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  • The importance of escalating molecular diagnostics in patients with low-grade pediatric brain cancer.

    Published in:
    Cold Spring Harbor Molecular Case Studies, 2023, v. 9, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1101/mcs.a006275
    • Al Assaad, Majd;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Liechty, Benjamin;
    • Sboner, Andrea;
    • Medina, Juan;
    • Papaemmanuil, Elli;
    • Sternberg, Cora N.;
    • Marks, Asher;
    • Souweidane, Mark M.;
    • Greenfield, Jeffrey P.;
    • Tran, Ivy;
    • Snuderl, Matija;
    • Elemento, Olivier;
    • Imielinski, Marcin;
    • Pisapia, David J.;
    • Miguel Mosquera, Juan
    Publication type:
  • Skeletal muscle metastases in neuroblastoma share common progenitors with primary tumor and biologically resemble stage MS disease.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Oncology, 2023, v. 13, p. 1, doi. 10.3389/fonc.2022.1106597
    • Fong, Christina;
    • Kushner, Brian H.;
    • Di Giannatale, Angela;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Li, Shanita;
    • Roberts, Stephen S.;
    • Basu, Ellen M.;
    • Price, Anita;
    • Cheung, Nai-Kong V.;
    • Modak, Shakeel
    Publication type:
  • Association of BRAF V600E mutations with vasoactive intestinal peptide syndrome in MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma.

    Published in:
    • Shahid, Sanam;
    • Kushner, Brian H.;
    • Modak, Shakeel;
    • Basu, Ellen M.;
    • Rubin, Elyssa M.;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Papaemmanuil, Elli;
    • Roberts, Stephen S.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Author Correction: Accelerated single cell seeding in relapsed multiple myeloma.

    Published in:
    • Landau, Heather J.;
    • Yellapantula, Venkata;
    • Diamond, Benjamin T.;
    • Rustad, Even H.;
    • Maclachlan, Kylee H.;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Medina-Martinez, Juan;
    • Ossa, Juan Arango;
    • Levine, Max F.;
    • Zhou, Yangyu;
    • Kappagantula, Rajya;
    • Baez, Priscilla;
    • Attiyeh, Marc;
    • Makohon-Moore, Alvin;
    • Zhang, Lance;
    • Boyle, Eileen M.;
    • Ashby, Cody;
    • Blaney, Patrick;
    • Patel, Minal;
    • Zhang, Yanming
    Publication type:
    Correction Notice
  • Isabl Platform, a digital biobank for processing multimodal patient data.

    Published in:
    BMC Bioinformatics, 2020, v. 21, n. 1, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1186/s12859-020-03879-7
    • Medina-Martínez, Juan S.;
    • Arango-Ossa, Juan E.;
    • Levine, Max F.;
    • Zhou, Yangyu;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Kung, Andrew L.;
    • Papaemmanuil, Elli
    Publication type:
  • Accelerated single cell seeding in relapsed multiple myeloma.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2020, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-020-17459-z
    • Landau, Heather J.;
    • Yellapantula, Venkata;
    • Diamond, Benjamin T.;
    • Rustad, Even H.;
    • Maclachlan, Kylee H.;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Medina-Martinez, Juan;
    • Ossa, Juan Arango;
    • Levine, Max F.;
    • Zhou, Yangyu;
    • Kappagantula, Rajya;
    • Baez, Priscilla;
    • Attiye, Marc;
    • Makohon-Moore, Alvin;
    • Zhang, Lance;
    • Boyle, Eileen M.;
    • Ashby, Cody;
    • Blaney, Patrick;
    • Patel, Minal;
    • Zhang, Yanming
    Publication type:
  • Appraising the relevance of DNA copy number loss and gain in prostate cancer using whole genome DNA sequence data.

    Published in:
    PLoS Genetics, 2017, v. 13, n. 9, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007001
    • null, null;
    • Edwards, Sandra;
    • Matthews, Lucy;
    • Merson, Sue;
    • Kote-Jarai, ZSofia;
    • Camacho, Niedzica;
    • Cooper, Colin S.;
    • Eeles, Rosalind;
    • Kremeyer, Barbara;
    • Zamora, Jorge;
    • Butler, Adam P.;
    • Ghori, Mohammed;
    • Raine, Keiran;
    • Jones, David;
    • McDermott, Ultan;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Wedge, David C.;
    • Marsden, Luke;
    • Lambert, Adam;
    • Karaszi, Katalin
    Publication type:
  • Mutational signatures of ionizing radiation in second malignancies.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2016, v. 7, n. 9, p. 12605, doi. 10.1038/ncomms12605
    • Behjati, Sam;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Wedge, David C.;
    • Roberts, Nicola D.;
    • Tarpey, Patrick S.;
    • Cooke, Susanna L.;
    • Van Loo, Peter;
    • Alexandrov, Ludmil B.;
    • Ramakrishna, Manasa;
    • Davies, Helen;
    • Nik-Zainal, Serena;
    • Hardy, Claire;
    • Latimer, Calli;
    • Raine, Keiran M.;
    • Stebbings, Lucy;
    • Menzies, Andy;
    • Jones, David;
    • Shepherd, Rebecca;
    • Butler, Adam P.;
    • Teague, Jon W.
    Publication type:
  • Uncovering the genomic heterogeneity of multifocal breast cancer.

    Published in:
    Journal of Pathology, 2015, v. 236, n. 4, p. 457, doi. 10.1002/path.4540
    • Desmedt, Christine;
    • Fumagalli, Debora;
    • Pietri, Elisabetta;
    • Zoppoli, Gabriele;
    • Brown, David;
    • Nik‐Zainal, Serena;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Rothé, Françoise;
    • Majjaj, Samira;
    • Garuti, Anna;
    • Carminati, Enrico;
    • Loi, Sherene;
    • Van Brussel, Thomas;
    • Boeckx, Bram;
    • Maetens, Marion;
    • Mudie, Laura;
    • Vincent, Delphine;
    • Kheddoumi, Naima;
    • Serra, Luigi;
    • Massa, Ilaria
    Publication type:
  • Subclonal diversification of primary breast cancer revealed by multiregion sequencing.

    Published in:
    Nature Medicine, 2015, v. 21, n. 7, p. 751, doi. 10.1038/nm.3886
    • Yates, Lucy R;
    • Gerstung, Moritz;
    • Knappskog, Stian;
    • Desmedt, Christine;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Van Loo, Peter;
    • Aas, Turid;
    • Alexandrov, Ludmil B;
    • Larsimont, Denis;
    • Davies, Helen;
    • Li, Yilong;
    • Ju, Young Seok;
    • Ramakrishna, Manasa;
    • Haugland, Hans Kristian;
    • Lilleng, Peer Kaare;
    • Nik-Zainal, Serena;
    • McLaren, Stuart;
    • Butler, Adam;
    • Martin, Sancha;
    • Glodzik, Dominic
    Publication type:
  • Corrigendum: Analysis of the genetic phylogeny of multifocal prostate cancer identifies multiple independent clonal expansions in neoplastic and morphologically normal prostate tissue.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2015, v. 47, n. 6, p. 689, doi. 10.1038/ng0615-689b
    • Cooper, Colin S;
    • Eeles, Rosalind;
    • Wedge, David C;
    • Van Loo, Peter;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Alexandrov, Ludmil B;
    • Kremeyer, Barbara;
    • Butler, Adam;
    • Lynch, Andrew G;
    • Camacho, Niedzica;
    • Massie, Charlie E;
    • Kay, Jonathan;
    • Luxton, Hayley J;
    • Edwards, Sandra;
    • Kote-Jarai, Zsofia;
    • Dennis, Nening;
    • Merson, Sue;
    • Leongamornlert, Daniel;
    • Zamora, Jorge;
    • Corbishley, Cathy
    Publication type:
  • The evolutionary history of lethal metastatic prostate cancer.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2015, v. 520, n. 7547, p. 353, doi. 10.1038/nature14347
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Van Loo, Peter;
    • Kremeyer, Barbara;
    • Alexandrov, Ludmil B.;
    • Tubio, Jose M. C.;
    • Papaemmanuil, Elli;
    • Brewer, Daniel S.;
    • Kallio, Heini M. L.;
    • Högnäs, Gunilla;
    • Annala, Matti;
    • Kivinummi, Kati;
    • Goody, Victoria;
    • Latimer, Calli;
    • O'Meara, Sarah;
    • Dawson, Kevin J.;
    • Isaacs, William;
    • Emmert-Buck, Michael R.;
    • Nykter, Matti;
    • Foster, Christopher;
    • Kote-Jarai, Zsofia
    Publication type:
  • Analysis of the genetic phylogeny of multifocal prostate cancer identifies multiple independent clonal expansions in neoplastic and morphologically normal prostate tissue.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2015, v. 47, n. 4, p. 367, doi. 10.1038/ng.3221
    • Cooper, Colin S;
    • Clark, Jeremy;
    • Hurst, Rachel;
    • Mithen, Richard;
    • Bristow, Robert G;
    • Boutros, Paul C;
    • Fraser, Michael;
    • Greenman, Christopher;
    • Berney, Dan;
    • Voet, Thierry;
    • Easton, Douglas;
    • Warren, Anne Y;
    • Eeles, Rosalind;
    • Foster, Christopher S;
    • Brewer, Daniel S;
    • Neal, David E;
    • Wedge, David C;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Alexandrov, Ludmil B;
    • Kremeyer, Barbara
    Publication type:
  • Genome sequencing of normal cells reveals developmental lineages and mutational processes.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2014, v. 513, n. 7518, p. 422, doi. 10.1038/nature13448
    • Behjati, Sam;
    • Huch, Meritxell;
    • van Boxtel, Ruben;
    • Karthaus, Wouter;
    • Wedge, David C.;
    • Martincorena, Iñigo;
    • Petljak, Mia;
    • Alexandrov, Ludmil B.;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Tarpey, Patrick S.;
    • Roerink, Sophie;
    • Maddison, Mark;
    • Mudie, Laura;
    • Robinson, Ben;
    • Campbell, Peter;
    • Stratton, Michael R.;
    • Tamuri, Asif U.;
    • Goldman, Nick;
    • Blokker, Joyce;
    • van de Wetering, Marc
    Publication type:
  • Recurrent PTPRB and PLCG1 mutations in angiosarcoma.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2014, v. 46, n. 4, p. 376, doi. 10.1038/ng.2921
    • Behjati, Sam;
    • Tarpey, Patrick S;
    • Sheldon, Helen;
    • Martincorena, Inigo;
    • Van Loo, Peter;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Wedge, David C;
    • Ramakrishna, Manasa;
    • Cooke, Susanna L;
    • Pillay, Nischalan;
    • Vollan, Hans Kristian M;
    • Papaemmanuil, Elli;
    • Koss, Hans;
    • Bunney, Tom D;
    • Hardy, Claire;
    • Joseph, Olivia R;
    • Martin, Sancha;
    • Mudie, Laura;
    • Butler, Adam;
    • Teague, Jon W
    Publication type:
  • Corrigendum: Distinct H3F3A and H3F3B driver mutations define chondroblastoma and giant cell tumor of bone.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2014, v. 46, n. 3, p. 316, doi. 10.1038/ng0314-316
    • Behjati, Sam;
    • Tarpey, Patrick S;
    • Presneau, Nadège;
    • Scheipl, Susanne;
    • Pillay, Nischalan;
    • Van Loo, Peter;
    • Wedge, David C;
    • Cooke, Susanna L;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Davies, Helen;
    • Nik-Zainal, Serena;
    • Martin, Sancha;
    • McLaren, Stuart;
    • Goodie, Victoria;
    • Robinson, Ben;
    • Butler, Adam;
    • Teague, Jon W;
    • Halai, Dina;
    • Khatri, Bhavisha;
    • Myklebost, Ola
    Publication type:
  • RAG-mediated recombination is the predominant driver of oncogenic rearrangement in ETV6-RUNX1 acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2014, v. 46, n. 2, p. 116, doi. 10.1038/ng.2874
    • Papaemmanuil, Elli;
    • Rapado, Inmaculada;
    • Li, Yilong;
    • Potter, Nicola E;
    • Wedge, David C;
    • Tubio, Jose;
    • Alexandrov, Ludmil B;
    • Van Loo, Peter;
    • Cooke, Susanna L;
    • Marshall, John;
    • Martincorena, Inigo;
    • Hinton, Jonathan;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • van Delft, Frederik W;
    • Nik-Zainal, Serena;
    • Jones, David R;
    • Ramakrishna, Manasa;
    • Titley, Ian;
    • Stebbings, Lucy;
    • Leroy, Catherine
    Publication type:
  • Distinct H3F3A and H3F3B driver mutations define chondroblastoma and giant cell tumor of bone.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2013, v. 45, n. 12, p. 1479, doi. 10.1038/ng.2814
    • Behjati, Sam;
    • Tarpey, Patrick S;
    • Presneau, Nadège;
    • Scheipl, Susanne;
    • Pillay, Nischalan;
    • Van Loo, Peter;
    • Wedge, David C;
    • Cooke, Susanna L;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Davies, Helen;
    • Nik-Zainal, Serena;
    • Martin, Sancha;
    • McLaren, Stuart;
    • Goodie, Victoria;
    • Robinson, Ben;
    • Butler, Adam;
    • Teague, Jon W;
    • Halai, Dina;
    • Khatri, Bhavisha;
    • Myklebost, Ola
    Publication type:
  • BioMart Central Portal: an open database network for the biological community.

    Published in:
    Database: The Journal of Biological Databases & Curation, 2011, v. 2011, p. 1, doi. 10.1093/database/bar041
    • Guberman, Jonathan M.;
    • Ai, J.;
    • Arnaiz, O.;
    • Baran, Joachim;
    • Blake, Andrew;
    • Baldock, Richard;
    • Chelala, Claude;
    • Croft, David;
    • Cros, Anthony;
    • Cutts, Rosalind J.;
    • Di Génova, A.;
    • Forbes, Simon;
    • Fujisawa, T.;
    • Gadaleta, E.;
    • Goodstein, D. M.;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Haggarty, Bernard;
    • Haider, Syed;
    • Hall, Matthew;
    • Harris, Todd
    Publication type:
  • Integrative Cancer Genomics (IntOGen) in Biomart.

    Published in:
    Database: The Journal of Biological Databases & Curation, 2011, v. 2011, n. 39, p. 1
    • Perez-Llamas, Christian;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Lopez-Bigas, Nuria
    Publication type:
  • Transcriptional activation of polycomb-repressed genes by ZRF1.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2010, v. 468, n. 7327, p. 1124, doi. 10.1038/nature09574
    • Richly, Holger;
    • Rocha-Viegas, Luciana;
    • Ribeiro, Joana Domingues;
    • Demajo, Santiago;
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Lopez-Bigas, Nuria;
    • Nakagawa, Tekeya;
    • Rospert, Sabine;
    • Ito, Takashi;
    • Di Croce, Luciano
    Publication type:
  • IntOGen: integration and data mining of multidimensional oncogenomic data.

    Published in:
    • Gundem, Gunes;
    • Perez-Llamas, Christian;
    • Jene-Sanz, Alba;
    • Kedzierska, Anna;
    • Islam, Abul;
    • Deu-Pons, Jordi;
    • Furney, Simon J.;
    • Lopez-Bigas, Nuria
    Publication type: