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  • State of Wildfires 2023–2024.

    Published in:
    Earth System Science Data, 2024, v. 16, n. 8, p. 3601, doi. 10.5194/essd-16-3601-2024
    • Jones, Matthew W.;
    • Kelley, Douglas I.;
    • Burton, Chantelle A.;
    • Di Giuseppe, Francesca;
    • Barbosa, Maria Lucia F.;
    • Brambleby, Esther;
    • Hartley, Andrew J.;
    • Lombardi, Anna;
    • Mataveli, Guilherme;
    • McNorton, Joe R.;
    • Spuler, Fiona R.;
    • Wessel, Jakob B.;
    • Abatzoglou, John T.;
    • Anderson, Liana O.;
    • Andela, Niels;
    • Archibald, Sally;
    • Armenteras, Dolors;
    • Burke, Eleanor;
    • Carmenta, Rachel;
    • Chuvieco, Emilio
    Publication type:
  • Aircraft observations and sub-km modelling of the lake–land breeze circulation over Lake Victoria.

    Published in:
    Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2022, v. 148, n. 743, p. 557, doi. 10.1002/qj.4155
    • Woodhams, Beth J.;
    • Barrett, Paul A.;
    • Marsham, John H.;
    • Birch, Cathryn E.;
    • Bain, Caroline L.;
    • Fletcher, Jennifer K.;
    • Hartley, Andrew J.;
    • StuartWebster;
    • Mangeni, Solomon
    Publication type:
  • Assessment of convection‐permitting versions of the Unified Model over the Lake Victoria basin region.

    Published in:
    Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2021, v. 147, n. 736, p. 1642, doi. 10.1002/qj.3988
    • Hanley, Kirsty E.;
    • Pirret, Jennifer S. R.;
    • Bain, Caroline L.;
    • Hartley, Andrew J.;
    • Lean, Humphrey W.;
    • Webster, Stuart;
    • Woodhams, Beth J.
    Publication type:
  • Choice of baseline climate data impacts projected species' responses to climate change.

    Published in:
    Global Change Biology, 2016, v. 22, n. 7, p. 2392, doi. 10.1111/gcb.13273
    • Baker, David J.;
    • Hartley, Andrew J.;
    • Butchart, Stuart H. M.;
    • Willis, Stephen G.
    Publication type:
  • Description and evaluation of the JULES-ES set-up for ISIMIP2b.

    Published in:
    Geoscientific Model Development, 2023, v. 16, n. 14, p. 4249, doi. 10.5194/gmd-16-4249-2023
    • Mathison, Camilla;
    • Burke, Eleanor;
    • Hartley, Andrew J.;
    • Kelley, Douglas I.;
    • Burton, Chantelle;
    • Robertson, Eddy;
    • Gedney, Nicola;
    • Williams, Karina;
    • Wiltshire, Andy;
    • Ellis, Richard J.;
    • Sellar, Alistair A.;
    • Jones, Chris D.
    Publication type:
  • JULES-GL7: the Global Land configuration of the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator version 7.0 and 7.2.

    Published in:
    Geoscientific Model Development, 2020, v. 13, n. 2, p. 483, doi. 10.5194/gmd-13-483-2020
    • Wiltshire, Andrew J.;
    • Duran Rojas, Maria Carolina;
    • Edwards, John M.;
    • Gedney, Nicola;
    • Harper, Anna B.;
    • Hartley, Andrew J.;
    • Hendry, Margaret A.;
    • Robertson, Eddy;
    • Smout-Day, Kerry
    Publication type:
  • State of Wildfires 2023–24.

    Published in:
    Earth System Science Data Discussions, 2024, p. 1, doi. 10.5194/essd-2024-218
    • Jones, Matthew W.;
    • Kelley, Douglas I.;
    • Burton, Chantelle A.;
    • Giuseppe, Francesca Di;
    • Barbosa, Maria Lucia F.;
    • Brambleby, Esther;
    • Hartley, Andrew J.;
    • Lombardi, Anna;
    • Mataveli, Guilherme;
    • McNorton, Joe R.;
    • Spuler, Fiona R.;
    • Wessel, Jakob B.;
    • Abatzoglou, John T.;
    • Anderson, Liana O.;
    • Andela, Niels;
    • Archibald, Sally;
    • Armenteras, Dolors;
    • Burke, Eleanor;
    • Carmenta, Rachel;
    • Chuvieco, Emilio
    Publication type:
  • Conducting robust ecological analyses with climate data.

    Published in:
    Oikos, 2017, v. 126, n. 11, p. 1533, doi. 10.1111/oik.04203
    • Suggitt, Andrew J.;
    • Platts, Philip J.;
    • Barata, Izabela M.;
    • Bennie, Jonathan J.;
    • Burgess, Malcolm D.;
    • Bystriakova, Nadia;
    • Duffield, Simon;
    • Ewing, Steven R.;
    • Gillingham, Phillipa K.;
    • Harper, Anna B.;
    • Hartley, Andrew J.;
    • Hemming, Deborah L.;
    • Maclean, Ilya M. D.;
    • Maltby, Katherine;
    • Marshall, Harry H.;
    • Morecroft, Mike D.;
    • Pearce‐Higgins, James W.;
    • Pearce‐Kelly, Paul;
    • Phillimore, Albert B.;
    • Price, Jeff T.
    Publication type:
  • Neglected issues in using weather and climate information in ecology and biogeography.

    Published in:
    Diversity & Distributions, 2017, v. 23, n. 3, p. 329, doi. 10.1111/ddi.12527
    • Baker, David J.;
    • Hartley, Andrew J.;
    • Pearce‐Higgins, James W.;
    • Jones, Richard G.;
    • Willis, Stephen G.;
    • Serra‐Diaz, Josep
    Publication type: