaojie Yu;
    • Baruah, Kavitha;
    • Boesch, Austin W.;
    • Harvey, David J.;
    • Dugast, Anne-Sophie;
    • Heizen, Erin L.;
    • Ercan, Altan;
    • Ickwon Choi;
    • Streeck, Hendrik;
    • Nigrovic, Peter A.;
    • Bailey-Kellogg, Chris;
    • Scanlan, Chris;
    • Alter, Galit
    Publication type: