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  • Ascertainment of warfarin and aspirin use by medical record review compared with automated pharmacy data.

    Published in:
    Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety, 2011, v. 20, n. 3, p. 313, doi. 10.1002/pds.2041
    • Garg, Renu K.;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Wiggins, Kerri L.;
    • Newton, Katherine M.;
    • Thacker, Evan L.;
    • Smith, Nicholas L.;
    • Siscovick, David S.;
    • Psaty, Bruce M.;
    • Heckbert, Susan R.
    Publication type:
  • A genome-wide association study identifies novel loci associated with circulating IGF-I and IGFBP-3.

    Published in:
    Human Molecular Genetics, 2011, v. 20, n. 6, p. 1241, doi. 10.1093/hmg/ddq560
    • Kaplan, Robert C.;
    • Petersen, Ann-Kristin;
    • Chen, Ming-Huei;
    • Teumer, Alexander;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Döring, Angela;
    • Lam, Carolyn S.P.;
    • Friedrich, Nele;
    • Newman, Anne;
    • Müller, Martina;
    • Yang, Qiong;
    • Homuth, Georg;
    • Cappola, Anne;
    • Klopp, Norman;
    • Smith, Holly;
    • Ernst, Florian;
    • Psaty, Bruce M.;
    • Wichmann, H.-Erich;
    • Sawyer, Douglas B.;
    • Biffar, Reiner
    Publication type:
  • Common variants in the calcium-sensing receptor gene are associated with total serum calcium levels.

    Published in:
    Human Molecular Genetics, 2010, v. 19, n. 21, p. 4296
    • O'Seaghdha, Conall M.;
    • Yang, Qiong;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Leak, Tennille S.;
    • Dehghan, Abbas;
    • Smith, Albert V.;
    • Kao, W.H. Linda;
    • Lohman, Kurt;
    • Hwang, Shih-Jen;
    • Johnson, Andrew D.;
    • Hofman, Albert;
    • Uitterlinden, Andre G.;
    • Chen, Yii-Der Ida;
    • Brown, Edward M.;
    • Siscovick, David S.;
    • Harris, Tamara B.;
    • Psaty, Bruce M.;
    • Coresh, Josef;
    • Gudnason, Vilmundur;
    • Witteman, Jacqueline C.
    Publication type:
  • Large-scale genomic studies reveal central role of ABO in sP-selectin and sICAM-1 levels.

    Published in:
    Human Molecular Genetics, 2010, v. 19, n. 9, p. 1863, doi. 10.1093/hmg/ddq061
    • Barbalic, Maja;
    • Dupuis, Josée;
    • Dehghan, Abbas;
    • Bis, Joshua C.;
    • Hoogeveen, Ron C.;
    • Schnabel, Renate B.;
    • Nambi, Vijay;
    • Bretler, Monique;
    • Smith, Nicholas L.;
    • Peters, Annette;
    • Lu, Chen;
    • Tracy, Russell P.;
    • Aleksic, Nena;
    • Heeriga, Jan;
    • Keaney, John F.;
    • Rice, Kenneth;
    • Lip, Gregory Y.H.;
    • Vasan, Ramachandran S.;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Larson, Martin G.
    Publication type:
  • Genetic Variants Associated With Cardiac Structure and Function.

    Published in:
    JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 2009, v. 302, n. 2, p. 168, doi. 10.1001/jama.2009.978-a
    • Vasan, Ramachandran S.;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Felix, Janine F.;
    • Lieb, Wolfgang;
    • Wild, Philipp S.;
    • Felix, Stephan B.;
    • Watzinger, Norbert;
    • Larson, Martin G.;
    • Smith, Nicholas L.;
    • Dehghan, Abbas;
    • Großhennig, Anika;
    • Schillert, Arne;
    • Teumer, Alexander;
    • Schmidt, Reinhold;
    • Kathiresan, Sekar;
    • Lumley, Thomas;
    • Aulchenko, Yurii S.;
    • König, Inke R.;
    • Zeller, Tanja;
    • Homuth, Georg
    Publication type:
  • Plasma symmetric dimethylarginine reference limits from the Framingham offspring cohort.

    Published in:
    Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine, 2011, v. 49, n. 11, p. 1907, doi. 10.1515/CCLM.2011.679
    • Schwedhelm, Edzard;
    • Xanthakis, Vanessa;
    • Maas, Renke;
    • Sullivan, Lisa M.;
    • Atzler, Dorothee;
    • Lüneburg, Nicole;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Riederer, Ulrich;
    • Vasan, Ramachandran S.;
    • Böger, Rainer H.
    Publication type:
  • No Interactions Between Previously Associated 2-Hour Glucose Gene Variants and Physical Activity or BMI on 2-Hour Glucose Levels.

    Published in:
    Diabetes, 2012, v. 61, n. 5, p. 1291, doi. 10.2337/db11-0973
    • Scott, Robert A.;
    • Chu, Audrey Y.;
    • Grarup, Niels;
    • Manning, Alisa K.;
    • Hivert, Marie-France;
    • Shungin, Dmitry;
    • Tönjes, Anke;
    • Yesupriya, Ajay;
    • Barnes, Daniel;
    • Bouatia-Naji, Nabila;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Jackson, Anne U.;
    • Kutalik, Zoltán;
    • Lagou, Vasiliki;
    • Marek, Diana;
    • Rasmussen-Torvik, Laura J.;
    • Stringham, Heather M.;
    • Tanaka, Toshiko;
    • Aadahl, Mette;
    • Arking, Dan E.
    Publication type:
  • A Bivariate Genome-Wide Approach to Metabolic Syndrome.

    Published in:
    Diabetes, 2011, v. 60, n. 4, p. 1329, doi. 10.2337/db10-1011
    • Kraja, Aldi T.;
    • Vaidya, Dhananjay;
    • Pankow, James S.;
    • Goodarzi, Mark O.;
    • Assimes, Themistocles L.;
    • Kullo, Iftikhar J.;
    • Sovio, Ulla;
    • Mathias, Rasika A.;
    • Sun, Yan V.;
    • Franceschini, Nora;
    • Absher, Devin;
    • Guo Li;
    • Qunyuan Zhang;
    • Feitosa, Mary F.;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Haritunians, Talin;
    • Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa;
    • Knowles, Joshua W.;
    • North, Kari E.;
    • Iribarren, Carlos
    Publication type:
  • Genetic variants in novel pathways influence blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2011, v. 478, n. 7367, p. 103, doi. 10.1038/nature10405
    • Ehret, Georg B.;
    • Munroe, Patricia B.;
    • Rice, Kenneth M.;
    • Bochud, Murielle;
    • Johnson, Andrew D.;
    • Chasman, Daniel I.;
    • Smith, Albert V.;
    • Tobin, Martin D.;
    • Verwoert, Germaine C.;
    • Hwang, Shih-Jen;
    • Pihur, Vasyl;
    • Vollenweider, Peter;
    • O'Reilly, Paul F.;
    • Amin, Najaf;
    • Bragg-Gresham, Jennifer L.;
    • Teumer, Alexander;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Launer, Lenore;
    • Hua Zhao, Jing;
    • Aulchenko, Yurii
    Publication type:
  • Meta-analysis identifies six new susceptibility loci for atrial fibrillation.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2012, v. 44, n. 6, p. 670, doi. 10.1038/ng.2261
    • Ellinor, Patrick T;
    • Lunetta, Kathryn L;
    • Albert, Christine M;
    • Glazer, Nicole L;
    • Ritchie, Marylyn D;
    • Smith, Albert V;
    • Arking, Dan E;
    • Müller-Nurasyid, Martina;
    • Krijthe, Bouwe P;
    • Lubitz, Steven A;
    • Bis, Joshua C;
    • Chung, Mina K;
    • Dörr, Marcus;
    • Ozaki, Kouichi;
    • Roberts, Jason D;
    • Smith, J Gustav;
    • Pfeufer, Arne;
    • Sinner, Moritz F;
    • Lohman, Kurt;
    • Ding, Jingzhong
    Publication type:
  • New loci associated with kidney function and chronic kidney disease.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2010, v. 42, n. 5, p. 376, doi. 10.1038/ng.568
    • Köttgen, Anna;
    • Pattaro, Cristian;
    • Böger, Carsten A.;
    • Fuchsberger, Christian;
    • Olden, Matthias;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Parsa, Afshin;
    • Xiaoyi Gao;
    • Qiong Yang;
    • Smith, Albert V.;
    • O'Connell, Jeffrey R.;
    • Man Li;
    • Schmidt, Helena;
    • Tanaka, Toshiko;
    • Isaacs, Aaron;
    • Ketkar, Shamika;
    • Shih-Jen Hwang;
    • Johnson, Andrew D.;
    • Dehghan, Abbas;
    • Teumer, Alexander
    Publication type:
  • Erratum: New genetic loci implicated in fasting glucose homeostasis and their impact on type 2 diabetes risk.

    Published in:
    • Dupuis, Josée;
    • Langenberg, Claudia;
    • Prokopenko, Inga;
    • Saxena, Richa;
    • Soranzo, Nicole;
    • Jackson, Anne U;
    • Wheeler, Eleanor;
    • Glazer, Nicole L;
    • Bouatia-Naji, Nabila;
    • Gloyn, Anna L;
    • Lindgren, Cecilia M;
    • Mägi, Reedik;
    • Morris, Andrew P;
    • Randall, Joshua;
    • Johnson, Toby;
    • Elliott, Paul;
    • Rybin, Denis;
    • Thorleifsson, Gudmar;
    • Steinthorsdottir, Valgerdur;
    • Henneman, Peter
    Publication type:
    Correction notice
  • Common variants in KCNN3 are associated with lone atrial fibrillation.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2010, v. 42, n. 3, p. 240, doi. 10.1038/ng.537
    • Ellinor, Patrick T.;
    • Lunetta, Kathryn L.;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Pfeufer, Arne;
    • Alonso, Alvaro;
    • Chung, Mina K.;
    • Sinner, Moritz F.;
    • de Bakker, Paul I. W.;
    • Mueller, Martina;
    • Lubitz, Steven A.;
    • Fox, Ervin;
    • Darbar, Dawood;
    • Smith, Nicholas L.;
    • Smith, Jonathan D.;
    • Schnabel, Renate B.;
    • Soliman, Elsayed Z.;
    • Rice, Kenneth M.;
    • Van Wagoner, David R.;
    • Beckmann, Britt-M.;
    • van Noord, Charlotte
    Publication type:
  • New genetic loci implicated in fasting glucose homeostasis and their impact on type 2 diabetes risk.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2010, v. 42, n. 2, p. 105, doi. 10.1038/ng.520
    • Dupuis, Josée;
    • Langenberg, Claudia;
    • Prokopenko, Inga;
    • Saxena, Richa;
    • Soranzo, Nicole;
    • Jackson, Anne U.;
    • Wheeler, Eleanor;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Bouatia-Naji, Nabila;
    • Gloyn, Anna L.;
    • Lindgren, Cecilia M.;
    • Mägi, Reedik;
    • Morris, Andrew P.;
    • Randall, Joshua;
    • Johnson, Toby;
    • Elliott, Paul;
    • Rybin, Denis;
    • Thorleifsson, Gudmar;
    • Steinthorsdottir, Valgerdur;
    • Henneman, Peter
    Publication type:
  • Genetic variation in GIPR influences the glucose and insulin responses to an oral glucose challenge.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2010, v. 42, n. 2, p. 142, doi. 10.1038/ng.521
    • Saxena, Richa;
    • Hivert, Marie-France;
    • Langenberg, Claudia;
    • Tanaka, Toshiko;
    • Pankow, James S.;
    • Vollenweider, Peter;
    • Lyssenko, Valeriya;
    • Bouatia-Naji, Nabila;
    • Dupuis, Josée;
    • Jackson, Anne U.;
    • Linda Kao, W. H.;
    • Man Li;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Manning, Alisa K.;
    • Jian'an Luan;
    • Stringham, Heather M.;
    • Prokopenko, Inga;
    • Johnson, Toby;
    • Grarup, Niels;
    • Boesgaard, Trine W.
    Publication type:
  • Multiple loci influence erythrocyte phenotypes in the CHARGE Consortium.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2009, v. 41, n. 11, p. 1191, doi. 10.1038/ng.466
    • Ganesh, Santhi K.;
    • Zakai, Neil A.;
    • van Rooij, Frank J. A.;
    • Soranzo, Nicole;
    • Smith, Albert V.;
    • Nalls, Michael A.;
    • Ming-Huei Chen;
    • Kottgen, Anna;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Dehghan, Abbas;
    • Kuhnel, Brigitte;
    • Aspelund, Thor;
    • Qiong Yang;
    • Tanaka, Toshiko;
    • Jaffe, Andrew;
    • Bis, Joshua C. M.;
    • Verwoert, Germaine C.;
    • Teumer, Alexander;
    • Fox, Caroline S.;
    • Guralnik, Jack M.
    Publication type:
  • Genome-wide association study of blood pressure and hypertension.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2009, v. 41, n. 6, p. 677, doi. 10.1038/ng.384
    • Levy, Daniel;
    • Ehret, Georg B.;
    • Rice, Kenneth;
    • Verwoert, Germaine C.;
    • Launer, Lenore J.;
    • Dehghan, Abbas;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Morrison, Alanna C.;
    • Johnson, Andrew D.;
    • Aspelund, Thor;
    • Aulchenko, Yurii;
    • Lumley, Thomas;
    • Köttgen, Anna;
    • Vasan, Ramachandran S.;
    • Rivadeneira, Fernando;
    • Eiriksdottir, Gudny;
    • Xiuqing Guo;
    • Arking, Dan E.;
    • Mitchell, Gary F.;
    • Mattace-Raso, Francesco U. S.
    Publication type:
  • Multiple loci associated with indices of renal function and chronic kidney disease.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2009, v. 41, n. 6, p. 712, doi. 10.1038/ng.377
    • Köttgen, Anna;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Dehghan, Abbas;
    • Shih-Jen Hwang;
    • Katz, Ronit;
    • Man Li;
    • Qiong Yang;
    • Gudnason, Vilmundur;
    • Launer, Lenore J.;
    • Harris, Tamara B.;
    • Smith, Albert V.;
    • Arking, Dan E.;
    • Astor, Brad C.;
    • Boerwinkle, Eric;
    • Ehret, Georg B.;
    • Ruczinski, Ingo;
    • Scharpf, Robert B.;
    • Chen, Yii-Der Ida;
    • de Boer, Ian H.;
    • Haritunians, Talin
    Publication type:
  • A Meta-analysis of Four Genome-Wide Association Studies of Survival to Age 90 Years or Older: The Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology Consortium.

    Published in:
    Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences, 2010, v. 65A, n. 5, p. 478, doi. 10.1093/gerona/glq028
    • Newman, Anne B.;
    • Walter, Stefan;
    • Lunetta, Kathryn L.;
    • Garcia, Melissa E.;
    • Slagboom, P. Eline;
    • Christensen, Kaare;
    • Arnold, Alice M.;
    • Aspelund, Thor;
    • Aulchenko, Yurii S.;
    • Benjamin, Emelia J.;
    • Christiansen, Lene;
    • D'Agostino, Ralph B.;
    • Fitzpatrick, Annette L.;
    • Franceschini, Nora;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Gudnason, Vilmundur;
    • Hofman, Albert;
    • Kaplan, Robert;
    • Karasik, David;
    • Kelly-Hayes, Margaret
    Publication type:
  • Antihypertensive Treatment With ACE Inhibitors or β-Blockers and Risk of Incident Atrial Fibrillation in a General Hypertensive Population.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Hypertension, 2009, v. 22, n. 5, p. 538, doi. 10.1038/ajh.2009.33
    • Heckbert, Susan R.;
    • Wiggins, Kerri L.;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Dublin, Sascha;
    • Psaty, Bruce M.;
    • Smith, Nicholas L.;
    • Longstreth, W. T.;
    • Lumley, Thomas
    Publication type:
  • Risk of Myocardial Infarction Attributable to Elevated Levels of Total Cholesterol Among Hypertensives

    Published in:
    American Journal of Hypertension, 2005, v. 18, n. 6, p. 759, doi. 10.1016/j.amjhyper.2004.12.015
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Smith, Nicholas L.;
    • Heckbert, Susan R.;
    • Doggen, Carine J.M.;
    • Lemaitre, Rozenn N.;
    • Psaty, Bruce M.
    Publication type:
  • Genetic Loci for Retinal Arteriolar Microcirculation.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2013, v. 8, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0065804
    • Sim, Xueling;
    • Jensen, Richard A.;
    • Ikram, M. Kamran;
    • Cotch, Mary Frances;
    • Li, Xiaohui;
    • MacGregor, Stuart;
    • Xie, Jing;
    • Smith, Albert Vernon;
    • Boerwinkle, Eric;
    • Mitchell, Paul;
    • Klein, Ronald;
    • Klein, Barbara E. K.;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Lumley, Thomas;
    • McKnight, Barbara;
    • Psaty, Bruce M.;
    • de Jong, Paulus T. V. M.;
    • Hofman, Albert;
    • Rivadeneira, Fernando;
    • Uitterlinden, Andre G.
    Publication type:
  • Multi-Ethnic Analysis of Lipid-Associated Loci: The NHLBI CARe Project.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2012, v. 7, n. 5, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0036473
    • Musunuru, Kiran;
    • Romaine, Simon P. R.;
    • Lettre, Guillaume;
    • Wilson, James G.;
    • Volcik, Kelly A.;
    • Tsai, Michael Y.;
    • Taylor, Jr., Herman A.;
    • Schreiner, Pamela J.;
    • Rotter, Jerome I.;
    • Rich, Stephen S.;
    • Redline, Susan;
    • Psaty, Bruce M.;
    • Papanicolaou, George J.;
    • Ordovas, Jose M.;
    • Liu, Kiang;
    • Krauss, Ronald M.;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Gabriel, Stacey B.;
    • Fornage, Myriam;
    • Cupples, L. Adrienne
    Publication type:
  • Diabetes mellitus, glycemic control, and risk of atrial fibrillation.

    Published in:
    • Dublin, Sascha;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Smith, Nicholas L.;
    • Psaty, Bruce M.;
    • Lumley, Thomas;
    • Wiggins, Kerri L.;
    • Page, Richard L.;
    • Heckbert, Susan R.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Fibrosis-Related Biomarkers and Risk of Total and Cause-Specific Mortality.

    Published in:
    • Agarwal, Isha;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Barasch, Eddy;
    • Biggs, Mary L.;
    • Djoussé, Luc;
    • Fitzpatrick, Annette L.;
    • Gottdiener, John S.;
    • Ix, Joachim H.;
    • Kizer, Jorge R.;
    • Rimm, Eric B.;
    • Siscovick, David S.;
    • Tracy, Russell P.;
    • Zieman, Susan J.;
    • Mukamal, Kenneth J.
    Publication type:
    Journal Article
  • Fibrosis-Related Biomarkers and Risk of Total and Cause-Specific Mortality.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Epidemiology, 2014, v. 179, n. 11, p. 1331, doi. 10.1093/aje/kwu067
    • Agarwal, Isha;
    • Glazer, Nicole L.;
    • Barasch, Eddy;
    • Biggs, Mary L.;
    • Djoussé, Luc;
    • Fitzpatrick, Annette L.;
    • Gottdiener, John S.;
    • Ix, Joachim H.;
    • Kizer, Jorge R.;
    • Rimm, Eric B.;
    • Siscovick, David S.;
    • Tracy, Russell P.;
    • Zieman, Susan J.;
    • Mukamal, Kenneth J.
    Publication type: