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  • Protein Restriction in the Peri-Pubertal Period Induces Autonomic Dysfunction and Cardiac and Vascular Structural Changes in Adult Rats.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Physiology, 2022, v. 13, p. 1, doi. 10.3389/fphys.2022.840179
    • Ferreira, Anna Rebeka Oliveira;
    • Ribeiro, Maiara Vanusa Guedes;
    • Peres, Maria Natalia Chimirri;
    • Piovan, Silvano;
    • Gonçalves, Géssica Dutra;
    • Saavedra, Lucas Paulo Jacinto;
    • Martins, Juliana Nunes de Lima;
    • Junior, Marcos Divino Ferreira;
    • Cavalcante, Keilah Valeria Naves;
    • Lopes, Gabriel kian Guimarães;
    • Carneiro, Mariane;
    • Almeida, Douglas Lopes;
    • Gomes, Rodrigo Mello;
    • Comar, Jurandir Fernando;
    • Armitage, James Andrew;
    • Mathias, Paulo Cezar de Freitas;
    • Palma-Rigo, Kesia
    Publication type: